

Viewer discretion advised. Despite being abused by his mother, Sain finds himself cherishing her even more. But his mother is always ridiculed in their town for being a maniac. How will Sain protect his beloved mother from the disgusted eye of the society?

Akira_Kei_ · สมจริง
47 Chs

Chapter 5 A nice day out

Its been two days since she's been troubled by what she did to Mrs Eilin. I can see her particularly in a sulky mood today.

"What's wrong mom?" I pick up a cloth and straighten my spine. 

She avoids seeing me. 

I haven't been going to school for the past two days and focused on recovering my cuts. My eye have recovered pretty much and the cut on my cheek is almost disappearing. The mark on my forehead is hiding under my bangs. It is a nice sunny day so I'm doing laundry now. 

"It is a nice day, right mom?" I turn around. 

Eerr. How do I put this but the air around her is strange today.  

"Don't sulk so much." I softly chuckle. "I know. Why don't we go out to eat today? I have savings." I propose the idea. And it looks like she's excited about it. 

"Let's go get changed after I'm done with the laundry." 

She rushes back inside the bedroom. She's just like a child. 


It was a sudden plan, but I'm glad we made it. The weather is nice. Mom seems to be enjoying the breeze. I can put on my favourite clothes. However the gazes that keep staring at us don't feel so pleasant. We can hear our neighbours whispering among themselves while we walk past them.

"She's the lady Mrs Eilin was talking about." 

"Really her?!" 

"She may seem normal but she's a maniac. She's insane up in her head." 

"Her son is 15 but she barely looks 30 herself. Isn't that too suspicious?"

"I've heard she has tried to kill Mrs Eilin before." 

"I pity her son. Though he doesn't look very normal, he's the most rational and responsible one." 

I pat mom's shoulder as she attempts to approach the ladies who're busy taunting us. "Let them be. People exist to criticise. We shouldn't let them ruin our good day." 

She listens to me and we walk side by side. I'm so happy. Its been so long since we walked next to each other. We went to the park first. After that we bought some clothes for each other. And lastly..

"This restaurant looks good." 

Mom nods in agreement. 

"What do you want? We can spend the whole savings today. I'll get my salary next week." I smile.

She playfully flips over the menu book and points at the dishes she wants. I look over.

"I'll get the same then." 

Our server stands next to our table and asks us. "What can i get you?"

We both look up at him. The server doesn't seem to look at me but somewhere else. I glance down at mom and realise them intently glaring at each other.

I clap my hands and point at the dishes we wish to order. "Please make haste." 

The server notes our order and rushes off. "Sure. It'll take 15 minutes." 

"Anything bothering you, mom?"

She nods sideways.

I guess I was just imagining things. 

A few moments later he comes and serves us food. 

With a smile he says. "please enjoy."

"Woah. It looks awesome." 

Mom's eyes are sparkling. No wonder its been so long since we last ate outside. I still remember that time when she'd make me sit next to her and buy me happy meals. I always used to become overjoyed with the toys that came along with it. 

We took bites of our food and I find myself mesmerised. 

"Its delish!" The texture is so soft and juicy. It melts in my mouth. That little sour taste makes me drool. The chicken is so soft. It comes off with a single stroke of the fork. And the beef curry is so juicy. The vegetables contrast well with it. The honey on top of all the spices makes it 100 times better. I wonder if I can replicate this dish. 

"Mom! Its good isn't it!"

She is eating with all her concentration. I guess she likes it. 

Lemme take a note properly what ingredients they might've used. 

I become so focused that I don't notice my mother at all. 

She wobbles and faints right next to her plate. The instant a thud noise along with spoons clattering entered my ear drums, I stand up anxiously.

"Mom! Mom! Are you okay! Did you choke?!" I look around. "Someone please bring some water!"