
The Band

My alarm blared out loudly, pulling me from my deep slumber. I sighed and tried to reach for it with my eyes closed but ended up falling out of the bed with a thud. I groaned, grabbed the phone and finally shut the alarm off. I ran my hands down my face trying to wake myself up to resist the urge to jump back into the soft, warm sheets.

I had to attend a meeting with the alpha of the pack, who was my adoptive father, and the rest of my band to discuss our next performance. We usually performed for events like bonfires, parties and pack visits. My dad said that it made our pack unique because we were the only pack that had a personal band as well as showing our strength since we had time to run it. It showed how smoothly our pack runs, or something like that. I must admit I never really listened to that boring gloating of my father.

Oh yes, you heard right. I was adopted. The alpha and Luna adopted me after my biological parents died. They died in a rogue attack when I was a little girl. My biological mother was very close friends with the Luna as she was one of her handmaid's and my Father was the head fighter so he was the main protector besides the beta. My adoptive parents couldn't have any more children after their first born and I had just lost my parents. It all fell into place and we were close before my parents died anyway so it wasn't too big of an adjustment for me.

I was extremely lucky that they did adopt me. If they hadn't, I would have been raised in the orphanage. Most of the orphans turned out to be outlaws because the orphanage didn't get a lot of love. It was something the pack had because the children had to go somewhere but no one really cared about them. Because of the lack of love being given to the orphans, they lacked good education and they had no role models apart from one another.

I pulled open my curtains and glanced out of the window to see the sun starting to rise above the trees. I smiled at the beautiful site and headed into my bathroom to go through my morning routine. I lived in the pack house which was basically a mansion so all of the rooms had a bathroom. That was a perk to living with the Alpha and Luna, I got one of the best rooms.

I got into the shower and let the water caress my skin and relax my tense muscles for a while before washing my long brown hair and my porcelain skin, which was actually quite odd for a werewolf to have. Usually a werewolf would have naturally tanned, glowing skin but for some reason I didn't have it. Once scrubbed, I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. I cleaned my teeth, washed my face and I dried my hair quickly, pulling it into a side braid, while I walked back into my bedroom.

I looked at my reflection in the floor length mirror. I didn't see myself as pretty even though I was often told I was. My hair was long, chocolate brown and had a stubborn wave to it. The type of wave that came back within an hour of being straightened. My eyes were blue but not the bright, pure type. They were a greyish blue, almost like rain clouds. My nose was nothing special, quite basic. I was lucky to have been gifted with my mothers clear skin and didn't wear much makeup as a result of it. I was often told that I looked a lot like her apart from my eyes and hair, they came from my father.

I threw on some simple blue jeans, a white shirt and a chunky knit cardigan as well as some black ankle boots with a chunky heel. I rushed out of my room, locking the door behind me and ran downstairs, down the hall and finally reached my dads office.

I straightened out my clothing and walked into the room to see the rest of the band along with my dad sat waiting for me. Dad gave me a pointed look as if he was scolding me with his eyes. I rolled my eyes slightly and took a seat next to my friend, Jasmine.

Jasmine was very pretty and a wonderful girl. She was backing vocals and bass guitar in the band. Her eyes were a beautiful green, they reminded me of a meadow. Her hair was slightly shorter than mine, it settled on her shoulder blades and it was a beautifully unique red colour, which she had coloured herself. She was such a bubbly, outgoing person and she was very popular within the pack, pretty much the complete opposite of me.

Dean was my best friend and the lead guitarist of our band. He was like a brother to me. He was so caring and protective of me but it wasn't overbearing. His hair was short, brown and swept over his forehead. His best feature was his memorising amber eyes, which you could lose yourself in .

The drummer of our band was Jed. I wasn't as close to Jed as he was a very closed off and private person. He had jet black hair and brown eyes and he was a bit of an emo. He was still a lovely person and we had a good working relationship but when we weren't working, he was completely shut off to the rest of us.

Our rhythm guitarist was Noah, Jasmine's twin. As you can imagine she was basically a copy of Jasmine except her hair was a natural, ash blonde. She was a very pure and delicate person. She was very innocent and she was truly a blessing to her parents and the rest of the pack. She was the one who tried to keep the peace within the pack, she was a therapist. There was no surprise that she was gifted with her mate so early when she was only sixteen.

And I alternated between violin, lead vocals and piano. I was like a combination of Noah and Dean. I was very innocent like Noah but I wasn't quite as pure. You would never find Noah swearing where as I swore like a sailor when I was angry. Noah would never lay a finger on another human or wolf whether she was being attacked or not but me and Dean were always training to build ourselves up and try to be our strongest.

"Now," my Dad exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "In two weeks, the Alpha of Black Sun is coming to visit our pack, to discuss some business. Now as you know, they are the strongest pack in the world so I want the best performance you have ever performed. I want the five of you to perform at the welcoming meal. Do you think you could do that?"

There was a chorus of yes alphas around the room and I nodded. He thanked us and dismissed us. I was cussing silently in my head. That's all he woke us up for?

"Oh Belle, please stay," he smiled as I was about to get up. I nodded and waited for the others to file out.

"I want to give you something," he said grinning from ear to ear.

I eyed him suspiciously. Now what was he up to? He pulled out a black box that was the shape of a violin case and it had a small gold bow on it answering my question.

"I wanted to give you this. I couldn't help myself when I saw it. I know you've wanted one like this for a while," he grinned.

I opened the box and my jaw dropped. Oh. My. Goodness! Sat in the red velvet of the inside, was a stunning, dark wood violin with a matching bow.

"Oh my! Dad its gorgeous! Thank you!" I squealed running around his desk and throwing my arms around him. He chuckled and hugged me back.

"You're welcome," he smiled at me and pulled my hands into his when we pulled apart.

"I want you to look after it and have fun with it," he told me with a grin which I responded to with an excited nod.

"Now go! Go rehearse!" he demanded playfully as I put the violin back in it's case.

I pretty much ran into the music room wanting to show it to the band. "It's so pretty!" I squealed.

"Well I'm not an it but I know sweetheart, I know I am," Noah joked, turning around from helping Jed tighten the skins on his drums which he hadn't done for ages. That made me even happier. He hated tightening his skins because apparently it was a lot of messing around. I just told him to suck it up.

"Not you idiot, but you are flawless babe," I joked. "This!" I squealed pulling out the violin. Their mouths dropped open in shock. They were so shocked mainly because of how beautiful it was but also because it was such an expensive violin.

"It's beautiful," Jasmine breathed and Noah nodded.

"Go on. Have a go," Jed encouraged, obviously eager for the distraction. I rolled my eyes slightly.

I grinned and tuned it up. Everyone stepped back, giving me some space. I started to play He's a Pirate from Pirates of the Caribbean and savoured the crisp sound of the wonderful violin as I played. When I got to the main part the rest of the band joined in. It sounded awesome. All of the string instruments we replaced with the guitars. I suppose we just made our own remix.

That violin was the best violin I ever had and I cherished it like gold.