
Alchemy System: The Ancient One's True Descendant

Nick was a loser. Born as a farmer's son where he learned to cultivate crops and herbs. At age 10, his father died and his mother shortly took her life in depression. Without any family, friends, or source of income, Nick had to venture out on his own. His first stop was the main city, Valeria, where he tried to join the Adventurer's Guild, however, the guild rejected him since he didn't know any combat skills and only knew how to farm. Depressed, Nick was sitting in front of the adventurers guild, when an alchemist offered to take the young boy in. Read on to see how Nick gets his alchemy system and advances to becoming the most powerful and influential mortal in the world.

N_D_L · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

The Alchemist and Academy

I was sitting on the steps of the adventurer's guild after being rejected from the entry exam due to my age and qualifications. I had no idea what to do... what could a 10 year old do?

As I was crying and lost in my depressed thoughts a woman came up to me. She was beautiful. She looked roughly around her mid 20's, brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a black cloak that covered the rest of her body. She said, "Are you lost? Do you need me to help find your parents?"

I look up at her with snot running down my nose and tears rolling down my face, I shook my head side to side implying no.

"Are your parent's adventurers? It is so irresponsible to leave their child out here like this!"

I looked up at her sniffling saying "no... my parents died in my village recently, I walked for a 3 days straight to get to the city to look for a job."

I could see tears growing in her eyes and she said, "That's so sad... I lost my parents to when I was around your age, it will get better I swear!"

"Do you have any place to go?" she then asked

I shook my head no

She then looked up at the sky and said, "Maybe this is fate! hahaha, say, would you want to come with me?"

I look up at her and say, "you're not going to do anything weird to me are you?"

She looked at me with the expression (this kid... did he really just say that)...

"Haha no no, I'll take you on as both my child and disciple, I am the number one Alchemist in this kingdom! So will you follow me?"

I thought for a moment... I really have no where else to go... if this lady helps me advance what's the harm. I then responded with, "ok, I will go with you... do I call you mom? Master?..."

She looked at me with sad eyes seeing how I was longing for a parent she then said, "You can call me mom if you want, or you can me Terri... which ever you prefer." I nodded and she took my hand and walked me to her home.


After walking into the center of the city we we came to a giant castle like place, she looked at me and said, "Welcome Home!"

I looked all around me, but only saw the giant castle in front of me with a sign that read 'Academy of Alchemy and Adventurer's' under it, had the benefactor's stamp and name, it was an imprint of a cauldron and the name, Terri Lortin.

I look up at her, then back at the sign, and while I was about to ask, she dragged me through the front gates.

I was a little shocked to say the least... looking around all I saw were kids around the age of 16 and up and teachers dressed similarly to Terri. As we were walking through the campus, many people were bowing to Terri and I looked at her with eyes wondering why.

We eventually get to her office that read Academy Director on the outside and inside was like a sub dimension.

When you entered you are in a regular office with a desk and what not, then when you walk through a door on the right it was like a massive house inside with many bedrooms, bathrooms, a giant herb farm... etc.

Then on the other side of her office was another door that was her workshop, inside had over a hundred caldrons and tons of dried herbs everywhere.

She saw how interested I was in her workshop and walked in with me. She was explaining alchemy to me in the simplest terms and watched my face to see my excitement.

When she saw me looking at a giant caldron big enough to fit maybe 10 of me, she smiled and walked over to the mini caldron and said, "Here, a gift from me to you. I may not know how to be a parent yet, but I'll learn with you and you learn with me."

I was super happy to hear that and ran over to her to give her a hug.

When she handed me over the small caldron in my hand a stabbing pain in my head hit me out of the blew and I fell hitting the ground and passing out.


When I woke up, Terri, was in a chair resting her upper body on the bed I was on. She woke up from my movement and shouted, "Don't move!"

She ran over to the desk near the bed and poured me a glass of red liquid. As it got closer to me a blue box popped up right above it listing out what looked like plants I never heard of before. {HighTier Recovery Elixir Grade 6 (market cost: 500-700G or 5-7 Soul Stones (SS) ) : Firemoss, gillyweed, 20 year old ginseng, juice from the tree of life. Burn the Firemoss and gillyweed at 370 degrees F, maintain the heat and slowly add in the ginseng creating an ashy mush. Bring the juice from the tree of life to a boil and slowly add the ash mush in, stir till solution becomes ruby red and take off heat.}

AN: {} will be used for blue box recipes, [] will be used for system conversations, * will be used for Nick talking to system via the mind.

