

"Subject 77. Quirked Male. 178 pounds. 5'9. 32 years of age" Said the cold tone of Alex in his Corvo persona "Green eyes. Black Hair. Pale skin tone. Scales coat the males right arm giving added protection and an increase of attack power" He said marking the information down on the clipboard he held

"Alright Subject 77." He said as he put the clipboard down and walked up to the nude man strapped tightly down on a hospital gurney "Now I could make some empty platitudes about how this won't hurt or some other nonsense but given your crimes I am merely going to say it will hurt, a lot, and I, for one, can't wait to get started."

The man struggles against his bindings even more fiercely while trying to shout through the gag I had placed in his mouth. I merely pat him on the head "No need for that Subject 77. Your sacrifice will be one that will revolutionize the world."

I then head over to the wall and open a glass cabinet that held all sorts of vials and containers containing a number of glowing liquids within. "Let's see…" I say trailing my finger against the glass vials "Compound 213: Shock Jockey" I pull out a vial of glowing purple liquid.

"Really Subject 77 if you were quirkless this would be a boon for you. Sadly you already have a genetic change in your DNA from awakening a quirk. But this is why I need you Subject 77" I say as I fill up a syringe with the liquids.

"You see I can easily give a quirkless person an ability or an artificial quirk as it were. But I am having trouble when it comes to those with already mutated DNA. That is where you and all the other subjects come in."

I swab the veins on his left arm "Now you are going to feel a little pinch" I say before pushing the needle into his body and injecting Compound 213 into his veins before taking out the needle and quickly taping a gauze on the puncture and stepping back.

It took merely seconds for the compound to start working. Subject 7 would spasm, drool coming from around the gag in his mouth and his eyes rolling back as the veins along his left arm lit up blue and purple. Crystals would burst from the flesh each emitting a visible electrical current. The crystals spread down the Subjects entire arm and shoulder.

Soon the majority of the crystals shattered and disintegrated into nothingness leaving only one large one sticking out the males palm and a few around his fingers and backhand.

I take note of the machines showing the Subjects vitals slowly going back to normal "Hm…" I prod the males arm with a long ruler. "Oh he passed out"

I approach the male while writing down the changes to his physical appearance before noting his vitals down "Heart rate has sped up and shows no sign of slowing back down to previous average."

Taking out a taser from my coat pocket I press it to his left arm and flip the switch. No reaction. "Left arm has electrical resistance perhaps even nullification. Further testing at higher voltage required."

I then proceed to taze the males left leg. Still no reaction "Subjects left leg also shows no reaction to electrical stimuli." I do the same with the remaining limbs and even on the males chest "Subject appears to have full body electrical resistance rather than just his left side again further testing needed to check for nullification."

"Well well Subject 77, perhaps that number is lucky." I check my watch "It has been 4 minutes and 15 seconds since Subjects was injected. So far only anomaly is his heart rate. No further changes have been seen to the naked eye."

I put the taser away before casting a Medical Scan Spell on the subject. A roll of parchment appears listing down certain medical facts. I look it over "Subject has indeed developed more magic spread through his body rather than just his right arm. Magic concentrated heavily on the left arm"

Yes during the last few years I have discovered that quirks are somehow caused by some form of Wild Magic taking the manifestation in supernatural abilities and appearance changes. Though as to why this worlds magic reacted this way has yet to be determined.

Quirkless people are much like squibs in a way. They have an almost empty container for a body with only the faintest trace of magic flowing within them. But not enough to give them any sort of change.

This also proves that Plasmids are indeed magical abilities made with science. It still amazes me how people in the bioshock world were able to make such a thing even going as far as creating Mana potions in the form of Eve and Salts.

Plasmids can easily fill an empty 'container' such as the quirkless but a container already holding Wild Magic has shown to have adverse reactions when injected with magic made by science. Such as quite a few of my previous subjects can testify, may the devil torment their souls.

The early quirked subjects did not die easily. The mess they left behind would have truly been a pain to clean without magic. Even I can admit that it was very disturbing watching how they died but then again they were pedos and r*p*st so I can't feel too upset about it.

But luckily for me this one turned out fine thanks to his Sky Intuition helping him along the way through the process. Further observation will of course be required but so far it seems that the current formula has succeeded in combining the two magic types into a balance. Which is why I had to have these test in the first place.

Tonics were much easier to make way with as they merely enhance what is already there to begin with but plasmids add something new by changing the very code that is a humans very being.

Sure the testing was a hassle and subjects sometimes required me to personally get involved in their detainment but you know what they say. For science!

"Golem 12 please take 77 to the insulated testing room." A golem comes over to the gurney and quickly takes the subject away. The golem looked like Baymax from Big Hero 6 if Baymax was made of earth and clay.

While the golem is doing that I sit down and start entering the results of the experiment into my laptop. Making double checks on the formula used in compound 213 and comparing it to earlier compounds. Adding the data into a synthesis program I created to better help with my work.

It truly is a good thing I decided to make a villain persona for this as I would never be able to get away with my testing if I tried going about it legally. Imagine trying to test all this on mice.

Though not all subjects were used for plasmid research as I have been using a few for gene splicing. It is much easier to give a person traits of an animal than it was to give them the ability to generate lightning from their palm

My phone chimes "Well looks like I am done here for today." I say as I change out of my villain attire and form. Once more taking my normal shape and putting on common clothes before teleporting back home.