
A Day at the Beach 2/4

Timothy watched as the news article gained traction and became a trending topic. People were eating it up. It had long been rumored that Mia Lane was intended for Nicholas Merches. At least Timothy had managed to get the provocative connotation removed from the story and people weren't whispering about impropriety. Tim didn't know if he could have handled people talking about Mia that way. He didn't want her mentioned in that way even if it related to him.

In a few hours it would be time for his visit with the twins and he would put his plan into action. He would make Mia want him physically. Timothy was nervous. He had never acted out any of his fantasies with Mia. He had always held himself in tight control, acting cautiously and respectfully.

The twin's existence was proof that even at his worst he had wanted her. Tim had always wanted Mia and it used to drive him crazy that he couldn't forget her. His desire for her had been the bane of his existence for three long years until that night when his control had snapped. His wife hadn't denied him even though he had not earned her attention.

Timothy remembered the feel of Mia in his arms, kissing her, being one with her. That night had been hurried, the act of being one with her brief, but still it had haunted him. He told himself that he would have her again and soon. This time he would savor Mia and treat her the way she deserved. Tim groaned feeling his desire for Mia flare to life. Today would be the start of making her his but first a cold shower.

After his shower Tim dressed in dark blue jeans and a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbows. He wanted to appear casual and welcoming to both his children and their mother. Timothy sat down at the desk in his hotel room to work on one of his priorities. He needed something to make the time move faster.

Timothy was looking for a house. He considered buying a condominium or getting an apartment but what he really wanted was a proper estate with a manor house that he could bring his family home to. Tim was happy to stay in Norde City if that was where Mia wanted to be. He had thought keeping Barrett Group running while he was abroad would be impossible but so far it had been manageable.

Looking through the properties the real estate agent had sent over he saw one estate and one condominium that might work. Tim was naturally drawn toward the estate. The house is on ten acres in an area known as Diplomat Hill, right in the heart of Norde City. It had amazing views and top of the line security with iron fencing and a massive security system. The entrance would be guarded by full-time staff.

The house itself had six bedrooms and seven baths. It had two offices, three family rooms, a theater and many other amenities. Outside there was a five-car garage, an intricate pool, tennis court, basketball court, and an impressive garden with room for the children to run. There was even enough room to add a stable if Ginger ever wanted a horse. There was a three-bedroom guest house and staff quarters above the garage.

There was one problem though. Timothy was afraid to buy it because he feared that Mia might not choose him, and it terrified him to think of being stuck in what was clearly a family home by himself. He wouldn't survive that. Timothy really liked the property, and he imagined his family happy within its walls. What if those thoughts were nothing more than a fantasy?


Mia called ahead to Aide Castle and had the staff prepare one of the large cabanas on the beach for Timothy's visit with the kids. The staff would bring out dinner later but there would be plenty of time for swimming and goofing off first. Mia packed her beach bag including the swim trunks that she had Peyton pick up for Tim. He was going to be surprised.

The kids were in their swimwear with summer clothes over them, and she was wearing her basic black bikini under a white blouse and jean shorts. Timothy had never seen her this way and she was looking forward to his surprise. Mia didn't understand why she felt the need to goad him, but she wanted to get a reaction out of him. She had spent so long around his indifferent stoicism that Mia needed to see the real man that he hid.

Mia gathered the children and called for the car. Dominic scowled but didn't say anything. Eva made up for it by reminding Mia to have fun and live her life the way she wanted.

Mia looked at Sage reminded that he had never been to the beach or done any of the things that make life worth living. She wondered if he was nervous but decided against questioning him.

A moment later they all climbed into the car and headed to Aide Castle. Mia loved this version of the resort for the beach and the one in Bern City for the botanical garden. They both were incredibly special places that she had worked hard to create.

Mia had been looking through collaboration portfolios, but she hadn't found an investment partner that fit yet. Mia had liked the collaboration offered by Barrett Group but that was off the table indefinitely.

Sage watched out the window for the forty minutes it took to reach the resort. There was so much to see, and the world was so big. Sage thought the ocean sounded terrifying and sand sounded messy, dirty, and uncomfortable. Sage would help with the sandcastle simply because Ginger had asked but he didn't think he would have fun.

Sage didn't want to visit his father but since he was only four, he had to do what he was told. His mom had let him bring his laptop though so at least later he would be able to do something he liked and ignore Mr. Barrett.


The car pulled into the courtyard of Aide Castle and stopped in front of the entryway. Mia could see Timothy as he walked over and opened the door for them. He was dressed more casually than she expected, and Mia was pleased to see him looking so relaxed. Sage grabbed his backpack and Mia grabbed her beach bag. The three of them unloaded from the car and stood beside Timothy.

"Hi," Tim said simply to all three of them. Ginger squealed and launched herself at her dad. He laughed picking her up. Sage was silent working to get his backpack on.

"Hi Tim," Mia said simply, "follow me." Mia headed into the resort and down a few long hallways before finding the exit that would lead them to the beach.

Once outside again, they walked for about ten minutes until they came to a nice sand colored cabana sitting close to the water on a secluded beach. In the cabana a young woman was just finishing setting a table for four with a white tablecloth, glasses, and small white plates and utensils. Outside the cabana facing the water were four lounge chairs. A stack of towels rested on a counter next to a mini fridge. A door in the back led to a private bathroom.

"Ms. Lane, I thought I heard someone walking in." A staff member named Audrey said sweetly.

"Yes, we made it," Mia said as she set her bag on the counter.

"Well, there are drinks and fruit in the refrigerator and dinner will be brought out at seven. Do you need anything else?" Audrey asked.

Mia looked around but didn't see anything missing. "I think we are good, thank you."

