

<p>i.<br/>19 August 2041<br/>EVEN in the future the 'dream' that most people in poverty had always seemed to be so out of reach. Each had their own reasons, possible pressure, their environment, or just bad luck.<br/>Kevin the soul that this story is about just had bad luck, or maybe none at all. Not yet.<br/>At what odds could he be so 'lucky' that with 1 in 100,000,000 chance he had to have been born with a rare disease that made him allergic to the sun. To top it off he had myasthenia gravis which is a long word for just having weak and fatigue like symptoms in most of the muscles.<br/>He was not well known nor of any importance to any.<br/>He spent most of his days in a wheelchair that was hard to push by himself. Scars were always visible, yet for no one to see. There were no friends, or people he had considered family.<br/>In his earlier years he was abused by both of his drug addicted parents, and karma ought and got them as they accidentally overdosed before they could kill him themselves. Eventually the Cos and a social worker came to the residence after a complaint of a smell.<br/>With a boy whose words could never be without stutters and mispronunciation , or walk properly he was never adopted. It was like an animal shelter during processing, the want-to-be parents will look at each child and judge. In turn kids put up their best puppy dog eyes and best behaviors so they would be desperately picked. Kevin's smile always looked upside down and strained. Later he gave up like the older kids even though he was only 11 at the time. There'd be no hope. To most it seemed like a strained medical bill in the waiting if they ever took him in.<br/>When he turned 18, he ended up getting a game development job that didn't make him commute and just work from home. It was decent and got him by even with the inflation of everything.<br/>With a lot of free time, he watched TV and played on his Xbox. He envied the people on his TV with a passion as they voiced and showed with their skills. Although for people's entertainment, they each got a large check and played the sport they loved.<br/>With his remaining amount of his monthly check, he went to physical/speech therapy. At times it all seemed helpless, progression was painfully slow, no was there to encourage and lead him to really 'fight' for it. But every day at the hospital's location there was a small chapel for those to pray. Some asking for their loved one to make it through surgery or find enlightenment.<br/>Everyday Kevin went inside.<br/>The man who was half naked, with a crown made of rose thorns, and nails to hold up his legs and arms on the wooden cross was in the far center of the room. It was fake, but supposedly with this fake wooden statue it symbolized 'his' word.<br/>Luckily no was in the room.<br/>"You leave m-me alive f-f-for this, for w-what? I r-respect your vi-vision, but why?"<br/>"…"<br/>"I don't wa-want to live like this."<br/>To no expectation the wooden plaque stayed lifeless and unmoving. After kissing at the feet, he pushed himself to stroll away from the small chapel.<br/>In the cab on the way home in the middle of traffic a man who looked homeless had a poster with a string that hung around his neck that said something strange. It was New York and there were a lot of strange people, but this one seemed to call out to him.<br/>_ There are prices for what you wish to get- Are you willing to take the risk? _<br/>Catching his curiosity, the man had knocked on the back window to get Kevin's attention.<br/>Before he had the chance to roll it down to taxi driver spoke up bitterly' "No, no don't open it. They're all swarm eventually if you give him anything."<br/>Ignoring the outburst, he opened it anyway.<br/>"Are you willing to take the risks?" The man eerily spoke holding onto the door now to get a better look at Kevin.<br/>"S-Sorry I don't under-understand, b-but here's 20 dollars get s-some food."<br/>"Don't you want to walk normally, and play the sport you desire?" The homeless guy leaned over and whispered.<br/>Eyes widened and mouth hung Kevin could only become bitterly confused, and shocked at the stranger." I- don't k-know how you know all that but leave."<br/>"Just say yes, that you'll take the risks, and you shall achieve anything you have desired, but know it comes at a price that only god knows… You are about to die." He said hurriedly as the light finally turned green.<br/>Kevin doing the same, and seeing no harm, he spoke, "I'll take the risks."<br/>{Your transaction has been approved} A prompt appeared in the middle of Kevin's eyesight. Cautiously he put his hand out to it for his hand to go right through the holographic like words.<br/><br/>'BLAM'<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Looking back at Kevin the taxi driver didn't see the not stopping vehicle.<br/><br/>and the not stopping vehicle's driver was too distracted on his phone to see the red light.<br/><br/>Although it was Kevin's side that got hit, he didn't die on impact like most had thought. The taxi was now flipped upside with the gas tank quickly pouring out. Majority of onlookers quicky came to help while others pulled their phones out to video tape.<br/>They pulled the driver out as he only had a couple non-life-threatening injuries. Eventually they pulled the distracted driver from his car too before the cars bursted out in flames.<br/>In worry, the taxi driver yelled out for them to go save his passenger, but by then the flames were too large to save anyone.<br/>Onlookers saw Kevin get in the car, and the taxi driver interacted with him, but what happened next no one really had expected.<br/>Firefighters on the scene claimed on their report that there was no one in the backseat. There was no body.<br/>Oh, and that distracted driver turned out to be at 15-year-old boy who took out his brother's car, posting on social media right before events who later died due to complications with his surgery. It was Karma in all ways, but his parents saw it in a different light.</p>

Finally chapter one.

Also I released it so soon due to me going out of town in a few days where I won't have a lot of access to my phone nor my laptop, so I hope you enjoyed and I'll have Ch.2 out when I get back to my laptop.

(Less than a 5-6 days)

CV_LaPortecreators' thoughts