
Alchemy System: The Ancient One's True Descendant

Nick was a loser. Born as a farmer's son where he learned to cultivate crops and herbs. At age 10, his father died and his mother shortly took her life in depression. Without any family, friends, or source of income, Nick had to venture out on his own. His first stop was the main city, Valeria, where he tried to join the Adventurer's Guild, however, the guild rejected him since he didn't know any combat skills and only knew how to farm. Depressed, Nick was sitting in front of the adventurers guild, when an alchemist offered to take the young boy in. Read on to see how Nick gets his alchemy system and advances to becoming the most powerful and influential mortal in the world.

N_D_L · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Effects of The Legendary Soul Dew

A day later I woke up, after blinking a few time I saw Terri laying curled up on her side holding her head still passed out.

I looked at my arm and notice I didn't have a cut on my arm anymore. I instantly crawled over to Terri to see if her ear grew back. I couldn't tell for sure, because Terri was holding that spot very tightly covering the whole area, but I saw a little nub of a pointy ear poking through her hand.

I stared at her intensely trying to open up her [status]:

[Status] (Noble)

Terri Lortin

Job: Master Alchemist (Tier 8)

Class: Mage

HP: 50

MP: 13,720

SP: 1372 (1372% multiplier for spell damage)

STR: 20

P-DEF: 10

M-DEF: 1372

Power: 10

Soul: 1372


I was shocked to see that her Soul grew 500 points from the last time I saw her [status].

I then looked at mine:

[Status] (noble)

Nick Lortin

Title(s): Holder of the 100% Alchemy System, Son of Master Alchemist Terri

Job: Alchemist Master+

Class: [none]

HP: 5

MP: 10,110

SP: 1011

STR: 2

P-DEF: 1

M-DEF: 1011

Power: 1

Soul: 1011


[Guidance of Master Alchemist] - Produce double the amount of any concoction you make. If you use 1 set of materials you get double the output, so on etc...

[Photographic Memory] - Do I really need to explain this?

[100% Success Rate] - When preforming Alchemy you will always have 100% of succeeding. Others don't... Lower Relms [Tier 1 Alchemist: 5% of success Tier 2: 7%], Mid Relms (break through required by normal people) [Tier 3: 22%, Tier 4: 30%, Tier 5: 40%], High Relms [Tier 6: 50%, Tier 7: 55%], and finally the Master Relm (top of the top alchemists) [Tier 8: 70%]


[Ancestor's Pill Body] - The ability to consume pills at an alarming rate without any lash back. 'The one who does not know the term moderation' Pills for breakfast, pills for snacks, pills, pills, pills. Affects from pills are increase 2-folds!!!


****Updated due to Soul Dew*****

[Immortal Undying Flame] - The perfect flame for Alchemy, you do not need to worry about temperature, all you need to do is throw your ingredients into the fire and let the fire do the rest. Never need to roll your own pills, the fire does everything! The Black ancestral flames have many enemies, to strike them down use the Immortal undying flame to burn them all to ashes! With the intent to kill the flame will become violent, with no intent to kill the flame is an alchemy flame that does relatively no to low damage.

Damage: 420 dps, Mana: 10/sec, cooldown: 0


{Basic Soul Pill (ungraded to basic)(Market price: 5G/1 pill): Soul Water, Spirit Grass. Burn the Spirit Grass till the grass becomes ash add Soul Water, mix the two together and while it cools form them into balls.}

{Soul Water made of High Elf Blood (Rare~tier 6)(market cost: 100,000-200,000G or 1,000 - 2,000 Soul Stones) : Mix fresh blood of a High Elf with Soul Water}

{HighTier Recovery Elixir Grade 6 (market cost: 500-700G or 5-7 Soul Stones (SS) ) : Firemoss, gillyweed, 20 year old ginseng, juice from the tree of life. Burn the Firemoss and gillyweed at 370 degrees F, maintain the heat and slowly add in the ginseng creating an ashy mush. Bring the juice from the tree of life to a boil and slowly add the ash mush in, stir till solution becomes ruby red and take off heat.}

{Legendary Soul Dew (upgradable-Myth)(market cost: ???G or 999,999,999,999 SS): Soul Water made of High Elf Blood, Golden Spirit Grass, Diamond powder, Blood of a virgin, SSS tier monster core, Ear of an High Elf, Crushed stick of yggdrasill, holy water of the church, 1,000 year old crimson gold ginseng, powder orchium. Can only be made with the immortal undying flame}


WOAH! I exclaimed a little louder that I probably should of been speaking.

