
Alan: Tale of Origin Blood

A story of a boy, who tried to find his origins. A tale of worlds giving him more questions than answers. And a path of life that sneered at it. Current world: Witcher. Note: I own only characters and events of my own creation. It is a fan-fic story of HP/Witcher worlds. Chapters mostly 1,5k+. . . . Some facts about MC that confuse people: 1) He is a kid. A real kid and not an adult in child body how someone might think. But he has knowledge about some things. To understand what it all means read auxiliary chapter, Eternal Mind awakening explanation. 2) Amalgal is an AI. He is a program that is strictly regulated by his own creators and thus he is not some helping grandpa. He can't do much. To learn more read auxiliary chapter under category Amalgal.

Greymark · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
181 Chs

France Issue (End).

Alan stood up and took hand of the head of Nicolay family. The oath will commence now. Two drops of blood drifted to the ceiling and blended together conjuring a crystal of rainbow color in a shape of a tear, encompassed by metallic casing.

It went between the two and froze in space, nearly blinding them in the process. Later that act will be known in history as the point of raise of the Nicolay House to become world wide Alchemist family. But that would be many years later, after they will encounter a 'person with medallion', who will strike a deal with them and teach them how to use their ancestry properly.

"I, Dacien of the House Nicolay, hereby swear on my blood and blood of every single relative of mine, that none of possessors of Nicolay bloodline ever cause direct or indirect deliberate harm to Delacour family and Alan Viol Salvatore-Skymorne, his friends and family from now on. Violator will be punished by death."

"I, Alan Viol Salvatore-Skymorne, hereby swear on my blood, that I will pass second part of the Book of Blood Alchemy to Dacien of the House Nicolay. Violator will be punished by death."

'Not like you can even use the full thing without Isu mana.'

"Let the oath commence." - they said in unison and the necklace shined in blood red color, landing in outstretched hand of Fleur.

"You can have it if you want." - said Alan to Dacien and passed the crystal with the book to him. It is just a keepsake anyway. There is no real power in it. The real oath of lineage is not a blood oath in regular knowledge. It is not an oath similar to what Dumbledore and Grindelwald had, but the one of the soul branding. Blood is just a supplement to it and if this necklace is broken it will just mean that future generations won't be branded through blood, but will still bear the mark on the soul.

In short, even Amalgal didn't know the way to brake free from it.

"You trust me this much? What if I decide to do something?" - now Dacien even started to somehow appreciate the youth in front of him.

"In that case I have to ask two questions. First – isn't it good for business to have more friends than foes? And second..." - he smirked. - "I say, mister Dacien, are you that bored and have so much free time?"

For a moment Dacien looked at Alan with strange eyes, but soon he laughed his head off.

"True enough, true enough!" - he even patted Alan's shoulders. - "Hey, Monsieur, you always was better than me when looking for talents."

"Indeed, old friend." - the later smiled.

"Old friend?" - Fleur looked between them with shocked look.

"Yeah, we were in the same year in Beauxbatons Academy, you didn't know?" - Monsieur told to his daughter with a laugh.

"Friend? Who wants to be your friend? We are rivals and competitors!"

"Well, I won Apolline anyway." - Monsieur was unimpressed and gave him a calm look, that just reeked of triumph.

Alan didn't know whether laugh or cry. All troubles from the women. Men do like to always fight for them. Than Alan glanced at Fleur that was standing by his side with pouting face and sighed.

'What actually I feel about her? Why do I care so much? Why is it that I can't control my emotions near her? I'm not some little kid in heat, collectively I'm thirty two years old for god's sake, even if I don't remember much! And she is only twelve! But it seems that girl really grew on me.'

Alan stepped out of the room to catch some fresh air and took out a feather. It was crimson, with smoldering feel about it and fire mana sparking in existence here and there from time to time. He threw it in the air and made a call. It went, penetrating trees, walls, barriers, space and time itself.

It was a primal call to the origin of ones life.

The call that no one can stop neither defy.

