
Some Hope

I turned my head in the direction of Marquise's voice. There was a slight hint of anger in his tone as he grabbed my attention. His body was stiff and his eyes where narrowed in disgust. Michael looked as pale as a ghost next to him. I could see he was slightly trembling, but I couldn't tell if it was from anger, or distress. It was clear that what ever they found disturbing, and I could only think it was from Jeremiah's body. Which I wasn't far off.

Dragging between them was a very limp and raggedy looking Jeremiah. His once long blonde hair was now matted and caked with mud and blood. The way his body dragged stiffly in between, made me think he had been dead for awhile. Probably even before that letter was sent to us. They dropped him carefully face down in the dirt, blood caked all over his body. My stomach churned at the state of my scout, feeling sorry that he had been turned against. I couldn't imagine what if felt like to be betrayed by such a close relative.

Nathaniel and Jeremiah where found by General Bregus when they where younger. Two hungry and abandoned orphans who scavengered the streets for food and money. Often times they where arrested for stealing. General Bregus always had a soft spot for them. Giving them food and water while they where being imprisoned. He even brought them home every now and then to feed and cloth them. Just to keep them off the street. Jeremiah was the chatty out going one who always loved to hunt. Nathaniel was calmer, quieter, and more reserved in his actions. They always stuck together like glue.

Even Michael was close to the two. They practically grew up together. So it was all very upsetting to find that Nathaniel had killed his only real relative and friend. What was more disturbing, was when they rolled him over. He had been practically gutted. The deep gash in his stomach revealed all of his innards. There was a slice across his throat, and blood just coated every inch of his body. His face had started to sink in, his eyes glassed over. But there wasn't an inch of pain on his face, almost pity and despair. What ever happened in his final moment, Jeremiah didn't blame him.

"Did you happen to find signs of Maxwell at all?" My voice cracked as I clawed my way to a standing position. Nicklos rose behind me, keeping me steady. Using his shoulder as a crutch, I hobbled diligently over to Jeremiah's body.

"It's hard to tell, but we did discover a second track of blood spatters. It wasn't as much as his, and I don't think the wounds are severe. But if Maxwell was here, he isn't anymore. There is a little sign of struggle, but it almost looks intentional. The display of the wreckage seems placed, not caused. I don't know if that is suppose to be a sign for us, or if it's suppose to throw us off." Marquise rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he spoke. His brows knit close together. His hair was starting to become ruffled and wild looking the more the light went on.

The dark bags under his eyes, the red hand mark on his neck, and the way he kept sighing and muttering to himself where clear signs of stress. I limped over to him, placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and squeezed it.

"Take it easy, we will get to the bottom of this. But for right now, I think we need to find a place to hunker down and lay out a plan. As it sounds, Maxwell must have escaped. With that being said, he isn't safe. He is the key component to the answers we need about that poison. With the ball getting closer and closer, we are running out of time. I asked the Chief to bring us bland clothing to try and blend in with the homeless the presides around Stratheom. As long as we keep our heads down, we should be undetectable." Ignoring the pain radiating up my leg like a scorching hot prode, I bent down, shutting Jeremiah's eyes.

His flesh was cold and stiff. My heart throbbed for him, knowing that the only ones who would ever remember his good deeds, was Michael, General Bregus, and I. I wasn't close with the twins, but I respected the way they worked. It was a tragic loss to lose them both. One in death, and the other in loyalty I just wish I knew what was going through Nathaniel's mind. What possessed him to commit such a heinous act?

"Alliah, do you think they won't spread word of our arrival? I highly doubt that they expected those men to be able to over throw us. I think it was a ploy to slow us down so they could hunt down Maxwell. After all, they will want him alive because he is a pharmacutical expert. They will find ways to make him cooperate." Michael seemed to have recovered some of his color now as he spoke.

"We don't have a lot of options, and I can't go unseen for much longer. I have to get this arrow out of my leg and patched up before we think of doing something extravagant. Not to mention, if we stay out doors, we are more susceptible to open attacks. Plus, if we split up, we can find out information from the vendors or city folk about Maxwell. The faster we act, the faster we can get the upper hand to their plans." There was also the issue of finding out who my mystery sister was. If we can uncover her identity, then we can apprehend her and end this madness.

"We also need to find out who this older sister is. If she does in fact exsist, she won't stop at anything to over throw the throne. I don't know if she plans on being a ruler, or if she plans on bringing down the entire kingdom, I just know that I can't let that happen." I rose back to my feet, hissing through my teeth as I tried to push past the pain. Nicklos gripped my shoulders, trying to offer me comfort the best he could.

"I agree with Alliah. I have dealth with these people before. They will do anything they can to get their results. If Alliah injured, it would slow us down. We should find a place to rest for tonight, and get her taken cared of. I happen to know of an Inn that isn't prejudice against Knights, or even royals. He has helped us out a lot when our Kingdom was under attack. I am sure he has no qualms with helping us again." Nicklos wrapped his arms underneath my legs and lifted me against his chest. Despite how embarressing it was being carried about, it was still nice not being made to walk. I could feel myself getting weaker, the blood loss was becoming too much.

"Alliah's got the clothes in her satchel. I'll grab them and then we can head that way. When we get inside, we can send a message to General Bregus as well and inform your father about what has transpired." Marquise stated as he stood, staring down at Jeremiah. Michael also looked down uneasily at his deceased friend.

"Marquise, let's burn his body and send him off. I don't like keeping him here out in the open like this." Michael said quietly. Marquise gave him a silent nod before reaching down and grabbing Jermiah's arm. Michael grabbed the other one, lifting him limply from the ground. I watched as they silently dragged him off, feeling my heart squeeze once more. I absently placed my hand against Nicklos's chest, and he tightened his grip around me. He gently placed a kiss on my forehead, as we all quietly watched Marquise and Michael burn Jeremiah.

The squeezing only tightened as I watch the flames rise in the distance. I could feel my emotions and pain become numb as a giant cloud settled over my heart. These bastards would pay for the crimes they have commited. It would be the last thing they ever did.