

Viewer discretion advised. Despite being abused by his mother, Sain finds himself cherishing her even more. But his mother is always ridiculed in their town for being a maniac. How will Sain protect his beloved mother from the disgusted eye of the society?

Akira_Kei_ · สมจริง
47 Chs

Chapter 32 Xeno (pt 2)

For until 11:37 there remains no more activities.

It only keeps me hanging with the thought of what they are doing inside.

Two minutes later, at 11:39 pm, I see Eclise coming out of that door. Crouching lower as if pulling something.

I wait for at least 2 more hours but no further activities happen.

Nothing is happening? Eclise didn't return either. It doesn't feel right. Where are the other two men?

Should I wait the whole night?

After waiting the whole night, I doze off in the early morning.

"Uhh.. srrp…slp." I pull the drooling saliva back in my mouth and look around. "What time is it? How long have I been sleeping?" All my co workers are already back. Is it morning?

"Mr Xeno. Its 10 am."

"What?" I scratch my head. "Its 10 already?" I must've fallen asleep around 6 in the morning, waiting to pick up further activities. And now its 10.

"Did you fall asleep in the office again, Mr Xeno?"

"No. I sleepwalked into the office and found my desk most comfortable to sleep."

"I'm sorry. Are you stressed Mr Xeno?"

"Do I look like I'm stressed? Something so trivial wouldn't stress me." I switch on my monitor and yawn.

Let me just watch what was recorded afterwards.

To my surprise, Sain is leaving his house for school at 10.

Why? Doesn't his school start at 8:30?

I click and click to find the recorded files.

Nothing really happened after that.

It makes me sigh.

What happened in that burnt house last night?

I put my phone and a packet of cigarettes in my pocket as I stand up.

"Is Mr Xeno going somewhere?"

"Yeah." I halt. "Mr Warren sent me the mail last night, right? Can you do me a favour and track down more pieces of that bone?"

"Sure. Wait.. pieces?"

It is all aligning into something meaningful now. I was told pieces here and there. Eclise was told arms, legs, cut. It sounds like Ms Rosalyn's confessing.

Cut. Him. Into. Arms. Legs. And. Several. Pieces.

That would make sense.

On my way I buy some sweet bread from the store. That's right. Sain works in this store if I remember correctly.

I put the packet before the cashier and ask him. "You know Sain?"

He disinterestedly replies. "Yes. What are you to him?"

"His uncle. Why did Sain leave early yesterday?"

"How weird."

"What's so absurd about an uncle asking about his nephew?"

"I mean you could've just called him instead of asking me."

"I wouldn't have asked you if he picked up my calls. Will you please tell me?"

"Yeah. Man. Chill." He weirdly looks at me. "He said he was feeling unwell and left."

"I wonder if he's okay." I tear the packet and nibble on the bread.

Its good.

I reach the burnt house.

Nothing really looks different. Though the stench got awful. I can smell bleach. Someone wiped the floor rigorously in this burnt house. The smell is so strong.

I walk further inside and inspect the house.

The sink looks wet. What did they do here?

My eyeballs roll around and notice the metal cutter lying around.

I remember bringing it here from the garage downstairs to cut the locks during fire. I couldn't cut them due to lack of electricity but it was heavy enough to break them with a forceful swing. But I'm sure I didn't leave it here.

I come across a smartphone and pick it up.

It looks as good as new. Someone must've wiped the phone as well.

I press the button on the side and inspect the lock screen.

It must belong to someone among those three from last night. It is password protected. I'll bring it to a hacker at our place.

I put it in my pocket and discover…

This dark mark on the side of the bed.

I touch it and try to sniff.

Is it blood? Someone died in here?

Hold up. Two people except Eclise never left this place according to the camera. They are not here now. Did he kill them?! Why here at Sain's place?

I return to the office and submit the smartphone to a hacker.

It doesn't take much time and they inform me of their results by tonight.

"This phone belongs to a boy in 11th grade at ab Highschool. His name is Ivian. He doesn't have a very good background. You can say he's the perfect delinquent."

"Can you show me his call history?"

"Yes. These are all the people he called yesterday."

"Let me see." I scroll upwards. "This is the last number he called." Wait. This number.. "Eclise?!"

Ivian called Eclise before he died?!

I ruffle my own hair.

"Mr Xeno are you alright?"

"Ye. I couldn't be better." I still have so many questions. Why did he go there? Why did he have to kill them? What did they talk about? Is it actually Eclise who killed them? How did Sain not hear anything from next door? What was he pulling outside?

But no matter how I look at it, all the evidence points that Eclise is the culprit. I cannot help but arrange his arrest for questioning. I'll have to talk with some men in whatever they call higher position or whatever.

I scratch my head.

There's still a lot of questions that I don't know the answers to. Its driving me crazy.