Feather burst in flames and in them a new entity entered here. She screeched with feeling of freedom and happiness of seeing her master, parent and friend. Avy, transforming into a house huge majestic entity of primordial might bowed her head in front of a youth and encompassed him with gorgeous wings in protective, but loving feeling.

Her beak carefully struck his chest and Alan laughed.

"Hey, you grew up to be so beautiful, girl." - he stroked her feathers that were warm and soft to the touch. Even being this big she still gave the feeling of subtlety, a majestic yet delicate beauty.

"Avy!" - came a lovely yell of a girl and Fleur flung herself on the neck of a Phoenix. Surprisingly the later didn't mind at all, on the contrary, went lower and let herself be embraced even half closing her eyes in pleasure. - "I missed you so much."

Avy went small in size and flew up to Fleur shoulder patting her blond hair with a wing and rubbing itself at her cheek. They clearly grew very close to each other. Alan stood at the side with a slight smile until a hand pressed on his shoulder, he turned around and froze.

"Young man, I believe you have to explain yourself properly today to me." - said Apolline with a smile and dragged him for a good talk.

After finishing it Alan swore to never ever make this woman even slightly upset.

'Women are scary.'

He, exhausted, went to Fleur room to find her and bid farewell, only to find another strange but very powerful creature of Delacour manor.


"Hey, how have you been?"

The girl looked at him with hostility and stood in front of Fleur.

"We are fine here by ourselves, no need for you to mind us!" - she said. She was young, but loved Fleur very much and hated when someone took her away. And in her opinion Alan was a competitor, a real nemesis of her good time with her sister.

"I came to bid farewell." - the smiling Fleur suddenly felt her smile wilting.

"Gabrielle, let us talk for a moment alone, okay?" - little girl looked at Alan and wanted to refuse, but when she thought that he is leaving, she felt cheerful and decided to step down today. She went out in a huff, not forgetting to give threatening look at Alan.

When the door was closing neither of the two noticed how her face changed to apathetic one and golden streak of light went through her eyes.

"When are you leaving?" - Fleur went up to him closer with slightly red face and a bit of panic in emotions.

"A soon as possible. I have something urgent to do in London." - Alan said sternly while looking at her face.

"Oh..." - she stared at the floor. All her tomboyish fire was extinguished and thirst for adventure gone. She felt like something precious is about to leave her life. What was left is an exquisite girl with red face and bitterness in heart.

"Come on, what's wrong?" - Alan felt her emotions going out of control.

"Will we meet again?" - she asked meekly and made a step forward. Now she was staring at him right in the eyes.

"Of course, why shouldn't we?" - Alan really sometimes can't understand all the complications going inside girls mind. You want to meet? Go and meet, what can be easier?

"True... why shouldn't we?" - she smiled and subtly with slow motions embraced him by the neck, putting the necklace she removed from herself on him. - "I'm giving it back. Don't ask, just... take it. I don't want it."

"I..." - Alan was lost for words. It really feels like a goodbye. He suddenly felt a pang of pain in his heart and looked at her eyes with questioning intent. To which Fleur did the most unexpected thing.

She stood on her toes, locked Alan neck with her arms and gave him slow, tender kiss on the lips.

"What are you thinking about?" - she laughed a bit with unwilling feeling, hidden behind bright red face.

'What have I done? Why? Gosh... so embarrassing... but I don't want you to leave me. I want to stay here with you for a bit more.'

"Come visit me the next summer!" - however she knew better than show all her hurtful feelings and desperation. And he knew better than try and read her with Vibe. She never wanted for him to worry more, after everything he had been through. Somehow Fleur found his heart being very strong from one perspective, but from the other – fragile as if it was hanging on a thread. One snap and it will be broken in pieces.

It made her fearful and even her hands gripped his clothes in worry.

"Yeah, I will." - he nodded and let go of her in one smooth move. - "Until we meet again, Fleur."

"Yeah." - she said in small voice, looking at his back while he went away.

I decided to upload the whole France story at once as it was written that way and actually very hard to divide in chapters.

Greymarkcreators' thoughts