I drank the {High Tier Recovery Elixir} and instantly felt a warmth all over my body, my legs and back that had been hurting from farming from a young age instantly felt like new. I smiled back at her and said, "Thank you! Mo..Terri."

She smiled when she heard me almost say mom and said, "ok go to sleep now, you need to regain your strength, you were unconscious for 5 hours."

She then turned and left the room closing the door.

When the door closed a robotic voice was heard [Say Status...]

I said, "Who's there!"

I kept on hearing [Say Status...], [Say Status...], [Say Status...]

I gave in after no one was responding to my question.

"Status" dramatic effect VROOOOSSSHHH a sound of a yellow screen popped up.

[Status] (commoner?)

Nick Rempro

Title(s): Holder of the 100% Alchemy System

Job: Farmer

Class: [none]

HP: 5

MP: 10

SP: 1

STR: 2

P-DEF: 1

M-DEF: 1

Power: 1

Soul: 1


[Photographic Memory] - Do I really need to explain this?

[100% Success Rate] - When preforming Alchemy you will always have 100% of succeeding. Others don't... Lower Relms [Tier 1 Alchemist: 5% of success Tier 2: 7%], Mid Relms (break through required by normal people) [Tier 3: 22%, Tier 4: 30%, Tier 5: 40%], High Relms [Tier 6: 50%, Tier 7: 55%], and finally the Master Relm (top of the top alchemists) [Tier 8: 70%]


[Immortal Undying Flame] - The perfect flame for Alchemy, you do not need to worry about temperature, all you need to do is throw your ingredients into the fire and let the fire do the rest. Mana: 1/sec, cooldown: 0

(in case you were wondering Nick's base stats are weak, see the first chapter to see what an average commoner's status would look like)


I was shocked and amazed at the same time... this opened many new doors for me. I closed the screen and rolled up into a ball in bed and thought about the future, slowly falling asleep.


BANG... That woke me up. I ran out of my room to see Terri covered in black ash.

She looked over at me with an expression of 'hehe my bad', she then said, "Nothing to worry about, my caldron was just a little to hot..., there is some food in the kitchen, after you're done eating you can hang out with me and I'll teach you some alchemy."

Ecstatic, I was about to turn around, but then I asked *Hey system can I see Terri's [status]?*

[User just needs to stare hard enough at the target and a screen will pop up]

I stared at Terri intensely squinting my eyes when vwoosh a screen popped up.

[Status] (Noble)

Terri Lortin

Job: Master Alchemist (Tier 8)

Class: Mage

HP: 50

MP: 8720

SP: 872 (872% multiplier for spell damage)

STR: 20

P-DEF: 10

M-DEF: 872

Power: 10

Soul: 872


Wow Terri is really strong! I thought inwardly as I turned to head to the kitchen.

In the kitchen I see scrambled eggs, a banana, and milk on the counter for me. I sat down eating thinking this was more than I ever ate when my parent's were alive... I then started to think about the times I helped father out in the fields. I would wake up before the sun rises, grab a uncooked potato from the counter and run out to help father, however, now I am sitting in a luxury house eating warm eggs and a banana... my life has gone through a complete 180!


After eating I walked back through the hallways into Terri's office, she was sitting down talking to someone important.

I peaked through a crack of the door and instantly she noticed and smiled back at me.

The man left and she signaled me to come out. She showed me a paper the man held, it looked like documentation with my name on it, however, I was no longer Nick Rempro, but now Nick Lortin. She then said, "Welcome to the family." She then put the paper in her safe behind her desk and grabbed my hand and pulled me to her workshop.


[Status] (noble)

Nick Lortin

Title(s): Holder of the 100% Alchemy System, Son of Master Alchemist Terri

Job: Farmer

Class: [none]

HP: 5

MP: 10

SP: 1

STR: 2

P-DEF: 1

M-DEF: 1

Power: 1

Soul: 1


[Guidance of Master Alchemist] - Produce double the amount of any concoction you make. If you use 1 set of materials you get double the output, so on etc...

[Photographic Memory] - Do I really need to explain this?

[100% Success Rate] - When preforming Alchemy you will always have 100% of succeeding. Others don't... Lower Relms [Tier 1 Alchemist: 5% of success Tier 2: 7%], Mid Relms (break through required by normal people) [Tier 3: 22%, Tier 4: 30%, Tier 5: 40%], High Relms [Tier 6: 50%, Tier 7: 55%], and finally the Master Relm (top of the top alchemists) [Tier 8: 70%]


[Immortal Undying Flame] - The perfect flame for Alchemy, you do not need to worry about temperature, all you need to do is throw your ingredients into the fire and let the fire do the rest. Mana: 1/sec, cooldown: 0

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