

ELIJAH Faulkner has it all. Name it, beauty? Intelligence? Wealth? Fame? He's got everything anyone would wish for. Women would chase him. Men would do everything to be his friend. But, he's not happy about it. Infact, he hates it. No matter how expensive a gift is, he will never be amazed by it. He'd rather not accept it. For him, there's no such thing as genuine kindness.

For Elijah, only his mother is a genuine loving person. He hated his father for being strict, abusive and manipulative. Elijah's father is a very well known multi-millionare businessman. His mother is a simple woman who used to work as a hotel clerk. His mother, however passed away in an accident.

Elijah always believed no one will ever become his friend, let alone become his lover. But things changed one day when he decided to skip classes.

UNDERNEATH a shade of a tree lies a handsome man. His hair is slightly messy, a few of his brown locks is covering his emerald eyes. Two buttons of his shirt is undone and his necktie is loose. However messy he is, he still looks strikingly handsome.

His emerald eyes are focused on a pond. Elijah ditched his classes because he's fed up with how everyone is currying favor from him.

He took a closer steps towards the pond and leaned to get a better look. He watched how the fishes moved and dance in the water. Silence and solitude always calms him. No one knows the place, or so he thought.

Not far from him stood a young girl with vibrant amber eyes. Her hair is as black as the nightsky paired with a rosy white skin. She may be beautiful but she's cold and lifeless like a corpse. No one would dare take a glance of her face. Anyone who would even try to come close to her would feel their spine run chill. And so, such beauty remained not known.

ALEXA Martin, that's her name. She has a very simple life. Her father is a janitor, her mother works as a cleaner in a restaurant. Her mother left them to work overseas, however, she never came back. Though, she is the only daughter, they are drowned in loans and debts.

Alexa only wanted to skip one subject to calm herself. It was supposed to be her spot, but someone else is sitting underneath the tree. She hates to admit it but, she actually thought that he's attractive. He seems to be a little reckless and uncaring but he looked quite... soft and gentlemanly. It's rather ironic, but no matter how messy he looked like, Alexa doesn't find him dangerous. Rather to her, he looked like a lone wolf.

Just as she was about to leave and give him space, Elijah's necklace fell into the water. He tried to reach it before it sinks deeper but he fell into the water instead. Alexa panicked. She wants to go and help him but was reluctant. She watched as Elijah thrashed on the water and swam back to the shore. Guilt clenched her heart. She never socialized before and never offered help, now she feel worst that she couldn't do anything.

A hand is outstretched at Elijah. He looked up to see the owner of the hands and was surprised to see a woman. She was enchanting. Her black hair curtained her face casting few shadows which made her amber eyes notable. What surprised him though was the concern on her eyes. But, Elijah knew better than to trust those.

"What do you want?" Elijah dismissively asked. He didn't even accepted her hand.

Alexa didn't mind it though. She wasn't a very sentimental person. Such cold act doesn't bother her.

"Just accept my hand, you clearly need help." Alexa said.

Elijah scoffed. Such kindness isn't done without motives. He looked away and didn't even accepted her hand.

"Get lost!" Elijah dismissively said.

Alexa wasn't bothered by his cold attitude. Infact, she doesn't feel anything at all. Alexa grew up exposed to indifferent people. It was fair to recieve such cold treatment. Afterall, they don't know each other. But, such treatment will not stop her from doing what she wants.

Without another word, Alexa jumped into the pond. That caught Elijah off-guard. His cold demeanor quickly changed to concern. Now he was the one who is panicking.

Now he was the one who can't do anything.

Elijah quickly stood up from the ground. The thought of his necklace is gone and replaced by the girl. He couldn't even afford to care about his wet clothes or his self.

"What are you doing!? Get out of the water!" He whispered shout.

He clenched his fist annoyed. Guilt and concern is now eating him. He wanted to jump into the pond and stop her but couldn't. The fear of drowning is stopping him. His fear is much stronger than his will to save the girl.

It didn't take too long to find the necklace. It was a silver dog tag and so it was easy to find because of it's shine. Alexa isn't really good at swimming as well. It just happened that the pond wasn't really that deep. Just 4 or 5 feet. Plus, the water is clear because the janitors always clean the pond. The fishes in it are actually expensive, so the pond is cleaned and maintained.

Alexa got up from the water holding a silver dogtag. She was heavily soaked. Her blouse is sticking on her skin and her skirt is dripping lots of water.

Then everything seems to slow down for Elijah. He was supposed to be mad. But he couldn't even utter a word. His emerald eyes watched Alexa's every movement.

Her jet black hair is soaking and covering half of her face. Her skin seems to glow underneath the sun. She brushed her hair of her face and her amber eyes seems to glow. She actually looked quite badass. As she got up and walked to towards him, he could hear his heart beating hard and fast.

*ba-bump* *ba-bump*

'She's beautiful.' A voice whispered inside his head.

"Is this yours?" She asked.

Elijah was silent for a moment before he quickly replied. "Y-yeah!"

"Don't lose it again then." She said and handed the necklace at him without any enthusiasm.

Elijah was stunned. How could he think that she was beautiful? It was such a strange feeling and he was afraid he would indeed fall for her. He couldn't possibly like her. H mustn't.

Elijah repeated it in his mind like a mantra. He didn't know, the more he refused and deny, the more he gets attracted.