

Viewer discretion advised. Despite being abused by his mother, Sain finds himself cherishing her even more. But his mother is always ridiculed in their town for being a maniac. How will Sain protect his beloved mother from the disgusted eye of the society?

Akira_Kei_ · สมจริง
47 Chs

Chapter 3 The strange lady next door

(third brackets are meant for third person perspective or any character other than protagonist.)

[Any new clue?"

"Not a single clue."

The man sighs. "What the hell is up with this person? He's been gone for a whole week without leaving a trace behind. Did he what.. spirited away?"

"Well. He used to live alone. His colleagues who wanted to reach out to him reported his missing case."

"He perhaps left the town? Why did they have to involve the district police?"

"The town police couldn't find him in town. That's why we are here."

"How absurd is that. His cell phone. House keys. Wallet. Everything is gone. Was he robbed and kidnapped?"

"He also withdrew all his money he had in his bank account and closed it right before disappearing."

"It sounds weird honestly." ]

Two weeks have left since we shifted to this new town. Me aside, mom has also started to adjust well.

"Mom. Mom. Do you want to meet Mrs Eilin? I can assure you she's an understanding person. You will like her."

Sho nods sideways.

Perhaps she's still not ready to interact with new people.

"Alright. If you want to meet her one day, tell me. We'll go and see her together."

Today like any other day I make breakfast and wake mom up before leaving for school.

She sees me off to the entrance as i put on my shoes. "I'll be going then." I proceed to the door and find the wood near the lock scratched and widened. I turn around and ask her. "Was it always like this?"

She says nothing.

"Maybe I'll get a locksmith and get this replaced. Stay safe, okay. Don't let anyone in. See you."

I leave for school.

[He left. He left me alone!

She grabs the knife from the kitchen and stabs it in between the gaps of the door. She grunts as she smacks the door lock. Suddenly she drops the knife and proceeds to eat the breakfast Sain left for her on the table.

After sleeping for a while, she jumps awake. Her eyes scan around the house. Finding no one she continues to smack the door lock.

She flinches and drops the knife again. Who knows for how many hours she's been in it. She removes the curtains and looks outside.

The sun is setting!

She puts her ears against the thin walls of their house.

The neighbours are talking.

She rushes and continues to smack the lock. Finally the lock breaks and she plunges the door.

She crawls to the next door with the knife in her hand. She starts to pound loudly.

"Who is it?" A response! She hears Eilin walking closer to the door and stands up on her feet.

"Yes?" Eilin opens the door. "You.." she fails to recognise her since she never saw her before. But she's visibly terrified. "A knife?! What do you want?!" Out of fear, she swings the door to close.

"No!" She uses all her strength to prevent Eilin from closing the door.

"Stop it! I don't know who you are! I'll report you!" Eilin yells as she tries to chase her away. With great force she pushes Eilin backwards and opens the door. She widens her eyes and clasps her arms.

"No no no no! Arms! Legs! Pieces!" She looks at the knife in her hand. "Knife! No. Bins! Bags! No? House!"

Eilin starts to cry out aloud out of fear. "Help! Help! She's going to kill me! Help!" Eilin fails to comprehend her words and arrives at the conclusion that she's going to kill her with that knife.

She groans and screams. "No no no. Ahhhhh." She leans closer to Eilin and screams in her ears. "Ahhhh!"]