
New Friends

All three of us, Alexis, E.V. And I, wake up and we get out of the dog cages with sore backs then head to the elevator to go down. Alexis and I take E.V. to the tunnel that we when't to the day before. "Wow, this is a good spot, but we'll have to move when we go to go back". E.V. looks at the two of us with a look that says like last time. Alexis brakes the silence "well let's get started before we get cot, and we'll just have to move when the horn go's off".

With Alexis words we when't to work, and because we ware so down deep we could talk to one another. "Hay Alexis, E.V.'s like a new member of our little group" E.V. stops and looks at me, Alexis also stopped to think " ya, she is like a new member, and friend to are now group what do you think E.V." E.V. looks at us like we're crazy but then smiles "ya, shore but I'm not going to be late for my food every day got that you two." Alexis and I smiled in agreement.

We have dean down in the "ant" tunnels all day, I would think because I have not seen the sun in three days, its hard to tell like Alexis had said the first day I came. So "I think they make us work in the day then have us sleep during the night." I say as we work, "I would think so, they do need to sleep themselves too" E.V stops and sits down on the dart as will as Alexis and I, "so what, you planning on keeping trace of the days now." E.V stares at me with a annoyed look whiting for my answer but Alexis steps in "your not planning on learning there patron and escaping are you".

I look at them with a blank face not knowing what to say, Alexis taking my salons as a yes she jumps and grabs my shoulders and shakes me back and forth. "are you crazy, I told you on the first day, that if you get cot you will get shot the moment they cache or even see you trying to get out. Knowing all that your still willing to try to escape or wore you not lessoning to what I had warned you." E.V puts her hand on Alexis shaking solder to calm her, Alexis stops and sits back down all three of us in salons.

After some time has past tears had rolled down my face, "I'm sorry Alexis, I did here you the first day, but I" I whap my face with my sleeve of my short "I just wanted to go home." Then I cry some more E.V raps her arms around me "I understand we all wont to go home, but you need to be patent and think smart not arrestingly. Because if we're getting out of her we're takin more then just us with us ok, just be patent. I stop crying and we all stand up and Alexis hogs we " I'm sorry I snapped at you, I just, I like you and I don't wont to loos a friend.

Alexis lets me go "it's ok I needed that", we start to dig again all three of us as friends. The mike terns on "ok, girls lets go, times up start to had up to ground level." E.V starts to had out "come on I want to eat tonight" then we tried to run up. but ewer body's was to week to go all the way without taking a brake, when we finely get there we war the last one again.

We get in the elevator and ones again there was a bunch of boys in there with us, ewer age too. E.V a nerves rack and Alexis and I was confused we went up, for some resin I look around again, but this time I'm looking for the boy I saw last time. I look around and found him standing right behind me, I look at him and he nudist and I swing my had back to face the front. He taps me on the shoulder to get my attention, I look back to see him smile and give me a little wave to say hi.

I smile to say hi back, because we cant talk to one another, we have to try to use sin languid. I tap Alexis on the shoulder then pointed back to get Alexis to see him. She tarns to see what I was pointing at then she sees him with a surprise look on her face. He waves at her then Alexis gives a little wav back.

Then it was time to get off, and E.V grabs Alexis and I and runs out to the pan. As E.V pals me I look back to him looking awer way with a sad and tired face, and I couldn't help but wave. He had seen me wave and smiled then waved back, next time I see him I plane on getting his name.

All of us got to the pan, with the help of E.V paling us as fast as she could to get some food. When we got there, there was a scars amount of food for us, potato peelings, cucumber peelings, even caret peelings, also out to date meet. I gas that loft of bred was a "good one" after all, because we came lat we had little time to eat and was sent to the cages for "bed time".

We all pike a cage next to one another so we could talk, E.V. "I suggest we pick a closer spot tomorrow, I know some girls that have there own spot, we can join them". E.V looks at us wall were thinking, "well I'll go if Alexis is good with it," E.V and I starter at Alexis listening for her answer "ya, of course we can, how are the girls you know?" E.V. stops to think, "well there twins", the speaker went on cutting E.V. off, to tell us it's lights out.

The lights go out and the rooms pitch black, I can her E.V.'s voice, "you'll see them tomorrow." I go to sleep knowing that Alexis and I will meet new people tomorrow. I did have a deem but, this one I was at school, instead of being at home like last time. I'm walking in the hall, kids all around me heading to there next class, I look down at the books I'm carrying my math books. If I'm carrying my math books I'm going to my second period math class with Miss. Miler.

I walk in the class room and sit in my usual spot at the front bay the door, then I look around confused and see the popular girls sitting at the other side of the room. One of the girls nodised me looking there way, then she gets up and comes my way and sits next to me. "What are you looking at freak! " she stars at me with a harsh expression on her face. "Nothing" then I tern and face the front, when I did so a girl walks up behind me and stands right next to the popular girl. "Hay! Don't talk to her like that she a human too you know" I look back to see who had sad that and see E.V all up in the popular girls face. Also Alexis behind her with arms crossed and her game face on.

The popular girl backs off and joins the the others, then E.V and Alexis takes a seat next to me, and smile. After that no one piked on me and the three of us hug out all day. They even came over for a sleep over, and when we all was snuggled up in ewer pj's, we lad on a mountain of pillows. Alexis had sat up and sad "did we mack your day a good day" I was so happy to see them in the school "ya, the best". E.V smiled and put her hands onto the back of her had, and layed down. "That's good, because you're going to have to wake up soon" I sit up fast with a surprised


"Time to whack up!" My eyes shut open like I was scared to death. I look around and realized what E.V had men't, it was a dream I was in and, it was time to wake up, to the reality. The three of us had out together with E.V. leading us to the elevator, we go down and E.V. takes us to meet the two girls that she had mentioned last night. We go through new tunnels that we hadn't been in before, we walk some ways then finally we tarn into the tunnel that the two girls are in. "Hay, Jessica, Jules I came to help dig today and brought some friends with me", two identical girls stop what their doing and, look at E.V. with a blank expression then walks towards us like soulless dolls.

They stop in front of us "this is Alexis and Roseanne, is it ok for all of us to dig in a gang, and meet here every day". The twins look at one another then nod in agreement, "my name is Jessica and this is my sister Jules you are welcome to ewer tunnel". After Jessica was done speaking they both tarn and walked back to there digging spot, "they must like you they normally don't talk or agree to anything I ask haha let's go". So E.V., Alexis and I, now there's Jessica and Jules all together the five of us in one tunnel.

The day was over and we all had up and get to the pan in time. Again I nobist the wall that had an elevator, also I had seen some boys go in that direction.