
Desert-land pt.3

Meeting up with the guys made me excited to sign the papers and as well getting more freedom for myself to hang out with the guys more. The signing was all made secret from others until they started hitting off the ground with a surprise, And we all meet up although it was early in the morning Marc had arrived later. He almost got yelled at, But she didn' lose her temper cause today was time for a photoshoot, and traveling to two places by plane after this location. We all got make-up artists and outfits to our size-

Scarlette - Looking at an outfit on and walking out the door saying "man this outfit is nice I think-" looking at guys, they're dressed really handsome "wow you guys look nice"

Nathaniel - after being caught by the eyes he snaps by saying "yeah I could say the same for you too" looking at Marc Shoulder bumps him

Marc - Jaw wide open and felt the shoulder bump, snapping him back to reality "yeah it alright"

soon after another person arrived at the scene

???- comes in waving at the guys dressed up

Scarlette - she notices the person and goes in for a hug "hey man! thanks for coming"

Nathaniel - looks "I see you brought a friend here, hi Luka"

Luka - "hi Nathaniel, she asked me to come to watch you guys that I could help out in a way"

Miss White - walks in "OMG what's this cutie!" looking at the group "I didn't know your friend was so hot! you go get a chance too!" dragging him to the dressing room

Marc - the unturned expression "why's he here."

Scarlett - "cause I wanted to share the experience with another friend cause you may not be all the time and I promised to hang out with him so he's coming along our journey"

Nathaniel - "wait what about the manager she can't have him coming"

Scarlette - looking "actually she's pretty fond of him already I'd say why not" chuckles a little

Nathaniel and Marc - giving me the eye until Luka came out with a white tuxedo

Luka - "pretty amazed you have my sizes" looking around his outfit and at the guys "although I think you guys pull it off better than me"

Scarlette - dragging Luka by the arm and on the set then drags the rest of the guys "come on, let's do this"

After an hour of shooting and having fun, everyone was a little exhausted

Scarlette - going and came back with refreshments "here have this"

Nathaniel - taking the bottle "thanks"

Luka - "I gotta say this was fun hanging out with you, sorry if I did intrude before"

Miss White - Walking up to Luka "oh darling you come anytime you want" patting him on the shoulder

Scarlette - looking at Luka as the manager walks off "it's alright Luka were all friends here so we don't mind, although could use the extra hands here"

Luka - "Yeah your right, you can message me if you want me to join you again but beforehand who knows if I have other plans"

Scarlette - thinking "oh yes yes I get it, ill tell you beforehand"

Marc - looking at Scarlette and Luka's conversation and walking up to them "what are you guys talking about over here"

Scarlette - "he's gonna be joining us from now an then"

Marc - "what-" surprise and at the same don't want him here "did he signed the contract"

Nathaniel - walking in and holding Marc shoulder "No worries" try shaking hands with Luka "happy to have you on the team"

Luka - shaking Nathaniel hand back "pleasures all mine" smiles

Scarlette - putting her arms around Nathaniel and Luka's shoulder "hooray guys! this is gonna be fun!"