
Red Barn

Without further ado, the groups follow Ernalt as they move along, and they say, for the first time, the civilization in this world.

Relieve and amazement filled their hearts as they finally didn't have to run for something dangerous or walk searching for a way home. It was relieved, and they felt relaxed for the first time since they managed to get transported into this world, and it felt like a long time that they felt that way.

Woah, it was so different from Japan… Takeuchi thought.

As Takeuchi looked around, he saw nothing like the Japanese. However, he saw architecture that he didn't recognize, and people were wearing different kinds of clothes, too.

It wasn't some fancy building; rather, it was the opposite. It was more like a simple home building, with walls made of wood and a roof made of thatch.

But Takeuchi noticed that only some houses were the same. Some used more fancy materials, such as stone and wood, as their foundations.