

They met a year ago. They were both applying for a job with the same company. They were both called for a job interview on the same day. Andro is applying as a human resource assistant while Ferns is applying as an accounting assistant. Andro got hired for the role while Ferns application was delayed for a year until he passes his professional board exam and he was called again for a final job interview and eventually got hired. Andro has Ferns contact number since he has access to personnel and applicants information of the company. He was texting Ferns anonymously for a few months until they lost communication because Ferns changed his number and Andro has no other way to reach out to him. Andro almost gave up and tried to move on. They met again after a year during an office lunch break. Andro will never forget about Ferns but Ferns does not remember. This is maybe because its Ferns second job and have made some friends from previous work. Andro is attracted with Ferns the first time they met and when he realized that Ferns didn't made it to the company he searched for Ferns. The second meeting was unexpected especially from Andro's end. Ferns' was introduced to Andro and while Ferns' is very pleasant and friendly to everybody and in their first meeting he offers Andro a handshake while the latter could not utter any words other than "hi" and "welcome aboard." And their story begins.... or their story continues...

Fernan_Diala · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs


Ferns first day at work is pretty much relaxing because he didn't do a lot other than to meet everyone and go around each offices of the company. But for Andro it is the opposite way around. He is on his way home riding his regular car pool service when realized how tiring day it was for him. How he survived Ferns today is not very easy. He cannot imagine how he is able to handle being with Ferns, stay compose and professional while his heart is pumping rapidly every seconds he was with Ferns.

He tries to stop thinking about what happen and closes his eyes. For him, what is important he saw Ferns again and he will be seeing Ferns everyday from now on. He is now has more reasons to go to work and he can't wait for tomorrow to see Ferns again.

Andro hates doing a lot of paperwork and go around the offices to attend to matters concerning administrative and human resources.

But today, his mindsets change because his scope of work will let him see Ferns all the time because there is never a day that he never visited the Finance and Accounting department where Ferns is. This way he is at least one step closer to get to know Ferns more.

Every time he has some paperwork for the Finance and Accounting department he always goes to Mhy. Of course, he would still let Mhy process the paperwork for him but since Ferns and Mhy are seatmates, he could still see and say hi to Ferns.

Andro came to work early today to finish some paperwork so that his boss can sign it as soon as she arrives. When she arrives, Andro reminds his boss that she has some urgent paperwork to attend to and needs to be released as soon as possible. He is waiting for his boss to bring out the paperwork out from her office while he nags Ava every second to do some follows up. Ava is wondering why Andro is extra persistent today to get the paperwork done. She finally gives in and gets the paperwork herself from their boss' office.

It's not even a minute yet since Ava hands over the paperwork back to Andro, he is quickly gone.

Today, there are two documents to be provided for the Finance and Accounting department. Andro plans to deliver it twice today separately. He will deliver the urgent document in the morning and the not so urgent document in the afternoon. With this plan, he would able to see Ferns twice today and of course during the lunch break too.

Andro takes the stairs since the Finance and Accounting department is just one floor above. When he enters the office, not everybody is still in yet even Mhy, which is not surprising because Mhy always comes in late but Ferns is already there. Andro walks straight to Mhy's desk first and he waits for Ferns to notice him. Ferns' is reading something so he didn't notice Andro. He is staring at Ferns and honestly he is enjoying the moment. This is the first time Andro got the chance to look at Ferns a little bit longer. Ferns' feels something that someone is staring at him so when he tunrs his head up he saw Andro standing in Mhy's desk.

"Hi Andro, how long have you been there?" Ferns' says.

"Not a long time yet, I saw you were busy reading I don't want to interrupt." Andro says.

"Don't be silly! How are you today?" Ferns' says.

"I am feeling good. I mean I am good! How are you?" Andro says.

"All good, thanks for asking. I am reading this employee orientation manual of the company." Ferns' says.

"I see, you don't have to understand it too much. When I started I never understood it a lot." Andro laughs.

"Haha I think it is much better if someone can explain it to me rather than to read it. It makes me sleepy while reading it." Ferns jokes.

"By the way, what brings you here?" Ferns' asks.

"I am looking for Mhy because I have some documents for her to receive." Andro answers.

"I see, does she needs to receive the documents herself or I can receive it for her and hand it over to her when she comes in?" Ferns' asks.

"Why not? Can you receive it for me please?" Andro says.

"Yes of course, in my last job any one from my team can receive any documents for our department." Ferns' explains.

Andro walks toward Ferns desk and hand him over the document.

He asks Ferns to sign in his logbook as a proof that someone from the department receives the document.

"So here is the document and just sign in your initial in my logbook too." Andro explains.

Andro is now closer with Ferns and he can smell Ferns' perfume from where he is standing. He smells so good, he said to himself.

"Alright, here you go!" Ferns cheerfully sign the receiving copy of the document and the logbook.

"Thank you!" Andro says.

"No worries, I will give it to Mhy as soon as she comes in." Ferns' says.

"I'll go ahead, I still have to deliver this documents to other department." Andro says.

"Alright, see you around, Andro!" Ferns waves him goodbye.

