
Chapter 1

In a vast grass field there are two kids panting on the ground the boy has black hair and red eyes while the girl has golden hair and golden eyes beside them there stood two woman in a maid dress.

"Young master, young miss that's enough for today. You should wash up now it's getting late. " One of the maids spoke making the kids stood up.

" Let's go Ellie " The boy kid said after standing up while then the little girl bob her head cutely making everyone present feel a pinch in their hearts.

After washing up the kid boy is now in his room with a happy smile on his face.

'System show me my stats ' the boy spoke in his mind then suddenly a blue screen with texts appeared infront of him .

[Name: Kevin V. Stagabore

Age: 5

Class: None

Rank: Unranked


HEALTH: 100/100

MANA: 100/100

STR: 15. AGI: 20. INT 30

DURA: 15. LUCK: 20 CHARM: 30







[SEE MORE]....

LIVES: 298,791,478TH LIFE ]

After checking his stats his eyes landed on the last text.

My original name is Jake my very first life. My first life very chaotic i've killed ten's of thousands of people on my first life as i am a hitman after 20 years of working as hitman i have become one of the greatest hitman in the history if not the greatest with a 100% success rate i got a pretty cool nicknames all around the world but even though i have become great death is still imminent. Dying of old age is an achievement for a hitman but when i was expecting hell to welcome me i instead got called by the gods and because they found my life interesting they offered me a deal, the deal is that i will live forever i will be reincarnated to different world everytime i die and i accepted their offer living in a different world has always been a dream of mine back when i was child because of the novels i red before and because of my hitman mentality i just treated it as a request from a client before they reincarnated me they gave a tons of gifts one which is my custom made system which changes its function everytime i reincarnated based on what world am i in and tons abilities like my GODS EYE which allows me to see every information of someone or something.

And my current life right now takes place in a game world the Heroes Harem. I played this one before in one my past lifes it takes place in a slightly futuristic world and the world is big it's atleast 50x larger than the earth in my first life though not biggest world i've been in but it's still pretty big. What makes Heroes Harem unique was it has different playable mcs though most of them has heroic mindset which makes it pretty boring but it's still quite a good game.

After checking his stats he soon heard knocks on the door of his room.

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Yes? What is it?" Kevin said after the knock ended.

"Young master your father has called for dinner. " The maid outside the room replied.

"Okay wait " Kevin replied

After arriving in the dinner hall there 3 people waiting for him.

" Kevin you're here sit now so we can start eating. " The man with a black hair red eyes like kevin said while looking at him beside him is a beautiful woman with brown hair green eyes.

" HERE! HERE! SIT HERE BRUTAH!! " The little girl from earlier shouted at Kevin while patting the chair beside her and infront of her is a young girl around the age 7 has white and ocean blue eyes.

" Ellie no shouting at the dining hall. " The girl infront Ellie said .

"Yeah calm down Ellie " Kevin said calming her down while he walked towards her.

" It's my turn to play with him tomorrow okay Ellie?" The girl infront of Ellie said while looking at her.

This is my sisters Ellie and Silva the Silva being the oldest with the age of 7, Ellie is an energetic girl with a shining smile while Silva is more a quite type not but not when i'm with her they both love me very much and yeah they are heroins since our family is a really influential one my father being guildmaster of star guild and my mother being the no.17 hero in the world titled as Nature Queen and my father being the no.16 hero known as the Sword Demon.

After eating Kevin is now in his bedroom preparing to sleep.

5 years later....

It's currently my 10th birthday and a big party is about to happen, a lot of preparation has been done and i'm currently in my room getting dressed there's a lot people coming so i will be as good as possible well with my now over 80 charm stat it shouldn't be that hard.

All the people in this world treat their 10th birthday serious since this is they time when people awaken their class hence treated very seriously especially those in higher circles of society you can get disowned by your own family if you got a low talent. Fortunately i have already showed my parents my talents at both swords and magic surprising them with a talent higher than theirs. Talents is ranked by G, F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS and of course i obviously aim for the being SSS there's only 10 people that has SSS talent the no.10 to no. 1 hero are the only one in history to have ever goy that. The original owner of this body got an S which is really impressive and he's the best friend one of the mc's in the game.

' hmm, not bad ' Thought Kevin while looking at himself in the mirror. He's wearing a black suit and a black t-shirt inside and black pants even though it looks plain but since Kevin has the ability called 'Perfect body' he looks good in everything he wear.

[Perfect Body - Gives the host a body that upgrades by leveling up or by getting older]

Kevin then thanked the helpers then headed downstairs.

After waking a bit Kevin saw a little girl about his age walking towards him with a bright smile, looking at her Kevin can't helped but smile too since it's none other than his little sister Ellie.

"You look beautiful right now Ellie" Kevin said after approaching her. With a white flowery dress and a slightly golden hair with green eyes and a small face and even a small piece of cake at the side of her lips showing she ate already before coming here, Kevin can't help but feel a pinch every time he looked at her.

"You looked handsome too brother "

"Thank you Ellie, anyway where's father?" Kevin said while wiping the cake on her

"They're downstairs everyone is waiting for brother!" Ellie said enthusiastically.

"Then should we go now?"