
All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me A Natural Disaster!

Story of: All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! It's a world of job change. There are ceiling professional saints, nuron angels, nightmare assassins, dragon blood warriors... There are also C-level necromancers who are as ordinary as the protagonist White Night. Until this day, Bai Ye found that his skill level did not have an upper limit? from now on Basic skills, summon skeletons (lvmax), small skeletons turn into skeleton kings, and slaughter gods with one sword. Advanced skills, Life Link (lvmax), Summoned Immortal, I Immortal. Aura skill, legion aura (lvmax), undead legion health +1,000,000%, attack +1,000,000 percent. There are also Hell Bones, Knights of Heaven's Punishment, Skeleton Dragons, Succubus, and Night Elves. C-level necromancer? Please call me a disaster of God! Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: "All people change: necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · วิดีโอเกม
282 Chs

Chapter 278

Chapter 278 "Seagod City" fights?!!

Bai Ye was directly teleported out of the "Ancient Ruins" and returned to the canyon at the beginning.

Only this time, only Bai Ye was left.

Using "Shared Vision", White Night opened Aurelia's vision again.

Originally, I just wanted to casually see what Aurelia was doing.

As a result, they saw that Sister Mengling actually fought?

What's the situation?

Time goes back to when Wiseman and White Night had just left "Poseidon City".

The task given by Wiseman to Yu Qian is to limit Sister Mengling and Sister Hercules to "Seagod City".

But Yu Qian didn't think so.

In her opinion, if she leaves Sister Mengling and Sister Strong, her position will be threatened.

Before, he was the highest ranking person here besides Wiseman.

But look at Wiseman's attitude towards the two women, especially from Wiseman's slap last night to the subsequent abuse.

Yu Qian already knew that she had always been a substitute for the two of them.

All this happened because of the arrival of the two daughters.

Therefore, Yu Qian did not care what to leave Sister Mengling and Sister Strong.

At this time, she just wanted to find an opportunity to quietly destroy the two daughters.

Originally, her plan was to win over Wiseman's first fierce general.

That's the guy called Number One.

Because he genuinely submitted to Wiseman.

It's just that the situation at that time forced it, plus there has been no good way to kill Wiseman.

This is why he has always been the number one thug of Wiseman's loyalty.

And Yu Qian has long discovered No. 1's plot.

Because he has sneaked to the treasure pavilion of "Seagod City" many times to steal the "Tears of the Seagod".

So that one day, it can be out of Wiseman's control.

Enough "Seagod's Tears" can help him delay the negative state on his body, just by accident, Yu Qian bumped into the theft of No. 1, which became Yu Qian's handle.

However, Yu Qian actually does not fully understand No. 1.

The reason why No. 1 stole "Seagod's Tears" is not only to save up a certain amount of protection for himself.

Another purpose is to deliver it to friends outside.

Study how to crack the "heteromorphic gills" on the body, this negative state.

Or find an alternative that has the same effect.

Recently, No. 1's friend, as a top "alchemist", has achieved great achievements in reproducing "Seagod's Tears", and finally refined a similar substitute.

No. 1 has also personally tried it, and this substitute is only medicinally effective, not as durable as "Seagod's Tears".

However, it is true that you can also touch the "gills of the heteromorphous fish" for three days.

This means that No. 1 can not only find an opportunity to escape Wiseman's control.

You can even find a way to kill Wiseman and become the soil emperor here.

Enjoy Wiseman's supremacy here.

Originally, No. 1 could have found an opportunity to escape directly from here now, but thinking that Wiseman was also in his place here,...

The feeling of being worshipped by thousands of people fascinated No. 1 deeply.

So, he did not leave directly, but waited, waiting for an opportunity.

If Wiseman comes back one day seriously injured, No. 1 will definitely not hesitate to do it, of course, he is not alone, and with him, there are many cronies.

And Yu Qian is just simple, when he grabbed the handle of No. 1.

I want him to help him, and find a machine to ash Sister Mengling and Sister Strong.

Number One didn't want to do that.

I just thought of Sister Mengling and Sister Strong, if they stayed.

Wiseman's side will have two more uncertain factors.

Especially the strong sister who looks like loli always gives No. 1 an uneasy feeling.

This will become a small obstacle on the way to finding an opportunity to kill Wiseman in the future.

So No. 1 deliberated for a moment and agreed to Yu Qian's request.

However, there is no perfect certainty, and No. 1 will not shoot.

I have suffered losses here for so long, and I have been Wiseman's dog for so long.

But you can't fall short because of the two daughters.

Yu Qian's original plan was very simple, to lead Sister Mengling and Sister Mighty to the edge of "Seagod City", and she and No. 1 directly published a book to sneak attack.

However, all this was disrupted by the summons of the white night.