
All Hail The Great King!

In a world of martial artists, one boy will reign supreme. Initially, he was nothing but a young and bullied high schooler, but once he awakened 'The Great King System' his life changed forever. "All I have to do is taunt others and their anger gives me power? That's easy! I'll be strongest in no time!" [You have taunted and angered the man.] [+100 Points]

KenV2 · แอคชั่น
1 Chs

Chapter 1: Martial World

A large city, overrun with people and bustling streets. This city is different than the others, It's the capital of the great martial state, Mars. People can go from nothing to something, but it isn't all sunshine and rainbows, shadowy organizations, corrupt businesses, large gangs, and martial artists stand at the very peak of power.

With enough strength to lift buildings from the ground, shake the mountains with a single step, and kill someone with a single punch. This is the power that these martial artists hold. Because they can become so strong, the world government has made it its duty to keep martial artists on a pedestal, this is the reason why things like murder and crime can go unnoticed if committed by a martial artist, especially an extremely strong one. 

"When the hell is the boss gonna show up?"

"Be patient you fool, It'll be worth it in the end."

"Whatever you say."

2 men stood in an old and abandoned warehouse, with rusty metal, broken windows, and dimmed lights, the place just screamed suspicious. The man to the left with a bald head and lip scar held onto the large black suitcase, the one to the right of the bald man just crossed his arms and looked serious. 

2 black cars with tinted windows and bright lights rolled up from the shadows, and multiple men got out and created some formation. The men in the other car also got out, and then one man got it, he was tall, yet clearly muscular, he had slicked-back hair and silver eyes, his face was smug and just had danger put all over it.

The two men hurried over to the man.

"B-Boss! You're here!"

"What took you so long?"

The silver-eyed man glared at the one who dared to ask him that question, "What did you say to me?" His deep voice resonated within the warehouse.


He turned back to the one with the suitcase, "Do you have the money? If not one of you is gonna lose a finger!"

"O-Of course boss! why wouldn't we!"

He ran up to him and opened the suitcase slowly, and inside was nothing but cash, loads of it. 

"How much was it again?"


The boss chucked, he then just grinned creepily.


All of them were then startled, a cracking sound echoed in the abandoned place.

They looked all around for the source of the sound, expecting it to be an animal of some sort.

A young man, most likely a high schooler walked from within the shadows. Crimson eyes, Pale-White hair, and a handsome face. They all started to act hostile with the boy, but the boss ordered them to stand down.

"Who are you? do you know where you are, kid?"

"Me? Of course, I do." His smirking face grew more and more smug as he walked toward them.

'Who is this kid? does he have a death wish?'

The crimson-eyed boy then said, "You all look pretty weak to me, hand me some of that cash as I'll let you all off the hook."

The entire warehouse then starts to be full of noise, and the men started getting angry with the boy for his cocky and arrogant attitude. 

"Huh?? Who the hell does this kid think he is?!"

[You have angered 6 men in total.]

[+1200 Points]

'Kek...too easy.'

<<3 Months ago>>

In a small classroom, students wearing a certain uniform all chatted to one another except one. He a skinnier and much quieter than the rest, he just laid his head down, hoping not to be messed with.

As the students gossiped and talked to each other, a small clique stepped into the room, 3 boys and 2 girls. The one in front had a pretty pompous look on his face with his hands in his pockets. He ignored everyone else and went straight to the boy laying his head down.

He kicked at his seat, alerting the boy. The white-haired student jumps in fear and looks at the one kicking his seat.

"W-What is it Kenji?" A look of fear and confusion was evident on his face.

Kenji stares at Ryu, "What is it? that's all you have to say? you should be licking my feet by now you fucking loser."

"Also, don't look so afraid Ryu, you just gotta understand that I'm a nice guy, we are all just having fun." Kenji grins.

Kenji grips the back of Ryu's neck, clenching harder and harder, "Isn't that right?"

Ryu holds back tears, he tries to refrain from yelling but the pain is too unbearable, Kenji is an amateur martial artist so it would be impossible for a normal person like Ryu to even dare to fight back.

'Damnit, why me? why does he only pick on me? I don't mess or talk to anyone!'

Kenji looks at Ryu, he then raises an eyebrow and slaps him across the face.

"Why are you looking so sad? Do you wanna hit me or something? does it hurt? stop being such a pussy! it's not that serious, we're friends...we're just playing, right?~"

"Y-Yeah....we're only playing! h-haha." Ryu hides the pain and just agrees, he laughs nervously, just hoping he stops hitting and bullying him.

[You have completed the hidden quest, 'The King Hides His Power']

'H-Huh?...did any of them not hear that? can they not see that?'

Kenji moves in front of Ryu's eyes, "What are you looking at?

One of the girls In his clique starts to use her hands to cover herself, "Ew, is he looking at me? what a weirdo.."

Other students in class are just watching and don't dare to get involved in fear of becoming the next victim, Ryu despises them for doing nothing about it, but he knew if he were in their shoes, he would be too afraid to say or do anything either.




(The Great King System)

[Name: Ryu]

[SP: 0]

[Physique: Trash, Basic]

[Special Ability: Taunting, Insulting, Teasing.]


[Martial Arts] (-Locked-)




[Physical Strength: 3]

[Mental Strength: 5]

[Agility: 2]

[Health: 3]

[Dexterity: 2]


[Taunt, Make fun of, or insult your opponent and feed off of their negative energy, the angrier you make them the more points you will obtain, and the stronger you can become.]

'This.....no way. Does it work? what if I get my ass kicked, well, I must take the risk I suppose! something like this doesn't happen every day.'

"This punk has been lost in space for a while now, are all of those slaps to the head finally getting to him."

His friends laugh at the lame joke, Ryu just smirks and looks at Kenji.

"You fucking bastard, who do you think you are? you're just some run-of-the-mill junkie that knows a tiny bit of martial arts, you bitch."

The entire classroom is startled, everything is silent, and none of them expected this.

"Those slaps must be getting to this fucking bastard!"

Kenji's face progressively gets angrier, Ryu had done it, he made him angry. 

[You have insulted and angered Kenji, +100 Points with added system bonus.]

"Wow, it worked."

Kenji glares at Ryu, "What worked? Because your brain clearly isn't you son of a bitch!"

Keni slams his fist in the face of Ryu, breaking his nose, blood gushing out of his lip and broken nose.

Ryu holds his face, the pain unbearable, but he just looks into Kenji's eyes before taunting him once more.

"That's it? that's all the great Kenji can do? My grandmother hits harder, bitch."

His face is riddled with veins and his teeth are clenched, he lunges at Ryu, smacking him across the jaw with the strongest punch he can produce.

[+100 Points]

[+100 Points]

[+100 Points]

[+100 Points]

[Kenjis anger is very vast, because of the host.]

[+200 Bonus.]


"This little... he's laughing even when I'm kicking his ass, what's up with him today?"

Wow, the first chapter of my very first novel, took a lot out of me, but I hope too whoever read this enjoyed it!

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