
A New Beginning


Running all day surely took a toll on me,my entire body is aching and I know that Eva is hurting too. I don't understand most of the things that happened today,I don't know why we came to Finland,I don't know why we ran into the woods in the middle of no where and I don't know why we ended up on Ralph's territory. All I know is that we are safe here,we were supposed to be here and as always we will accept our fate. Sighing,I look around the black and white bedroom that Ralph had brought us to in his magnificent mansion.

The front of the house is absolutely stunning, I've never seen such a perfect structure before and the view outside made it all the more worth it. Don't even get me started on the inside,I mean both Eva and I were left speechless at the glory of it. It's so perfect.

Both of us gaped at the house while Ralph just stood there staring at us amused. Gosh,this man is not only hot but creative as well,our jaws dropped when he told us that he designed this house as well as did all the interior design. Damn! It only makes senses that he's one of the best artists and architect in the world. After we were done exploring the house which had about 10 bedrooms,6 guest rooms,a sitting room, dining room,kitchen, laundry room,gym,two offices,a study room, lounge, library,store room,art gallery,music room filled with all types of musical instruments,game room and a cinema. Yep,I think that's about everything. This is more like a castle than a mansion and I can't believe it can't be seen as it is surrounded by thick trees. The fact that it's right in the middle of the forest and surrounded by a maze makes it even harder to locate. I guess Ralph likes privacy,I turn to him once I'm done assessing his room.

Evan: Wow.

Ralph:(nervous) Do you both like it?

Eva:(gape at him) Like it? Are you serious! We love it and we've never seen something like it before.

Ralph:(smiled softly) I'm glad because I designed it for my mate. I wanted to gift her this house when I found her to show her what she means to me.( Frowned) But then she rejected me on sight.

Evan:(came to him) She was foolish to ever let you go. But who cares this house belongs to us now.

Ralph:(looked into his eyes) Y...you want to stay with me in this house?

Eva: Ralph,we didn't plan on coming to Finland but something so strong pulled us here,forced us to drive all day, running until we came across this forest which was calling for us....

Evan: it was as if our body had a mind of it's own and we just ran into these woods not knowing where we were going. We just knew we were looking for something....or rather someone.

Ralph: That's sounds strange.

Evan:No,it does not. Our fates brought us to you and we will be staying with you,care for you and love you until fate decides otherwise.(cupped his cheeks) We won't leave you until then.

Eva: What's this?

We both turned to see what she was talking about only to find her holding up a Rambo knife and frowning at it. I saw Ralph tense at the corner of my eyes making me frown too. What could that dagger be doing here at this time of the night?Eva must've noticed Ralph's changed demeanor because she glared at him and trust me,you don't wanna lie to her when she's pissed. Both my sister and I hate lies more than anything.

Ralph:(gulped) That's a dagger,i....I was kind of fed up of being tortured and unwanted so....I tried to kill myself but your arrival stopped me.

Eva:(gasped) You wanted to commit suicide....

Evan:And had we not trespassed on your territory and caused your friends to call you urgently then you....

Ralph: Elvis and I would be dead. I'm sorry...I didn't know what else to do anymore....it hurt so much..

Eva:(hugged him) It's ok. Shh, we're here now. We love you and we want you so never think that you are alone again.

Evan: We'll forget everything and start afresh,the three of us will work through this together, we'll deal with every problem together and have a new beginning.

Ralph:Thank you.

Evan:No need.( Hugged them both) I love you,both.

Eva: we love you too.

With that I left them both talking to take a shower. Eva went in after me and Ralph was last. He gave Eva one of his shirts to wear for bed and we both slept in our boxers. We put Eva in the middle with our arms around her waist before drifting to a peaceful sleep.

Eva's POV

*Next morning*

A banging on the front door downstairs jerked Evan and I from sleep. Being always on the run,we have gotten used to being alert so we are slight sleepers. We looked around the room,when we couldn't find Ralph anywhere,we looked at each other and jumped off the bed. We swung the bedroom door open before sprinting down the flight of steps. We could hear snarls and growling coming from the living room so we went there. The sight in front of us shocked us. Ralph was pinned down on the floor by a group of large men while two versions of him stood there watching with evil smirks. One looked older so he must be Ralph's father,the other was the same age as Ralph so he must be his twin. Evan being the short tempered one between us grabbed two of the large wolves who held Ralph down and tossed them across the room. Ralph's brother and father looked on shocked, I took down the remaining two as they tried to hurt my twin. Extreme anger seeped through me and I knocked both the men out with a flying kick each. Evan helped Ralph to his feet,checked him for injuries before hugging him. Ralph looked terrified,his entire body trembled in fear,his eyes held horror and I knew that his tragic past came crashing down on him when they pinned him down. He knew he couldn't save himself but more than that,he feared for us. I won't spare his family or anyone who's responsible for this. When Evan pulled back,he ran to me and hugged me tightly burying his nose in my neck sniffing me like he did to Evan.

