
Alan: Tale of Origin Blood

A story of a boy, who tried to find his origins. A tale of worlds giving him more questions than answers. And a path of life that sneered at it. Current world: Witcher. Note: I own only characters and events of my own creation. It is a fan-fic story of HP/Witcher worlds. Chapters mostly 1,5k+. . . . Some facts about MC that confuse people: 1) He is a kid. A real kid and not an adult in child body how someone might think. But he has knowledge about some things. To understand what it all means read auxiliary chapter, Eternal Mind awakening explanation. 2) Amalgal is an AI. He is a program that is strictly regulated by his own creators and thus he is not some helping grandpa. He can't do much. To learn more read auxiliary chapter under category Amalgal.

Greymark · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
181 Chs

Towards Another World.

It was a really picturesque place with expanse of green lands, trees and flowers. Many students were currently in groups sitting here and there. Some were reading, others having picnic of simply chatted with each other.

Near the entrance to a very beautiful palace by the center of a garden stood a column with eternal flame burning there. Normally it will be just an attractive spot, but actually it was one of the points of exit of fireplace transportation net of the wizard world, from which guest sometimes come and go.

Suddenly it flared up and a single figure jumped out, landing steadily, surrounded by students, who were stunned by the occasion.

Alan looked around and was a bit unearthed seeing nearly nine out of ten here were women and if he can see a man... well, they were a bit too feminine for his taste, to say the least. Perhaps it is not about their outer looks, but upbringing and manners they were taught as pure blood wizards of France.

He was surrounded by girls, dressed in sky blue uniform and hats.

Alan looked around to find tens of people and sighed. Finding Fleur will be a challenge. What he didn't know is how fast news about his arrival traveled across the school. Mainly because of his looks and attire. He was ready to go anytime now and changed from usual clothes or even uniform into Isu warmonger robes, that were very similar in outer appearance to infamous character from a game he once played, Vergil. Robe was black and platinum in color, having slick armor plating in necessary places. The difference was a broad belt and a deep hood.

A moment of silence was broken by girls chatter all around, while not knowing what to do he decided to just ask.

"Excuse me." - he turned to the nearest girl with braided hair and brown eyes. She seems to be of similar age. The girl looked at him removing the hood and blushed, while looking at his platinum-gold eyes, that after undergoing permission shined brightly like precious gems. - "I need to find someone, can you help me?"

"F-Find?" - girl fidgeted a bit and just as she was about to answer, a group of older students made their way to him.

"If you want to find someone you better ask us." - said a leading boy with some hostility, to which Alan just rolled his eyes. Actually he didn't care much, but was fairly certain that they were people who liked to create trouble for others and he simply has no time for that.

Just as he was about to answer a clear cry came from the sky, that enveloped him in familiar feeling of closeness and Alan smiled.

"Avy, long time no see." - he stretched his arm and under complex gazes of the crowd phoenix landed on it and offered it's neck and head for patting. - "Lead the way. It will be easier."

She chirped and flew to the direction of a forest. Seems like their class had a lesson with animals now. He made his way there, following excited Avy and finally found a crowd of students near the aviary with thick iron fence encompassing rather spacious land, where several horses were running here and there.

They were absolutely white and had a winding horn on the forehead.

"Unicorns, huh." - Alan said in whisper and looked at the student, easily spotting familiar figure. She was beautiful as ever with straight long hair draping down the sky blue robes that dances in the slightest breeze.

She was talking with her friends, girls and boys alike, but somehow Alan can sense that something was amiss. Her smile although beautiful was forced and her mannerism albeit gentle seemed unnatural.

However when Avy landed near her, it changed to a relaxed and genuine one. Alan could guess that it was due to her empathy, but it was his first time seeing how hard she really has it and that made his heart tinge with protective feeling and some tender affection he always held deep inside for the girl.

He sighed and transformed into his animage form.

He wanted to accompany her a bit longer and while doing it he relinquished his hold of Avy and transferred the soul contract to Fleur. For others such things might be unheard of, but he had everything necessary and while they were together he did it remotely. If they weren't close and willing for the first place such a thing would have been impossible.

'Well... all is done. Avy, protect her well. She will be your owner for real from now on.'

He looked at the girl that still lingers in his heart and apparated away. He had one last thing to do, before letting bloodline out and do it's bidding.

Alan appeared in Diagon Valley in his human form and walked to the streets. He didn't run, there is nowhere to rush, so he just went to some places he never being to and talked with people he never saw. It was a relaxing time, before he entered Gringotts.

What he came to do is open a separate vault.

