
Story of a legend

This story is of a boy, who didn't knew for years that he will be the heart of his school. When he was in grade 4th, he got 46% in his final examination, he was quite worried for his parents to watch his result. Nothing happened after his parents knew about it, they were just fine with it, not really happy, and not really sad. This thing continued, when he came in grade 5th he got 56% in his finals, still he didn't worry. When he came in grade 6th, he went into his first terminal examination, and he got 44% in it, everything was same, but this time his father was with him which made him very sad because of the words his father said. He said "you can do whatever you want my son, I'll never say anything to you" (with a sad heart feeling). These words hurt him, for the first time he was that much sad, that day was the worst day of his life. He spent that day crying, he never had such a sad day in his life before. Then one day, in October, he prayed his first prayer with full dedication, and full attraction, and that day his God came in his heart. He (God) made him go ahead instead of going behind. He (God) made his mind to focus on his work, and from that day he started grinding. And he started praying all the prayers, and he ended up getting 81% after years, in his second terminal examination, in December. That day his teachers appreciated him, and he was full of motivation that he got 91% in his finals. That day his father hugged him, and said "Son, you did it, I just wanted this, you made me very happy, firm faith on God will never let you go down". At that day he felt it's the best day of his life, he didn't want that day to end, just like his that day when he wanted that day to end as fast as it could, and was fully dead in tears, but God changed his life, and told him to never give up because I'm the life changing one, and will never let you (my people) down.