

Thrown into a fantastical realm brimming with magic and inhabited by majestic dragons, our protagonist, a man yearning for a life of peace, is unwillingly transported to a distant continent as a slave. Amidst the breathtaking landscapes and magical wonders, he embarks on a perilous quest for freedom. Battling both mystical and human adversaries, he seeks not power or conquest but a quiet existence. Will he navigate the challenges of this enchanted world, forming unexpected alliances and facing mythical creatures, to finally find the serenity he so desperately desires?

Emman_Tipdas · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 1: An unexpected trip across the world

Whenever I close my eyes, I see a vast view of yellow fields dancing as the wind blows gently. Some distance away, a single tree stands strong a little off-centered from my line of sight somehow framing the view and making it more picturesque. The tree's leaves caught the setting sun's light, glowing gold and orange calming the raging river of worry in my heart. I looked to my left and see the sun dips into the horizon, into the deep blue sea, the smell of the saltiness in the breeze somehow soothed me. I look around and realized that I am standing on a porch. My porch. A thought crossed my mind. I'm in the house of my dreams, a house made of stone and wood painted white, sitting atop a cliff, far away from everyone. Solitary, quiet, calm, peaceful, and on my own. "What a view indeed."

"Instead, I have… this," I said out loud mumbling to myself.

"Who are you takin' to?" Jeremey Fügher interrupted. A brutish barbaric musclehead with the hygiene of a skunk, bursting the bubble of serenity that I was escaping myself into with his raucous voice. "Tell me, kid, where is that scum of a man that was with you last night?" His sharp knife pressed against my throat harder, cutting me in the process and drawing blood.

"You know in the right circumstances I would be into this kind of stuff but your just not my type big guy." I teased as I patted his reddening face.

I know it's not the best idea to egg on someone who's extremely pissed at you, especially someone with a knife pressed against your throat, but I couldn't help it. A position like this with him shoving me on a wall is exactly where you pull out those types of lines right?... right?

"You little shi-" He jolted me towards him and slams me right back against the wall with a loud and hard thud, it caught me off-guard and almost knocked the wind out of me.

"That's enough Jerry." a tall figure approach from the corner, stepping into the amber afternoon sunlight that passed through the windows of the Aurelian Tavern.

"Ahww is that your nickname? Jerry? That's a cute nickname for someone with your ugly mug." I laugh. Yup, I'm definitely asking for it! Ugg. I kicked myself in the ass mentally. Why can't I just keep my mouth shut?

"It's true what they say about you." The stranger said amusement coloring his tone.

"Good things I hope." I said rhetorically. Jeremey or should I say Jarry press on to me harder making it much more difficult to breath.

"They say that you really can't keep that filthy mouth shut." The mysterious man in the corner said it conclusively and as a matter of fact, as if that is all there is to me. Jerry over here snorted, holding back a laugh, smirking.

Can't keep my mouth shut, ha! That is so untrue by the way, if I couldn't keep my mouth shut, I would've said all this that I am saying in my head right now so there, humph! I gave them both a mental razzberry. There's more to me than my loud mouth thank you very much. I am a multifaceted individual with various depths, personality and talents albeit hidden somewhere, deep, deep…Way deep inside me, somewhere… maybe. Thinking all of this, I made a face.

"You look like you're constipated, trying not to say anything but failing miserably, we can still very much read what you're thinking, it's written all over your face." The mysterious man said.

Now that I can see him clearly in the light, he really is one hot guy. He is what the prince charming you're thinking of when someone says tall dark and handsome. Looking at his features and darker complexion I'm assuming he's Kesh, referring to the Kushites, also known as the people of the first land, the place known to be the birth of mankind. It also helps that he has golden eyes, a common trait of his people, although I see some hints of shades of blue, making me suspect that he might be mixed. Kushites are deeply proud of their heritage and lineage, so much so that any outside coupling is frowned upon and worst could be banished from their lands. If not banished, the children from those unions are shunned. He has long black dreads tied up into the back of his head with a few locks left in front framing his gorgeous face.

"And who might you be pray tell, you hunk of a man." Yup, this is definitely the right time to pull that line, without a doubt. By the gods that face should be a sin. With that thought, I keep looking at him, admiring the view. And just like what he said or maybe he is staring at me because he also finds me stunning, hot, and gorgeous, and not that he can read me or anything, he smiled that megawatt smile of his looking like he did just read my mind or something.

"I'm flattered but you're not my type."

"Oh, what a callback. Well, someone's quick." Thinking about the whole situation, I refuse to believe that someone can just read me that easily. He might actually be a mind reader! It's impossible to read me I have a great poker face. I smirked inwardly. But really though what a hottie. As the different thoughts cross through my mind, I felt a myriad of facial expression passed my face, it then settled for a grin. Grinning at the stupidly hot man, I quickly steeled my facial expression. Or maybe not. I chastised myself. Wait, is that why Steve from the pub likes to play with me in poker because he can easily win over me? No that can't be it, Steve is as dumb as a knocker bird. Maybe he can read my mind too or just have a stupidly good luck, that's it, that's totally it.

As you might surmise, I'm a little bit in denial of things. I don't know when it started but I guess it's a coping mechanism of some sorts brought by a can of worms I'm not and will not open. It's too painful. The new guy –the Kesh, stopped at Jerry's side.

"Why don't you be a good little boy and just tell me where he is". The Kesh said to me in an alluring tone of voice, trying to use his looks to get the information out of me. Looks will surely be my downfall. The way he said it makes my nether region stir a bit. This is unexpectedly turning me on. Yup I'm getting weirder and weirder.

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about I-" Wack. The Kesh kicked me in the guts. I groan in agony, slumping into the bars floor.

"I got no time for this little birdy. Why don't you sing for me and spill where he is or you'll be spilling your guts out instead, and I'm not talking about the good kind". His face turned serious.

"I really don't kno-" Thump. Another kick to my stomach, this time it hit my ribs and oh boy does it hurt. I'll tell you; it hurts like hell.

"Maybe we should just feed him to the fishes". Jerry said amusement in his tone of voice, feeling proud of his suggestion.

"I'm considering it" he said deadpan. "Where not getting anywhere with this one" A frown marred his beautiful face. "Take him to the ship. That guy will surely surface if word goes around saying we have something of his".

"He- he wouldn't. He doesn't care about me". I said with a hint of sadness in my voice.

"We'll see about that". He turned his back on me. "Jerry, do the thing". Fügher looked down at me and smiled wickedly. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Aye-aye captain". Wack! Fügher punched me in the head and everything went black.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a cage in a deck on a ship. 'Wait on a ship? Oh no I have a bad feeling about this.'