



Among all the days in a week, why did I come back to work on a Wednesday?

It's not that I don't like the day, and the fact that I'm still dog tired from last night's Red Moonball... It's just that, it's the exact day Ms. Dawn left me for a trip overseas.


Dramatic of me?

Yes, yes I am for she will be gone for a whole month people!

She'll be leaving me with not just duties and responsibilities but also staff people; a hundred and twenty regulars and almost two hundred non-regulars.

I can't even help one person with their issue, and to have this much personnel for a month?

I just wanted to fall flat on the ground and cry.

Though she needed the break and I truly understand the escapade part — literally — she wants from her mates. So, as much as I hated this, I just agreed to it. Besides, she assured me that I will have my very own vacation when she comes home.

And did I mention, it's for a month too?

I quickly smiled.