

In the presidential suite

Daniel was the only one seating in the room

whereas the the other were standing with their head down thinking that they action may show that they don't respect the young man in frown of them .

Daniel was getting headaches of all this formalities ... so

He ask " Mr. Edward what is all this ?"

Edward came forward and said " Young Master they are business man who want to welcome you "

In other word , they came to carry favour with the him so their business can flourish and they can be in good term with him

Edward continue to introduced them one by one

After the introduction was finished

Daniel ask " Mr. Edward can we have talk in private ? "

Then Edward nodded and signal the around businessman to get out and after the presidential suit was quite down

Edward came to him and said with respectfully

" Young Master what do you wanna know ? "

Daniel looking all this from beginning knowing that all this are not a joke but a real deal which going to change his life

Daniel ask " How do you know me ? "

Edward with a lie he said " Young Master this morning when i get out of bed , i see that there was a letter in the table with a ancient scription and after opening the letter i show your photo and Name were there and saying that ' serve your new master well ' and there was also a additional letter in there also "

Edward took out the letter and say " Young Master this letter is for you "

Daniel took the letter and open it ..

' Son , if this letter is open then i hope you forgive me to be not there with you but there is something important. Son you much have know by now that you a rich and rich came with power , danger and leadership so i hope you can learn from now on and Edward will help you and this Deluxe Hotel is now your to take care and expand you business from this . Take care and don't overwork . we will meet soon .'

Daniel was feeling very warmed in his heart as he always miss his family now that his father give him opportunity to show him what he can do , he became excited but he calm himself first as so not make him look dam in front of Edward ...