
The Weekend

Lucky for some that our first day was on a Friday so now we have a whole weekend to do whatever we want. I had thought of going to the Room of Requirement but decided that it can wait a bit. I feel I will spend a large amount of time there so I need to build up my bonds a bit and establish a network for intel gathering. The last one is easy as I just create some very basic and small golems out of paper and attach a disillusionment charm on them before letting them loose to be my information gatherers.

{A/N: Yes Sep 2nd 2011 was on a Friday. I looked it up}

I must say it was a very good thing it was a weekend because I got my very first knowledge package from my sign in and it made me pass out for an hour. I got [Scientific Knowledge (Bioshock)] my head was filled with different machines, genetic sequences, schematics, plasmids, vigours, and all kinds of things. From what the system said all the information would overload me so the system had to put me to sleep so I could process it all subconsciously.

The information is very interesting though especially if I can convert Plasmids into Vigours considering I do not have any ADAM to make Plasmids. Each Plasmid/Vigour is like an instant cast spell and those will come in handy when the Supernatural World comes to me.

All that genetic knowledge will also be useful when if I decide to study the various species this world has. Might even find out how those Evil Pieces can change a persons race into partial devil. Or figure out if I can unlock further power by studying demigods. So many possibilities!

Then there is the Lazarus Vector Formula which can revive dead plants and cause rapid growth in plants. It has no real personal use for me because I can do all that myself but if I can make it I can get a very nice profit.

I called up Sebastian to set up a proper laboratory for me so I can work with my new knowledge when I get home. With any luck I can pump out at least the formula and get a nice start up for the future company I will make.

Other than my sign in I also spent some time exploring Hogwarts itself. There is so much more here than in the books or in the movies. I think there were many more classes here in the past considering there are entire sections of abandoned rooms. Nothing really in them though. I think it is all in the RoR, I am so gonna clean that out when I get there.

Me and Neville bonded a bit better when the gang was discussing any of the classes we are looking forward that we haven't gone to yet. He said Herbology and that got us talking about various plants both magical and Mundane. I told him about a few plants in the mundane world that can be just as deadly as magical plants.

One such plant is the Manchineel Tree's. The sap of the tree will cause burning blisters and if gotten into the eyes, blindness. Standing under the tree while it rains will also give you blisters. Breathing the air around the tree can destroy your lungs and even if you set it on fire the smoke it produces will cause you to go blind. Though the fruit is supposedly very sweet but will also cause major internal swelling, burning, blisters, and even melt you from the inside.

Well that apparently was a bit too much information for him. Though I giggled imagining death eaters eating the deadly apples to earn their title.

Other than Herbology I was really looking forward to Potions. Even though Snapes teaching methods in the books and movies was terrible. I mean really if you are just going to put a recipe on the board and tell people to do it properly then you are an even less valued teaching aid than the book I got at the shop. I agreed with the fanfics I read in my last life where Snape taught the upper years and someone else dealt with the others to teach the basics.

Got off topic there but potions would be invaluable especially high quality ones like Felix Felicis, that gives the drinker luck, Veritaserum which is a full proof truth serum, and the Potion of All Potential which draws out the maximum potential of the drinker and is known as one of the hardest to make.

Sunday I signed in and got a [Lost Left Sock] which obviously was trash. Can't be lucky all the time. Explored the grounds more and found the Whomping Willow. Had a nice chat with Hagrid about some of the creatures in the forest. He spoke to lengths about the acromantulas, which is understandable considering the whole colony came from pet Aragog.

I considered some of my future plans. Should I deal with the Basilisk this year and then take the diary next year a head of time or should I let things play out like canon. The diary was crucial to Dumbles figuring out about Horcruxes and freeing Dobby only happened because of the diary. But if I deal with it all ahead of time I will have much more free time next year without having to worry about the Heir of Slytherin nonsense, funny because I am the Heir.

Well I'll deal with that later. Need to get the rat though as I want Sirius free and the rat will be a great way of getting him to be a free man. Setting up a correspondence with Remus is also something I should do and speaking of Remus need to make a plan to locate and kill Fenrir Greyback. I'm only a first year yet I already have so much I need to do just in the Magical World alone. That isn't including planning for the Supernatural side full of devils, gods and monsters I will have to deal with eventually.

It's a bit much on my poor eleven year old spirit. Which is another odd thing, I seem to have been reset when I reincarnated. I have the memories of my last life as an adult but I do not have the emotional attachment of them. It was like watching a movie. I still act like a young boy, a smart and slightly responsible young boy but a young boy nonetheless. I am really not looking forward to puberty.

{A/n: I am looking for suggestions for fun things for him to get in some of his sign ins. Nothing OP or anything powerful but stuff like that Infinite Pizza Box SCP or something humorous. Lastly I did say this was a Harem and for HP Girls I am thinking Tonks, Luna, and MAYBE Fleur. Giving Harry Hermione and possibly Ginny. Ron will be paired with Lavender Brown