Eva: It's ok,(she cooed)

Ralph:Let me hold you for a while,let me feel you. We need to know that you're really here and safe,(he sniffled) the... they shouldn't have come...

Man:What the fuck is going on here?(he boomed). What are pathetic humans doing in our world?!

Evan: Excuse me!(he seethed) You come barging in here uninvited,dare to pin our mate on the ground and you have the guts to insult us,dog!!!(he roared furiously).

Boy:(Growled) Don't fuckin' disrespect my father like that, mutt! He is the Alpha of this Pack,Alpha Bruno Ortiz and you will respect him!

Ralph:Like hell he will, he's my mate and he won't bow down to this pathetic excuse of a man!(he snarled) And you better lower your tone when speaking to him, Raphael.

Bruno:(Scoffed) Why of course, it's only logical for you to get such weak and useless mates like yourself. You even got a boy as your mate,how disgusting.

Raphael: You don't deserve to be Alpha,Ralph. Step down or we'll strip you off your little,you unwanted basta.....

Enough is enough,I wasn't gonna stand there and watch these two continue to abuse our mate and it seems Evan has run out of his own patience too. We both charged forward furiously,a glint of fear flashed through Raphael and Bruno but they quickly recovered. They lunged forward to attack but we quickly side stepped them, landing a triple spin kick on their jaws. They fell on the floor with a thud,that only made them angrier and we watched as they shifted into their wolves. I noticed that Ralph's friends,the ones we met last night had burst through the door probably trying to save their friend but they soon realised he was safe. Using the twin bond to our advantage,Evan and I leaped up just as the two wolves charged at us,we did a double spin in the air switching places in the process. I was now on Bruno's back while Evan was on Raphael's,the fools tried to shake us off but they had no idea who they were messing with. We grabbed their spines and pulled it up earning agonizing howls to from them before they dropped to the ground shifting back to human forms naked. We stood back,watched them cry in pain,they were sweating profusely. We didn't want to kill them,we wanted them to suffer more pain than they gave Ralph. Now they will spend the rest of their pathetic lives on a bed or wheelchair,they will never walk again.

Evan:Shut the fuck up or we'll stitch your stinking foul mouths shut!(he yelled furiously).

Eva:For now we just broke your useless spines so you can never walk again.

Raphael: You bitch!(growled).

Eva:(pressed on his broken spine with her foot) Say that again?

Raphael:Aaaaaaaah!(he howled). I'm...I'm sorry.

Eva: Good. From now on you will respect Ralph as your Alpha,you will show us respect as his mates and you will not even by mistake hurt him or any innocent ever again, understand!

Raphael:Y...yes (he shivered).

Eva:Yes what?

Raphael:Yes,Luna. I understand.

Evan: That's better. And you..(kicked Bruno on his rips) You better learn who the real Alpha is around here or else,it won't take me long to send you straight to hell,got it!

Bruno:(whimpered) Y...yes, Alpha.

Evan: Ralph?(turned to him).

Ralph:(snapped out of his daze)Huh?

Evan:(smiled softly) What do you want to do with these morons?

Ralph:They did attack their Alpha and his mates which is punishable by death but I'll sentence them to life in prison and strip them off their tittle to Omegas.

Will:Well,you heard the Alpha,get these "morons" out of here!(He ordered the warriors who came with them).

We all watched as the warriors dragged them away. Not long after that I was being pulled into a tight hug making me giggle as Ralph sniffed my neck then Evan's. How he managed to grab us both, I have no idea. Evan chuckled as he kissed Ralph's neck. Will,Zion and Kira stood there watching us with amused smiles on their faces.

Evan:(pulled back) You are free from those two now.

Ralph:Thank you for standing up for me. I really don't know how to thank you both (tears brimmed in his eyes).

Eva: Live and be happy. We'll do anything for you because we love you.

Kira:(cleared her throat)Wow,that was awesome,next time,do tell us before you pull such a stunt.

Zion: She's right, we'll need time to get popcorn.


Will:(turned to Evan) Remind me not to piss you both off. Now I know what you meant when you said you'll not let Ralph be harmed.( Bowed) Our respect for you has doubled and we'd love to pledge our loyalty to you both as our Alpha and Luna.

Eva:Thank you for everything.

Will:(shook his head) No,thank you both for accepting our Alpha. W

e don't know what would've happened to him if it weren't for you two.

Kira: Really,you did us a great favor. Welcome to the Pack.