As Andro walks away he tries to smell himself. He was not sure if he smells good as Ferns. He promised himself he would wear more perfume next time he sees Ferns.

A few minutes before noon, Andro cannot wait for the clock to strike at 12 so that he could go very soon and have his lunch and see Ferns. Normally, he always waits for Renan to call him because they always go together to the cafeteria but this time he initiate the call.

"Hey, Renan its almost lunch break, c'mon lets go to the cafeteria." Andro says.

"Hello Andro! Hmm, this is the first time you ring me and ask me to go to lunch and its not even lunch break yet." Renan's surprisingly says.

"Bro, I did not have my breakfast this morning and I am starving to death." Andro response.

"Aww, okay sure let's meet in the cafeteria." Renan says then hangs up the phone.

Andro and Renan meet in the elevator and enter the cafeteria together and they see the rest of their friends. Andro saw Mhy but not Ferns.

"Hey Mhy, did you get the documents I delivered this morning?" Andro says.

"Hi Andro, yes I did. Ferns handed it over as soon as I came in." Mhy says.

"Yup, he was already there when I go to your office. As usual, you are again late." Andro says.

"Well, you know I am always late and you never deliver documents to us in an early morning." Mhy says while her one of her eyebrows is up.

Andro stops talking and he let Renan speaks.

"Mhy, where is Ferns by the way? Did you just abandon him quickly?" Renan laughs.

"Haha, funny Mr. Human Resources! Ferns is very adorable, why would I abandon him?" Mhy says.

"That is true. Mhy always talks about Ferns since yesterday. I think she has a new crush in the office." Jovy butts in and she looks at Andro.

Andro starts to blush. Every one knows Mhy has a crush on him.

"Jovy, you are a traitor, I am gonna kill you!" Mhy turns to Jovy and tries to stop Jovy from keep on talking.

"Yes, Mhy where is Ferns?" Jing joins the conversation.

"Well, today he went out for lunch with his boss. You know boss' lunch treat to her new staff." Mhy answers.

That explains why he is not here, Andro said to himself.

Andro misses Ferns during lunch break but he has another chance to see him today.

After lunch, Andro comes back to his desk, goes to the toilet to brush his teeth and comes back to his desk again and does some work and organize the paperwork that he will deliver to the Finance and Accounting department. He is taking his time because he wants to make sure that Ferns is already back in his desk after his lunch out with his boss.

When he was about to leave he remembers to wear a perfume. He takes his perfume out from his bag and sprays some to his neck and to his shirt. Ava smells him. Ava is a little gossiper herself so she asks Andro.

"Hmm, Andro what are you up to? What's with the extra smelling good today?" Ava says jokingly.

"Huh? Nothing, I forgot to wear perfume this morning. By the way, see you in a little while I have some documents to provide the Finance and Accounting department." Andro says and walks away.

"Alright, let me know if you made an impression?" Ava giggles.

Andro takes the stairway again to go to the Finance and Accounting department. He sees Ferns and Mhy is sitting together as he enters their office. They must be discussing something. When he reaches their desks, he saw that they are not having a meeting but they were eating.

"Lunch is over, isn't it?" Andro interrupts and smiles to both.

"Haha we are just having a dessert. Ferns brought me some sweets from their lunch out." Mhy laughs.

"Hey Andro, would you like some?" Ferns' asks politely.

"Thanks but I am fine." Andro looks very pleased.

"I insist you should try this mini brownies." Ferns' answers and takes one of the mini brownies and gives it to Andro.

But Andro's hand is full so he cannot take it from Ferns hand at the moment.

"Put it in his mouth, Ferns!" Mhy commands.

Without any hesitation, Ferns follows Mhy and coins the brownies in Andro's mouth.

Andro opens his mouth and eat the brownies. He was startled, he never expects Ferns to do it.

"Is it good?" Ferns' excitedly ask Andro.

Andro still chewing the food so he just nod his head to affirm that it is good.

"It must be very good because you just feed him!" Mhy jokes.

Before Andro and Ferns says anything, Mhy asks Andro quickly.

"What are you doing here again?" Mhy sighs.

After swallowing the food, Andro says, "Another documents for you to process, please?"

"Ok, whatever! You always give us more work." Mhy complains.

While she is signing the receiving copy of the documents and Andro's logbook she smells something. Something good. She smells Andro.

"Hey, Andro why are you smelling very good today?" Mhy is acting suspiciously.

"Huh? Me? Are you sure it is me?" Andro is clearing his throat.

"Of course its you. I know the smell of Ferns' perfume and I smells a different perfume this time." Mhy inhales deeply.

Ferns butts in and asks Andro, "What is your brand of perfume, Andro? It smells good actually."

"It's Calvin Klein." Andro says.

"It's the original scent, right?" Ferns' follows up.

"Yes it is!" Andro answers politely.

"It is one of my favorite actually." Ferns smiles.

For the first time, Andro saw Ferns' beautiful set of teeth when he smiles. He was again mesmerized.

"Ehem, you did not answer my question!" Mhy whines.

"I got to go, I still have some urgent work to finish today." Andro said and walks away.

Ferns and Mhy stares at each other, they just laugh and continue eating the brownies.