I hear Terri moan in pain, I look over at her and notice her full ear was back thank god!

"Terri...Terri... wake up"

Terri rolled over and looked up at me, "Thank god we didn't die, but holy crap that hurt!"

"Terri, do you feel any changes from the pill besides your ear?"

She thought my ear? she reached up to feel her ear... "Oh my, MY EAR!!!!" she jumped up in joy!

Circulate your mana I said.

She closed her eye and envisioned the the mana flow through from her head to her palms, instantly two massive flames appeared one in each hand.

"Woah, it feels more intense, and much bigger... this isn't even all my power." She then started to put in more mana watching the flame becoming so intense it was melting some nearby crystals.

She then averted her attention to me... "What have you gained from this... wait your eyes... were they always gold? I never heard of anyone with gold eyes before..."

I ran over to the mirror to confirm... I used to have brown eyes... I then closed my eyes and pretended to be checking inside my body.

"I think my mana increased by a large margin... is there a way we can test it?"

"hmmm, let's enroll you into the academy, you will be the youngest student, but you will also be my personal disciple, and if you really do have a high mana threshold we can get you a mage teacher."

I nodded agreeing

She turned and went into her storage to pull out a ring, she held it in her palm and handed it to me. I looked up to her giving her an expression of 'eh what's this'

She told me to put it on and channel my mana through it. Once I did my mind got teleported into the ring, it was massive, it must of been about 5 of the farms I grew up maintaining long and wide and height. (for easy measurements the fields he worked on with his father were 100 meters long and wide so the ring was 100m cubed)

Terri then grabbed the pill and gave it to me for safe keeping.


We spent so much time inside of Terri's office that I still haven't seen the rest of the academy. Terri told me to go to the adventure's wing of the academy and look for professor Dan, he will help you test your mana threshold.

I nodded and left the our home... (home in this case is Terri's office since her office is literally her home and workshop connected by spacial magic portals)

walking throughout the campus I felt a little lost. All the other students were easily twice my height.

Skipping around I accidentally bumped into a huge muscle warrior looking guy.

I fell onto the ground and looked up at him, he picked me up with one hand and swept the dirt off me. "You have to be careful little man, where are your parents?"

I being a 10 year old was only and since I grew up poor I was shorter for my age... I was only 128 cm (4 foot 2 inches) where as this guy was 198 cm (6 foot 5 inches). I looked like a baby next to him.

I said, "I am the director's son. I am looking for a professor called Dan from the adventure's wing..."

"Oh, the directors kid huh... don't want you getting lost, let me take you to the adventurer's wing."

I bowed thanking him and then was shocked when he picked me up putting me on his shoulders.

I was so embarrassed, however, I did have to admit this was much faster.


"Yo, Professor Dan, this little man is looking for you." He picked me up and put me on the ground in front of Professor Dan.

I turned and thanked him and asked for his name. "No worries little guy, my name is Caleb from the warriors division, if anyone tries bullying you just say you are my little brother." I thank him again as he walks away.

Turning back to Professor Dan, I notice him staring at me intensely... "Boy... how old are you? Why do I sense so much mana from you?"

I replied, "dunno... but I am 10 years old and the adopted son of the Director"

He stroked his beard while thinking deeply. My eyes gleamed at him and he looked down to see 2 giant golden eyes looking up at him.

"Woah, kid your eyes... I have never seen golden eyes before... do you know the bloodline of your biological parent?"

I nodded no

"Hmm, well ok what brings you all the way here?" he asked

"Errm, Terri wanted me to get enrolled and tested. She told me to come see you to get that all sorted out."

He looked me up and down... huh a 10 year old kid in an advanced prestigious alchemy and adventure academy. Well you are the directors son, let's worry about everything else later, let's get you a uniform, then we can test your mp and str, then you can pick a class you might want to be."

He started walking into a back room and notice I wasn't following... "come come little one." he said.