

"Raze who had always been obsessed with NUNS from little cried his heart out when he later found out that NUNS where holy creatures who couldn't marry NITHER have sex. "But little did raze knew that this was just the beginning of his life as he constantly looked back while running at full speed through the bushy forest . "As a organization named blacktower sent some group of vipers after him, vipers where a well trained killing machine they wouldn't even blink their eyes when killing their prey. "Why me? "what in the world would they want from me I don't have anything of value for them to send their ultimate killing machine after me raze tought as he stepped into mud. "But couldn't care less as he later found out that he was sinking deeply into the mud "quick sand,"that was his last words as he got completely swolled by the mud. "On waking up raze saw that he was chained both by hand and leg to a mental table as a man named kalitus came in using raze for his research while getting tortured day and night . "Which later got to a point that raze was completely immune to pain as his soul was trapped completely inside the seal dimension in his body . "After months of torture kalitus became bored and ordered two of his shadow warriors to take raze into hell gate where he would get possessed by a spirt. Where his fate would be decided. ------------------------------------- please show your support if you enjoy the story.

Demonic_prince · สยองขวัญ
22 Chs

Pain .

Feeling something was quiet off kirean who had been asleep for quiet a while woke up, just to see raze covered up in his own sweat while sweating uncontrollably.

Raze! raze! kirean called out in a soft yet gentle voice as she approached him while activating one of her initial skill. Absolute calmness.

As she gently placed her hand on raze shoulder as the room instantly brightened up as a warm yet cold aura instantly covered raze, which after a while it slowly vanished as raze fell backwards seeming unconscious .

But was instantly caught by kirean who hugged him tightly warming his body with her's, while staying in the same Position for a while .

Raze what horrifying thing did you see just to make you pass out cold? kirean said as droplet of water poured down her face .

Feeling the warm yet cold liquid sliding down his face raze slowly opned his eyes just to see his self being embraced by kirean, with his head resting on her soft yet big breast.

How long was I out? Raze said, on hearing raze voice Kirean pushed raze to the ground with her laying on top as she buried her face on his chest while silently crying.

On seeing this raze knew that he had caused a lot of panic for her when he passed out cold due to demonic aura, as he began to gently stroke her slik like hair as a way of comforting her .

While using his other hand to hold onto her slim yet perfect waist, as silent filled the room for some minutes with either of them talking .

Which after what seems to be decades kirean finally lifted up her head from raze chest, while looking at him with a sad yet loving expression .

Raze, kirean called out in a low voice, can I ask you a question? kirean said while using her long yet perfect fingernails to trace raze adnormal thick yet muscular chest .

"Shoot, raze said fully awear of what she might ask, what happened to you why where you out cold? what did you see that made you to look so horrified? kirean said with a voice filled with concern yet pleasing to the ear.

As raze felt his dragon hardening but choosed to control his self as he slowly lifted his back form the floor, while in a sitting position with kirean leg now wrapped around his back.

"Sigh," raze slowly inhaled as he lifted his self from the ground with his hand holding kirean ass as he approached the bed with their eyes locked on each, other but no word was said only expression and emotion could be felt .

On reaching the bed raze gently placed her on the bed with him on top but there where space in their middle, with kirean legs still wrapped around his back .

I don't think i can keep this from you any longer sooner or later you are bound to find out, "raze said as he began to tell kirean all about his system and the mission assigned to him. Only leaving important parts he felt he shouldn't tell her just for her own safety.

Which after a hour raze was done narrating all he had been through since he entered hell, and the mysterious man he spoke to when she was still asleep.

On hearing all this kirean felt so touched that tears instantly rolled down her face while imagining all the pain he went through, just to be here as her heart instantly softened .

Mere words could explain the complex of emotions she was feeling right now, "as she used her hand to gently touched raze face explaining her emotions through feelings.

Raze am sorry, "kirean said as raze felt touched from the deepest part of his heart while using his hand to hold her delicate yet perfect fonger, which held onto his face while kissing her hand a few times .


On hearing this raze immediately ignored the notification as he once again shifted his attention to kirean.

"Shhhhh," say no more raze said as he slowly brought his face towards her which they stared each other in the eyes passionately, before engaging in a warm yet passionate kiss as tears also flowed down raze face as well.

While remembering all the tourture and loneness he had to endure over the past years, from being a lab rat who got tormented day and night by old kalitus, to being possessed by a sprit against his own will and giving a taxt he didn't want.

Who on earth could endure so much pain as he did yet still striving to survive even if the chances was slim, he still want something he could hold onto, something that could take away all the pain pailed up in his heart .

As they continued to exchange warm yet passionate kiss expressing their emotions through their kiss, which after a while they both stopped kissing as raze fell on the bed while facing kirean.

Which she closed the gap between them burying her face on his chest feeling while comfort in his embrace, and like this NITHER of them said a word as they both fell into a deep sleep .

Letting go of all the pain pilled up in their hearts.