"Hello, I want to open a vault on a name of Harry Potter, but let him enter it only when he is nearing his fourth year in Hogwarts. Is it possible?"

"Yes. We will notify mister Potter when time is right, but he will need a guardian to come with him."

"The only guardian I approve of will be Selena Links or Sirius Black. If it not either of the two, they are not permitted to go inside."

"Whatever you say, your money, your decision-making." - goblin said lazily and proceeded the paper work. - "Come with me, we will allocate a nice new vault to you."

They entered the bank and rode their unique platform. It went forward, up, then down again and after turning left finally stopped.

"This will be the vault. Number 4586. And that is you exclusive key." - said goblin.

"Open it."

"As you wish." - goblin grumbled like an old train. What a charming bunch they are, then again it is hard to blame them for their dislike of wizards after all they've been through.

Alan entered a vacant space and walked at the podium.

"Leave me alone for some time." - goblin nodded and left, closing the door behind, but staying near it on the other end.

Alan took out four Horcruxes and placed them on the platform, creating Isu Protego spell around and transforming them into unassuming pieces of antiques. Than he put his journal in front and made it so that only Harry will be able to open it, instilling it with all the knowledge that his Room of Requirement gathered.

Then he made several steps back and created another spell that meant to alert about intrusion of anyone except Harry Potter, Sirius and Selena, subsequently neutralizing the threat with stun and forceful teleportation outside. He not only used his own mana, but also took it out of special mana crystals that were congealed with Amalgal help to make sure spells will last for a very long time and be powerful enough.

"That should do." - he sighed totally exhausted and empty of mana. Then he thought of something and left a bracelet near the journal, sticking a note under it. - "Hope this will help him. Manager, I'm done here, let's go out."

"As you wish, customer." - said goblin and drove them away from the vault that later will make world change it's course.

Alan walked away into the daylight of a middle winter, wrapped in the mysterious scarf Selena bought, that never revealed anything, except high durability and warmth.

'It is time to remove the seal. I don't think there is a need for me to remain here.'

Somehow this thought brought sadness. As if he was not needed in this world. But on the other hand he really had nothing that can hold him here. Maybe if he had friends, real ones, not the crowd that will surely follow him right now, or Fleur was still... what is the use thinking about something that is gone forever?

'I have to go. And I will go. Farewell, this strange world. I hope my existence mattered at least a bit.'

This world was dark and uneventful. Just a pile or lifeless rocks and burning magma with extremely foul stench and color. Orange, bleak, looking sick and contaminated. Almost like the world itself was bleeding and burning on its last breath of life before eventual collapse.

Still, there was one life form left, albeit ready to depart. Among his comrades he wasn't the best, neither he was high in rank as there were many above him in power, knowledge and influence, but in low level realms he will be considered unmatched existence.

He looked around with gaze burning in deep emerald colors. There was no smile or emotion on his face adorned with horns and scales, only boredom. That was until his bat like wings trembled and long tail shifted. He smelled something really exciting for a moment from a distant world they are yet to conquer.

It was a smell of power, a dimensional one, the smell he once felt and couldn't forget due to dread he experienced just from a glance from that black leviathan like creature.

"I need to investigate this." - he uttered in strange language.

He took out the orb and several minutes passed during him browsing something inside and finally finding where he intended to jump with the rest of his unit.

"Interesting. They will be great pawns, especially if they already unleashed that." - demonic creature laughed at the idiocy of the pointy eyed tender fleshed humanoids. - "Weak as they are in magic talent and bodies, they still have some idiots thinking of themselves as smart. Who else will be able to activate the sequence of that, albeit paying with their life in the process. Good chess pieces to play with."

Demon smirks, while sending several mental messages to his squad and couple of other commanders who might be interested and later owe him a favor.

Several breaths later he infused a sphere with tremendous amount of magical power, enough to make surrounding space to go into ripples, and disappeared in a neon flash of light.

So, this is the end of HP ark, but he will be back here in the future. And by that time much more powerful and perhaps not alone. This ark was like a 'growing up' one for MC, his background.

Witcher world – the main world of this series is coming next and it will be a longer ride. So, I hope you will like it.

And also, I plan witcher world to be way more powerful than in cannon and mystical at that, with no system of permissions like in HP.

Need some time to organize things and start posting it.

In comparison to generally dark HP world experience, I plan witcher to be more lighthearted at times and straightforwardly cruel at another.

And of course much more adventurous.

That is mainly because MC became way more able and mature, so he won't be victim anymore.

And about timeline - I will start from the fall of Cintra, meaning starting point are books, not games.

Thank you for the ones who were with me here, hope you like it and will like it in the future.

Greymarkcreators' thoughts