
Alan: Tale of Origin Blood

A story of a boy, who tried to find his origins. A tale of worlds giving him more questions than answers. And a path of life that sneered at it. Current world: Witcher. Note: I own only characters and events of my own creation. It is a fan-fic story of HP/Witcher worlds. Chapters mostly 1,5k+. . . . Some facts about MC that confuse people: 1) He is a kid. A real kid and not an adult in child body how someone might think. But he has knowledge about some things. To understand what it all means read auxiliary chapter, Eternal Mind awakening explanation. 2) Amalgal is an AI. He is a program that is strictly regulated by his own creators and thus he is not some helping grandpa. He can't do much. To learn more read auxiliary chapter under category Amalgal.

Greymark · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
181 Chs

Butcher of Buki. (Part 4)

She wasn't afraid while fighting the monster, neither she dreaded to be captured by a human named Tanhir as she just needed time to recuperate. But now fear found its way into her still young heart.

'My father warned me to stay cautious around people, but never hate them. And I did just that. Was I wrong? What did I do wrong to deserve death? I just wanted to help, to rid this place of a monster that can kill everyone inside the town.'

She can't understand why this human took out his silver sword and aimed it at her, but currently she was very weak. Wounds that another form sustained were horrendous, as the young girl lacked experience in fighting, unlike that monster.

She just closed her eyes, awaiting pain, but it never came. Instead a sound of clanging chains being cut tugged her hearing.

"Why are you so surprised?" - asked a young man. - "We don't hunt dragons, Saesenthessis, only monsters." - and with that he ruffled her head with a hand, while giving a smile.

It was the most genuine smile young dragoness ever saw on a face of a human... and non-human alike. But then, she registered what young witcher said and looked at him with wide eyes full of astonishment.

"H-How... my true name... how?" - she was red like a tomato now and very nervous.

'Oops, what a blunder. I didn't know it is something so intimate for them.' - Alan saw her thoughts a bit that currently portraying a perfect mess. The main point is, if it wasn't her, than her father or mother who told the young man her true name. In dragons culture, that is completely unknown to even witchers, such act of parents means a betrothal.

"I'm a seer. I can see and know some things, Saskia." - said Alan his same story of being able to see the future and know things.

"Hmm..." - she was clearly way more knowledgeable than Ciri and didn't believe him outright, but for lack of another explanation decided to think of it as truth. - "So, what happens now?"

"You are surprisingly calm."

"I'm not. But my father used to say that in dire situation cool head helps better than rash one." - she said and tried to stand up, but clearly was too weak to do that. Bitting her lip dragoness went down to the rough bed again.

"Now I guess we need to get you out of here, but what will you do after that? I bet you already know that dragons are like a treasure trove for hunters. And although your kind is very powerful, you are in no way invincible." - actually Alan thought of simply escorting her to the woods and leaving there. She is not some little human, she will manage. That, of course, if she didn't catch some unnecessary attention.

But she did survive somehow up to second witcher game. And the main culprit for that is an elf Alan has no intentions to meet, not after the blew up the passage.

"I want to go to Pontar Valley." - Saskia said with certainty.

"Pontar?" - Alan heard a lot about this land, separating two countries of the North, the largest in territory, Kaedwen, and the birthplace of Yennefer, Aedirn. - "You do know that this place is in constant state of territory war between the two countries, right? What are you trying to achieve going there?"

"Dragons are creatures of power and peace. I think I can find my own path there. A place where I might belong to." - she said quietly but firmly.

'And I think you will find there only blood, death and the ugliest depiction of human nature.'

Alan wanted to say something like that aloud, but then all the knowledge of her results came to him.

'She really will build it. A whole city of equality for all humans and non-humans. Albeit her reputation will be damaged somehow because of working with Iorweth, but not to the point where she suffers significant loss. She will be a creator of Vergen. The Virgin of Aedirn, Saskia the Dragonslayer. Vergen hope and leader of people who got tired of oppression and constant discrimination.'

However, Pontar Valley is a region torn with never ending conflict of two countries. It is a territory of constant dispute, as the ones who controls it will take in their hands all trade routes from eastern and southern kingdoms of the North. Ironically, it is a place of as many merchants as there were bandits, because trade with Temeria and Redania goes mainly through Flotsam and Pontar river.

"You, dragons, are really strange people. Some flee from war, others participate in it or use it. But you go there with clear aim to help locals find peace." - sighed Alan.

"Strange..." - she said with unknown emotion swirling inside. - "You called us 'people', not 'creatures'."

"Slip of the tongue, Saskia."

"Never the less, a very notable one." - she nodded. Talking to her, albeit similar in age to Ciri, was anything but the same. She was sharp and knowledgeable, however still remained somewhat naive. Was it the so called memory of blood that dragons have from birth? Maybe. Or maybe they learn and grow up differently from humans in the first place.

"Saskia, I want to ask you something. Do you see my medallion?"

"A strange one. It has a connection to my kind and through it one can seek out dragons. I know little about it, my father never told me the history of witchers and their Order. But he once said that if I ought to know, I will, otherwise it is not my burden to carry."

Her answer was pretty clear.

"A pity." - Alan said. He wanted to know something about School of Dragon from her, but it seems who he really needs to talk to is none other but Villentretenmerth, her father and just a nice guy Borch Three Jackdaws, the golden dragon who likes booze in good company and women from Zarikania.

'At least I know that green connection leads to dragons and there are three in total. Can it be, that they are all that's left of once proud lords of the continent?'

"What you need to know though, is that not all dragons are connected to it, only of golden lineage. I can tell, as I'm a bronze dragon, my mother is a green dragoness Myrgtabrakke. Only part of me reacted to it." - said Saskia finally, giving Alan food for some thinking. She moved uncomfortably, hissing in pain due to injuries.

"I can try to heal you."

"No use. We are very resistant to magic and any potions that contain it. If one wants to heal a dragon with spells, huge amount of mana will be required to the task." - she just shook her head. - "Even if you are capable of such a feat, spells of that magnitude won't go unnoticed and mage from Ban Ard who travels with the caravan will surely notice. I doubt you can fight him and his monster beast simultaneously. They will kill you, witcher." - the last word she pronounced with clear pressure.

"Me name is Alan Violergos. Just call me Alan." - Saskia showed no reaction at his taken surname and Alan sighed a bit. He specifically chose the introduction with the name of his unknown father to see, if it could cause reaction from anyone and provide a lead on new knowledge about his past.

Obviously not today and not from Saskia.

"Alan, the witcher and a mage. I will remember your name, the one who doesn't hunt dragons." - she said firmly. - "And one cheap advice. Be very cautious around the caravan. They go to Temeria, as for the purpose of it – I don't know."

Alan nodded.

"Should I help you escape?"

"No. I'm capable of doing it on my own." - she said and stood up. Although still feeling pain, Saskia was able to walk with firm steps.

He gave her a pouch with money, which girl didn't refuse, and soundlessly walked out of the bathhouse.

"A manticore and a mage who controls it through magic binding." - he mumbled to himself. - "It can create some real trouble."