

Kai carper was brought in by an outer god that created a world where there is a conflict going on. He was sent in as a human that has D-generation abilitys within him. The reason his existence would create conflict is because the god of their world never truly created a D generation of power users. In a world where there is people that fight against the demons and the demons that fight back for the flesh they love to eat. There's a section that fights against both and with both.

Oaks_lad · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

The nightmare continent

A kid was running through the rain desperately screaming for help. She fell to the ground as she looked at the water streaming through her hands.

She opened her eyes to see a pair of army boots in front of her. She slowly brings her head up to see a very tall man with a long black coat and a white mask the mask had nothing but a very detailed mouth on it.

The little girl sniffed the air and looked up at him in fear and confusion. She crawled towards him and grabbed onto his pants leg and coat.

"What is it child." a deep echoed voice rumbled from the mask. The straps on the coat fluttered in the rain behind them. He sniffed the air one time and instantly started moving.

In an alleyway, a single middle-aged woman was attempting to fight off three white-coated people, it was clear she wasn't a fighter as the men took turns getting hits in on her.

"That will be all." the voice rumbled from the man in the black coat that stood watching from the shadows with the mask on his face. The white-coated men stopped rather quickly before turning towards the tall man that was easily 6'7 or more.

"Black-coated bastard! Kill him then kill the woman." two of the men took a dash at the man before a gust of wind made the surroundings crumble around them. The men quickly stopped their attack and retreated to the opposite end of the ally as it collapsed in on the area

--three hours later--

'That family they should be good now. I need to make up for the time I can't be late on the first day." the man kept walking. It's been his 3rd year in this world and he has a grasp on how it works to a certain degree. He chose one of the three sides he wanted to be on.

'I had training before this but I'm quite shaken up now that in actually gonna be working in the fields.' he walked to a door of a building named "company black" that he hesitated to open. He straightened up his coat and his gloves, he even went through the trouble to make sure his mask was on straight.



Kai walked into the office and the receptionist lady stared at him with a slightly frightened face.

"Where is Mr. Timothy," the man said as he scratched the back of his head and leaned towards her eye level. The woman slowly pointed towards the door that was down the hall. He nodded and began to walk down the hall, he opened the door to see 6 people dressed in black clothes that were all different. in a large open room with a singular long table along with another two doors in the both right and left corners of the room. They all had pulled out their weapons that all looked equally different.


"Hold it! He's with us!" a muscular man with a black version of an army uniform burst into the room yelling. Everyone gave him a confused look as they kept their weapons pointed at the man.

One of the girls that were pointing her weapons at the man's eyes widened

"You mean this is Kai! The new recruit!" she looked at the captain before the man responded to her question with haste in an attempt to calm the situation down.

"Yes, that would be me... Kai" he spoke slowly and calmly, they all lowered their weapons and took deep breaths. Everyone turned toward the captain with an irritated look on their face. He let out an awkward smile as he waved at Kai.

"Go look around the place Kai." the man said as Kai walked past all the people before opening the door and walking into the next room.


Kai walked into a room that looked to be a dining room. He messed with his black hair that went down and stopped at his neck. He looked around and memorized every nook and grant of the room before moving to the next door that leads to the weapons.

Kai knew why they pulled their weapons out so quickly, Kai is barely human the only thing human about him was his mind, his body was completely mutated beyond that of a human but yet he was a demon. He didn't need to consume flesh like other demons. The monsters of this world can't survive on anything but the flesh of humans. Nothing else and nothing more.

"Hey, Kai you can come back now!" he stopped looking around and turned towards the door he came from and opened it. Slowly he walked into the room.

"Well buddy we know you just got here but I'm sure the agency already told you we have a special mission for you when you got here." the captain walked over to the table in the middle that had a stockpile of documents on it and grabbed one that was spaced off from the rest.

"Well, basically you already know you are not like the rest of us. But that's beside the point your mission is to head to the nightmare district where the company red is. It seems they have been doing bad business that has taken multiple innocent lives. The bastards are strong as hell so as you see! We with our small group can't just bust in there and they've basically been calling shots for a while now and the stronger black company agency's have been dealing with more than they can handle already so they can't share us an elite solder or two." he handed kai the document. Before moving back toward the table.

"They said you're a special case when they sent you here so I hope you could help us put a bit! even if you give us just a little bit of information on the matter would work! Will you need a weapon? We have many to spare in the armory room." he pointed at the door he just came out of.

"No that won't be necessary for the time being. This is kinda confusing the boss told me everyone on the nightmare continent was strong why can't y'all deal with this matter?" Kai awaited an answer as he folded the document up and stuffed it into the neck of his coat.

"We are strong but sometimes we run into foes even stronger or smarter than us at some point in time." after hearing this Kai nodded and walked out the door slowly.

"I'll begin tomorrow as soon as the day breaks." he shut the door and walked down the hall and toward the main exit. He gave the receptionist lady a slight nod as he passed by her.


Kai made a slight noise as he blocked the sun from his vision. He was confused about how the sun would get so bright after such heavy rain had fallen earlier.

"I need my new mask to come in soon. I want to at least be kinda color coordinated. Wow, I still can't believe I'm done with that ruthless training I even got verified so the other soldiers of my company can't immediately shoot me without checking to see if I am with them. If they do it's death!" he walked down the sidewalk sticking out from anywhere he walked like a sour thumb from his height.

"From what I heard about this continent I was expecting to run into foes at almost every minute. They made it sound like a constant battlefield. But it's only my first day I can't judge a book by its cover and plus it's only daytime." he let out some groans as he posted his neck as he kept walking towards an apartment.

"You know what they say the freaks come out at night" he opened the apartment door and closed it quickly before sitting down on the bed and pulling the document back out from his coat collar.

- Red coats on the outskirts of the nightmare district has a new leader that has been abusing their power and taking innocent lives. They have been fending off the lesser units and have been doing just less enough where they're is not a big enough problem for the higher-ups to care about them"



He placed the paper into a pocket

"Should be interesting. Please entertain me tomorrow."