"Enjoy the beach Ms. Lane, don't hesitate to ask if you need anything." Audrey stepped out of the cabana and headed back to the resort.

Mia grabbed a small clothing box from her bag and handed it to Timothy. "Change," she told him mildly. He looked surprised and confused until she turned to the children and told them that they could take their outer clothes off. Ginger started stripping at once and Mia walked over and picked up all the tiny clothes before folding them and setting them on the counter. Ginger was left wearing a brightly colored swimsuit with a ruffle skirt.

Sage looked at his mom, "Do I have to?"

"Yes, I don't want sand in your regular clothes." Mia responded.

"Fine," Sage grumped stripping down to trunks before wandering over to Ginger who was looking through a basket of beach toys.

Mia looked at Timothy. "Tim, you need to change unless you plan to swim in your jeans" she said pointing toward the bathroom.

"Umm, sure," Timothy looked uncomfortable as he walked into the bathroom.

Mia walked out to a lounge chair and kicked off her sandals before stripping out of her shorts. Absently, she registered the bathroom door opening just as she pulled her blouse over her head and stood up wearing nothing but her black bikini. Mia heard Timothy curse loudly then the bathroom door slammed closed again. That was a reaction she thought with satisfaction.

"Damnit, breathe man." Timothy told himself desperately. When he had glanced toward Mia to see her standing on the beach in nothing but a tiny black bikini he was lost. His body had reacted instantly to the sight of her beautiful near-naked body. What the hell was she doing? Was she trying to kill him? He leaned his head on his arm against the door trying to calm his overheated reaction. A minute passed.

"Timothy, are you ok in there? Mia asked with concern. Tim pulled the door open suddenly wanting to see Mia. Tim let his gaze rove over her from the top of her head to her bare feet. Mia was exquisite, perfect in every way.

Without stopping to think about what he was doing Tim pulled Mia into the bathroom with him. With a hand on her tiny waist, he pushed her into the wall beside the door. Tim's other hand went to her neck, fingers curled into her loose hair, his thumb skating along her jawline. Tim pushed his body closer until there was less than an inch between their bodies.

"Is this the reaction you were looking for?" Tim asked Mia his voice husky and low. He ached with the need to be with her.

"I am gratified to find that you are not made of stone after all." Mia said. Her breathing was fast.

"I assure you that I am a man. I am going to kiss you now." Timothy whispered.

"What if I tell you to stop?" Mia questioned quietly.

"Please don't, I need to feel you against me," Timothy whispered. Then he tipped her head back and pulled her against his body, his lips finding hers. The kiss started light then became more demanding. Mia's hands came up to weave into Tim's hair and he was lost. Mia's lips parted with a sigh and the kiss deepened. Tim ran his tongue along her bottom lip eliciting a moan from her. He groaned at the sound, moving his mouth to her jaw, he kissed a line along her jaw and left wet kisses along Mia's throat before sucking on her collarbone lightly.

Tim brought his mouth back to Mia's, kissing her deeply for another moment, he would have continued but he heard his daughter's voice calling for him. Tim placed a soft kiss on Mia's lips, her jaw, her throat then he stared into her eyes for a moment before walking out of the bathroom to go to his daughter.

Tim grabbed a stack of towels and went to sit on a lounge chair using the towels to hide his desperate need for Mia. He couldn't believe he just did that. Caleb was right, it was instinct. Timothy felt amazing at that moment. Mia would see that he could make her happy.

Mia stood in the bathroom breathing raggedly. She had closed the door because she needed a moment alone. She had never felt like this before. It was like electricity was humming across her skin. Mia felt a powerful ache low in her stomach. It had been a long time since she had felt desire.

Where had that man been when she was married to him? If he had kissed her like that in the past, they would still be together. Her need for him at that moment was a force she did not know how to deal with. Mia felt feverish and out of control. She wished he would come soothe the ache. What was she going to do now?

Mia opened the bathroom door and stepped out into the early evening light. Her children were playing a few feet from the loungers digging a sandcastle moat. Tim was seated with a stack of towels in his lap, she chuckled, he was not unaffected then. He was busy encouraging Sage to dig the moat in a specific way.

Tim must have sensed her because he looked up at her, his eyes roving over her body, a hungry look crossing his handsome face. Then he winked at her with a smile. That's when she knew she was in trouble. With that thought rattling in her head Mia walked straight out into the ocean and dove in. The water helped to cool her overheated skin but did nothing to shake the memory of Tim's touch.

Why was it that Nick's touch had never felt like more than a means to an end? But all she could think of in Tim's embrace was that she wanted more?

After swimming for a while Mia felt ready to go back and face Timothy. She turned toward the shore and realized Tim and both of her children were splashing in the waves and laughing happily. Even little Sage was being a good sport and chasing Ginger about in knee high water.

It soothed Mia's heart to see her little family this way. Her family? Was she including Timothy in that? Mia thought the answer might be yes. She never would have guessed that she could think of Timothy as anything other than the bastard he had been. Mia didn't know what that meant for the future but for today everything was good. Mia swam back to shore to join the happy trio.

Tim watched the water sluice off Mia's body as she returned from her swim. A small, strangled sound escaped from his throat. He coughed quickly to cover the sound.

"Did you have a nice swim, Mia?" Tim asked. When she responded that she did he smiled. "I wouldn't mind a quick dip, is that alright?" Mia nodded her assent and turned her attention to her precocious children only to feel Tim's hand graze across her back as he walked past. Despite the heat of the day a shiver worked its way down her spine. Tim walked out until the water was deep enough then dove in swimming out past the surf with powerful strokes.

Ginger was picking seashells out of the sand and would hand them to Sage who would clean them before handing them back to his sister. They would then decide if they were nice enough to keep. It was incredibly sweet and it warmed Mia's heart to see how attentive Sage was being.