
alien bloodline

the great dragon age the age were the dragons came to earth and changed the earth's atmosphere were they put energy so humans can absorb it so they evolve bloodline abilities by using the energy stored inside them the can use it to strengthen there bodies increase there Lifespans and use there ability that is unique to every individual thanks to the dragons humanity now has interstellar space travel space systems have been colonized by humanity and now humanity is the dragons friend in three war with the arrogant race of the elves were recently the two races have declared war after tensions between the already rivals have gone out of control. the great age of dragon's 2100 to 2500 this when humanity's technology have gone at an all time high thanks to the dragon's and after centuries of evolution humanity unlocked bloodline abilities and now in the year 3000 we follow the story of Alfonso and his journey in this big Fascinating world.

dragon_born_0239 · ไซไฟ
17 Chs

challenge 2

A few weeks after Alfonso's fight against luke Nolan and Alfonso were on the fighting ring.

Let me tell you this Nolan you don't stand a chance against me said Alfonso Nolan replied we will see about that then flames started manifesting around Nolan how am I going to beat that wondered Alfonso.

So Alfonso started charging Nolan he retaliated with throwing fire at Alfonso but he dodged every throw then he got close to Nolan and that's when he really felt the flames the were burning him if he didn't finish this soon he will lose.

Nolan seeing that the throwing fire didn't work he changed his strategy and charged immediately when he got close to Alfonso he threw a punch boosted with fire making it faster and stronger he will have a hard time dealing with my punches and my flames around me are just the Cherry on top thought Nolan.

Now yes those were problems for Alfonso Especially the flames around him but his mistake was getting close to Alfonso ability has evolved beound Believe not only is his physical strength durability and stamina while also his senses and Regeneration improved to which means he moved his head to the right a bit to dodge Nolans attack and Retaliated with a punch to the stomach then grabbing him by the collar then pining him to the ground and punch him in the face only after the first punch did Alfonso stop and got up.

The first punch knocked Nolan out Alfonso wins shouted Mr Smith he is now number 3 after that Alfonso walked away from the ring then he touched his burned parts only to realise they barley hurt it almost healed.