

Aleezeh, a beautiful girl, is constantly in trouble. She tries to escape from difficulties, but is unsuccessful each time. She is tired of avoiding them. Let's see if she will have a good life again.

Amna_Salman_35310 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

The Funeral

 Noor came inside and happily said,

"I have deleted the video."

Her happiness was ruined when she saw Aleezeh. She saw that Aleezeh was crying and her mother was lying on the floor. Aleezeh pointed to Mobile. The Aleezeh video was published on social media. She first called the ambulance, then went to her brother.

She was very angry.

"What have you done?"


"How can you do this?"

"I give her a chance, but..."

"Shut up."

She slapped his face and went to the hospital.

Aleezeh was crying.

"Everything will be fine. Pray for your mother."

"If anything happens to Ammi, I am going to kill him."

Aleezeh's aunt and cousin also came.

"Where is your mother, and how is she?"

Aleezeh hugged her aunt and started crying.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine."

"It was my fault."

"It was not your fault."

The doctor came and told them that she didn't have time. Aleezeh started crying.Her aunt told her not to cry in front of her mother.

Her mother said,

"I know, I don't have time. Please take care of my daughter. I want you to marry Hassan and my daughter. Please fulfil my last wish."


"Don't worry, he will take care of you."

Suddenly, her eyes closed. Everyone starts crying.

Aleezeh fainted.

When she opened her eyes, she was in her room. She went down; her mother's funeral was going on. She started crying. She was not allowing anyone to touch her mother, but they took her up and went to the graveyard. She was crying and shouting.

Arslan came,

Aleezeh, stop crying.

"Why are you here?"

"I am sorry for your loss."

"Shut up, are you happy now?"

"I really don't want this to happen."

"Get out of here."

Hassan angrily pushed him out of the house.

She went to her room, knowing that nothing would happen by crying.

Hassan came to her.

"I'm sorry for your loss. I'm here for you."

"Thank you! But can you please leave me alone for some time?"

"Yes, sue as you wish."

Hassan was sad for her, but now he had to go.

"Silent tears and heavy hearts, as we say goodbye to a loved one's part."

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