
Alexander Benjamin Tennyson (Ben 10 Fanfic)

Lad reborn in an alternate version of Ben Tennyson, in which the summer journey begins when Ben and Gwen are 15. The main character knows the canon very well and will use his knowledge. --- I don't know English at all, so I use Google Translate for translation. I hope it won't be that bad --- My patreon - https://www.patreon.com/zeckyll11

Zeckyll11 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
182 Chs

09. Fire & Dr. Animo (Edited)



Check out my patr*eon if you want to get a few chapters in advance.


Editor: Kyran_Ambrosius


Check out my side work - One Piece: Nemo's Golden Lottery https://www.webnovel.com/book/one-piece-nemo's-golden-lottery_22716859705890305


Having entered Washington, we went to the city center. 30 minutes after sunset, we drove up to the Capitol, where we saw a fire a few blocks from our location.

I told my grandfather to stay near the house where the fire was, as I wanted to help.

When we arrived, I got off the bus and turned on my glasses to check how many people were in danger.

By the way, about the glasses, I didn't talk about them. These are no ordinary glasses. Why do I need glasses? I already have perfect vision, even better than all ordinary people (because of my body)?

I created these glasses, just in case, two months ago. They look like the most straightforward glasses with black frames, and they are made from alien materials and are practically indestructible.

The glasses have many valuable functions built-in, and most importantly, I can access Morgana's interface and the Internet.

They also have a built-in zoom; there is a function of night and thermal vision. In addition, I added something like a sonar to them, which can scan a specific area and find enemies, even through walls (Batman had a similar thing too).

There is also a camera that captures everything that I see. Plus, there is a phone, and as a nice bonus, they can become sunglasses. I'm very proud of them, a helpful thing. Gwen will have to make similar ones later.

First of all, I scanned the house and found three people on the second floor, judging by the silhouettes of a girl, and on the third floor, one woman and a child.

- Morgana, are the firefighters coming soon? Also, check who started the fire. - I said to my virtual assistant.

- [They'll need another five minutes. According to the cameras, the two bandits are guilty, who broke into the jewelry store on the first floor and started a fire to distract attention.] - my AI answered me.

- It's terrible; people won't last that long. Okay, I'll have to do it myself. - I said to myself.

Having warned my grandfather and Gwen what I was going to do, and having received a wish for good luck, I hid behind a bush and, with the help of a mental command, turned into Pyronite. In my opinion, this is the most helpful alien in this situation.

After the transformation, which was reduced by half a second, I examined myself. And I noticed the differences from the original.

First, the color of my flame. It was bright white, which means I am much hotter than Ben. And the stones themselves, of which I consisted, were black, like solidified lava.

Secondly, I had shorts made of an incomprehensible material that withstood all my heat. That's better; otherwise, I don't want to go naked.

Immediately after that, I ran to the house. With the help of the flame from my legs, I jumped to the second floor while breaking the window in one jump. Once inside, the first thing I did was consume the flame. It came out entirely instinctively and very simply. I think I could put out the volcano.

After going through a couple of rooms and putting out the fire there, I found three girls who were now coughing and huddling against the wall, trying to escape the flames.

Quickly putting out all the fire in the room, without saying a word, I knocked out the window and, with the help of the flame, created a whirlwind that carried the girls away. They did not even have time to squeak, as they were already on the street, completely intact and without burns.

But these tricks with flame are much more challenging to do. To do this requires concentration and complete control over the fire. But this is not so problematic because I am the flame itself.

Seeing that the girls were okay, and they were already taken over by the doctors who arrived a couple of minutes ago, I went to the third floor.

I also consumed the fire until I found a mother and her child in one of the apartments.

At the last moment, I managed to catch the boards from the ceiling that fell on them. I repeated the same process with a swirl of flame through the window as before, pulling them off. But this time, I went down with them since I had already saved all the people inside.

After landing on the street, the woman quickly grabbed her son, looking at me with stars in his eyes, and ran away towards the ambulance.

Standing near the still-burning building, I raised both hands and consumed all the fire. Previously, I could not do this because I could injure the people there.

When there was nothing left of the fire, I nodded my head in satisfaction; satisfied with my work, I ran to the side of the thieves who had left. Since the people were still in shock, I could safely escape.

After running about forty meters and making sure that no one could see me, with one thought, I turned into an XLR8. It looked the same as the original except for the extra blue lines.

After that, I ran after the thieves at my own speed. I found them after 20 seconds. At that moment, they were pursued by the police.

Deciding that I needed to finish with them quickly, I overtook them and, with a flash of light, became Four Arms. Which, by the way, was the same as Ben's, only with blue elements of clothing instead of white and eyes of a different color.

I appeared right in front of the car and scared the bandits with this. The driver immediately hit the brakes.

The car stopped ten centimeters from me. Wasting no time, I smashed the car's windshield and pulled out these two grief thieves. And quickly hit them on the head with each other, and they immediately lost consciousness.

Throwing them on the hood, I became the XLR8 again and dashed off to the bus, leaving the bandits to the cops who had just arrived.

Not far from the bus, I became myself. Approaching them, I saw that Gwen and Grandpa were looking at the already cooling house.

- Boo!!! - sneaking up behind them, I shouted.

At this, Gwen and Grandpa jumped up in fright.

- God, Lex, don't do that anymore; I nearly died of fear. By the way, where have you been? - Gwen said, clutching her heart.

- The fire was staged by thieves to divert attention. After putting out the fire, I went after them. - I replied calmly.

- Everything is fine? Did you catch them? - Max asked me.

- Yes, the police have already taken them. Let's go to the hotel and go to bed already. I am exhausted. - to my words, they just nodded and got on the bus.

We went to the nearest hotel, sitting down and fastening our seat belts. Having rented two rooms there, one for Gwen and one for me and my grandfather, we all went to bed.


June 3, 2010

The next day we went to the new shopping center, which was not far from our hotel, to buy groceries for our onward journey.

Just as we were walking downtown, Dr. Animo showed up. He broke through the wall on a giant frog and tried to steal some tools.

In his fifties, Dr. Animo was a man, 165 centimeters in height, with long white hair and yellow-green skin. He had a helmet on his head, red glasses on his eyes, headphones on his ears, and a trans modulator on his chest.

Wasting no time while Doctor Animo was busy with the robbery, I hid behind the counter and turned into the Ghostfreak. I looked exactly the same as in the original.

Becoming invisible, I flew to Animo. Once near him, I immediately possessed his body and took complete control over him.

Because of this, his eyes turned blue and black lines appeared around them, but this was not visible under the glasses.

Descending from the back of the frog and using the modulator, I returned it to its original size, after which it rode off somewhere.

After removing all of Dr. Animo's equipment, I put it on the floor. And he, turning his face to the wall, ran to it with all available speed.

Before the collision, I left his body. After crashing into the wall, the doctor lost consciousness. Instead, he will all have a concussion.

Well, nothing; it will be helpful for him to lie down in the hospital for months. Anyway, he will not be put in prison for a long time because he did not really have time to do anything.

Taking Enimo's device, I flew to the bus. Putting all the equipment near the robot's remains, I returned to Gwen and Max and became human again.

I will disassemble the device itself and find out how it works. After all, this thing can increase any individual using its genetics, which can be very helpful in the future.

When I found Gwen and Grandpa, I told them what had happened. Then we finished shopping and moved on.