
ALpha's dangerous Attraction

Laila Hales grew up to believe she was a human, only for her to discover that she was a werewolf... Meanwhile, Christamos Greyold was the the richest and most successful Alpha of his time.... read and discover more..

Royal_Anna · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs

Chapter 45 The symptoms

(The symptoms)

Clinton's POV

It's been 3 days now, I and Gray's been getting along well and the best thing is that he get to meet Goodwyn and Ekan's sons, thor and shem, they've gotten along well and though he's been living with the Humans, he's a better and more skillful warrior than all the kids his age. I was proud of his skills, and he's also a basketball fan like I was back then. He loves my favorite food but hates my favorite color and he's also left handed like me. I never knew I'll ever get a younger version of myself. But he's really mean and less of words... Though I'm no talkative but being strict like this is not good for a kid his age and what's more, he knows more than he should know. I smiled as I watched him boxing with the trainer. "He will make a great alpha." Elder Tom stated and I smiled

"I need to get my mate, I want us to be a complete family, I love them so much." I said and he sighed

"Can't still forget her?" He asked

"She's my Luna, I can't forget her, ever." I sounded determined

"You use what you have to get what you want," Elder Tom stated and walked away.

"Use what I have..." I meditated and I realized what he meant by that

"Gray," I called as he walked up to me, I pecked him on the head.

"It's high time we get your mum." I said to Gray who nodded

"Will you bring mum here?" He asked

"We'll bring her here, together, but first of all, I need to earn her trust." I said and he smirked

"I can help, I've got a plan..."


Laila's POV

I paced back and forth in the doctor's office, I was nervous as hell, Flake and Nina followed me to the pack's hospital, a big Moonlight hospital with the best doctors and hospital facilities. I was nervous, curious and all, after noticing some signs in me this morning, I puke at the smell of veggies and Sapphire is weak. I just prayed it's not what I was thinking, I have to ensure there's no more enemies around before I birth a child, I don't want to bring a child who's got so many enemies and living in fears, then grows up to be a murderer in the name of warrior. The doctor I know to be Damien entered with a broad smile on his face and I gulped, he was the best doctors so far, schooled at one of the best schools at India and he's being recommended round the city.

"So... What's the result?" I asked Damien who asked me to seat.

"You're really anxious Luna." Damien stated and handed me the result. I took a deep breath before going through it. I gasped, I was already 3 months gone, I shook my head

"This.. This result.. I mean, I shouldn't be 3 months gone already?" I explained and he chuckled

"You're a werewolf, so your pregnancy rate is faster than a human." He said and Sapphire was excited, we're gonna be a mother soon, I gently caressed my stomach and a warm feeling spread through me, I smiled and bit my lower lip

"Yeah big sis, congratulations.." Nina was really excited

"Wow Laila, I'm really happy for you." Flake said hugging me, I smiled at them and hugged them.

"You wanna see your baby?" Doc.

Damien asked with a smile and I sighed slightly shaking my head

"Yes," I heard Chris voice called as Sapphire jumped in excitement, I turned to him, he's still on his working suit that was opened, revealing his hair masculine built chest. I gasped, he was stalking me

"Good day Alpha." Damien greeted

"We'll love to see our baby, right love?" Chris asked me and I nodded with a wide smile

"We're gonna be parents." I whispered to him and he chuckled softly

"Yeah, and great ones." He pecked my head and I was really thrilled. They took me to a room i switched into theatre clothes as I laid on a soft bed, a woman applied a jelly like substance on my belly and she used an object to roam the jelly substance. She pointed to the screen and watching my baby breath was the best thing ever, Sapphire squeaked as Chris caressed my palms in his. He smiled at me, watching the living little one in me gave me a satisfaction and joy that I've never known.

"This is your baby's head, here his stomach." The lady said and I nodded, she wiped the jelly substance off my belly and smiled at me

"Your baby is really big, you should take good care of yourself." She said and I nodded

"How did you find me?" I asked Chris who chuckled and helped me on my shoes as I changed back into my gown

"It's not hard now that we're together right?" He asked and I hit him playfully on his arm

"You already know?" I asked and he smirked and kissed me.

"Why shouldn't I? It's already breathing right?" He asked

"Unbelievable!" Sapphire muttered

"You shouldn't let the pack or my family know yet," I stated

"Why?" He inquired

"Cos there are many people around who wants us both dead and they'll be a threat to our pup." I replied and he sighed with a smile

"Laila, I have to go now, Gray asked me to meet him at the glossy restaurant." Flake stated hurriedly packing her stuffs, I can't let her go alone, I don't want anything to go wrong.

"I'm coming with you." I announced

"No." They all said and I shook my head in disagreement

"I'll be fine okay? I need to help her get gray back." I sighed "she's my best friend, if I don't do it for her then who will?" I really want to help Flake move in with her mate and son and I must ensure that, nothing will stop me.

"Big sis, you need to have a good rest, your wedding is tomorrow and you are pregnant, I bet Flake understands." Nina explained

"Yes Laila, please stay back, I'll be back on time, I promise to get Gray okay? You can go on, I'll be fine." Flake said and I nodded

"Let Charlie go with you then?" I added and she nodded, I dialed charlie's number and I asked her to meet Flake at glossy restaurant." She agreed immediately and I smiled

"Okay, we're clean now." I said to her as she hugged me tight

"I'm glad we get to meet again." She said and hurriedly left

"Okay, now we're to go home." Chris said, I entered the BMW and they took off, I was just happy that I'm gonna be a mum soon and on the contrary, sad that my kid's got so many problems to face, I sighed, poor kid.

"I promise, I'll make our pups' life pleasant and fun for them okay?" Chris chirped in

"Do you always get to read my thoughts all the time? Not fair."I said and he smiled at me

"Really? That's what makes us one." He said, I scoffed. Soon we arrived at a big hotel and I was surprised to see lots of people decorating and arranging things, not as if I don't know tomorrow is my wedding but, there are so many people here

"What's going on?" I asked

"This is a lodge honey, people can lodge here whenever there's a ceremony to be held." He explained

We inspected the place then he drove me home, I was really exhausted and hungry, I've never felt so hungry before, is it part of the pregnancy thing? Men.. I don't like it

"Pull over."Chris ordered

"What would you like to eat?" Chris asked and I was excited at the mention of food

"Hamburgers and Strawberry ice cream." I said and he nodded, he dialed some numbers and ordered for the dietries. Soon a young lady brought in our orders and Sapphire squeaked like she haven't eaten for weeks, a bit embarrassing.

"Sapphire, your manners." I reminded her and she purred. I dug in and I ate like I've never eaten before. I felt the guards eyes on me, I was a bit embarrassed. Chris chuckled and wiped off the cream at the corner of my lips...