

Viewer discretion advised. Despite being abused by his mother, Sain finds himself cherishing her even more. But his mother is always ridiculed in their town for being a maniac. How will Sain protect his beloved mother from the disgusted eye of the society?

Akira_Kei_ · สมจริง
47 Chs

Chapter 15 Admiration

["How much do you know about him, Ms Yana?" Xeno puts his right leg on top of his left.

Ms Yana was asked to meet the inspector regarding Sain's situation. Since it is exam season she requests him to meet her at school after the exam.

"There's not much that I can say about him. Though he acts friendly and behaves self conscious, his overall personality is unusually aloof and discreet."

"What do you know about his mother?"

"Surprisingly I haven't met his mother before. Not once."

"Not even when he transferred schools?"

"No. I've heard the principal met her."

"Does he know her situation?"

"Yes. Perhaps. He told me to specially take care of Sain."

"What led you to the conclusion that he's abused in his house?"

"Well. His bruises.. I've also seen marks around his neck. And bite marks."

"Are you sure those were inflicted by his mother?"

She looks away. "I guessed.."

"Well Sain told me that he's not abused. And I doubt he'd be threatened by his mother given what I saw. Could it not be possible that someone outside might be harassing him?"

She twitches. "Well yes. I think I acted rashly. But I became worried."

"He'll leave in a year or two. What made you so worried about him, Ms Yana?"

"I don't know. Perhaps because he's my first student who's in this critical spot. Also might be because I feel like if I don't help him now.. it might be too late."

Xeno stands up. "I can't tell that your concerns aren't verified. But.. as an advice from a police officer.. I ask you to not overstep." He turns around. "I've seen many who oversteps and regrets."]

I haven't slept a wink last night. Maybe buying the phone wasn't a good idea after all.

I wobble along the corridor.

"Hang on, Sain." Eclise grasp my shoulder. "You don't look too well."

"I'm praying with my heart and soul that I'll pass today."

"Don't stress. They don't make midterms too tough. You'll pass." His smile turns upside down.

"I hope so."

"Tell me Sain." He avoids looking at me. "Did something happen to your mother last night?"

I side glance at him. "Why? What did she tell you?"

"She said pieces also here and there. I didn't understand a thing she said though. She kept repeating along those lines and cried."

"Is that all she said?"

"At the end she said 'I did'. Is she okay?"

I roll up my eyes. "Eclise. Can you pretend you didn't hear that?"

"Eeerrr. Well. I can until nothing happens to you." He halts. "But can you tell me why your mother says those words? She sounds like she's trying to confess something."

I stand facing him. "Most of what she told you last night doesn't hold any value. She will say things like arms, legs and other body parts but they actually mean nothing. Because she might be.." I tilt my head and hold my arm. "Schizophrenic."


"As a friend please keep it a secret."

"Ahh. Okay."

I smile. "Then that's great. We should hurry back to our classroom."


"Ahh. Sain!" Ms Yana calls me from behind.

"You go ahead. I'll come later." Telling Eclise to leave earlier, I turn around as Ms Yana walks closer.

"How did everything go yesterday? I sent some people to your place."

I sigh. "Why did you do that ma'am?"

"Why? Because I'm concerned."

"I don't need you to be too concerned about me. I'm fine!"

"But your mother might be causing you trouble. I heard about your situation from the principal."

"Why is everyone trying to separate me from my mom?!"

"I'm not trying to separate you. I just want both of you and your mother to live in peace."

"I admired you Ms Yana but you shouldn't have done that." My eyes wells up with tears but I stop them rolling down.


I dash back into my classroom.

She shouldn't have done that to me. Sending police to my home! I really admired her!