
Ajẹ (Witch)

My name is Miri, I'm an ajẹ...... Born a witch, raised a human, lived like an abomination. My story is dark, wild, bloody and beautiful, such is the life, of an ajẹ

Seyfost · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs


Fig who had escaped his cave, was looking at the battle between the witches and his precious wendigos, he had wished he could escape with the beasts, but he could not afford to be traveling around with a horde of wendigos. He watched the battle and he thanked his stars he didn't have to face Kim, she alone was worth over a hundred wendigos on her own, she cut through the wendigos like a piece of cake. He knew if they fought, it would be a very close battle.. Even though he himself was quite strong magically, fighting was not something he really loved doing. Since the battle was almost over, Fig decided to leave, although he had lost alot of things since he abandoned his lab, he had gained the most valuable intel. One that was big enough to restore all that he lost.

Immediately he took a step to take his leave he was stopped by two women he had hoped he would never have to face even if he lived a thousand lifetimes. Lilith looked at Fig with a bored expression,

"who would have thought someone would have duplicated the amulet, this should be the sixth one right"?

"Yes, the sixth and final one, and let's hope he is not as foolish as the previous five". Anne replied

"The fourth one was quite hilarious, he thought sand pokers were really top of the food chain, like really, those toys"? Lilith replied.

Fig's head was already spinning in top gear, "Queen Lilith queen of the demons, and Lucianne the Queen of witches are right in front of me, oh I'm going to die..."

"You"! Lilith said pointing to Fig

"Yes?" he replied like a soldier

"Are you the one with the amulet that can control beasts"?.

"Yes, uhn... No" Fig stammered

"Calm down demon Lucianne said to Fig, we only want the name of the person that sold it to you. And we'll also be taking the fake amulet back".

"Fake? It's the real one, I've been using it for a while now".

"We've heard that same thing five times today, and they all turned out to have been played, the amulet is more powerful than just manipulating a few beasts. It has more power than you can even imagine, now tell us where you got it from else we force it out of you".

"'Okay, I got it in the demon lands, at an underground auction house, it was said that there would be an item of great power sold under the guise of down crystals, the amulet was what was really being sold."

"Was the name of this auction house, grey Stones" Lilith asked

"Yes" Fig replied

"Just like the other five."

"It seems we have a even bigger problem than we thought. The auction house you claimed to have bought this doesn't exist. It was just a front". Lucianne said

"Now for my own question? Who gave you the right to cause me uneccessary problems"? Lilith asked as she pointed her index finger towards Fig and chanted 'white death', after which Fig's scream filled the whole forest.

Lucianne took the amulet from Fig's corpse and destroyed it. She immediately began walking towards the direction of Fig's cave. "Are you coming"? She asked Lilith who was busy staring at something.


Kim and the others had already started cleaning up in the end, although some of the were injured, there were no life threatening wounds to any of the witches, After a while, Clara and the others came out with a weak Miri. Kim immediately she saw Miri approached her god daughter and began to check her condition, the young girl was fine altogether, but she was in shock, she had been kidnapped and torchured so she was still shaky from the whole ordeal. Kim noticed there was something different about Miri, but due to the fact that her body was getting accustomed to the fact that she could now practice magic, the blood witch could not fully discern what the issue about Miri was. "Kim faced Clara after tending to Miri.

"What about the demon and Gvens?".

"The demon is gone and Gvens is dead".

"What?, did the demon kill him"

"No, Miri claimed she did and though I don't think she has the ability to break someone's neck in such a manner,I mean, it makes more sense if the demon did it, but the girl claims she did it".

Kim widened her eyes at the new revelation and she immediately turned to Miri and started checking her magical core only to noticed it was beaming with magic.

"Oh no..." Kim said, but her nightmare was yet to be over when she heard Lucianne's voice.

"What happened here Kim"? Lucianne asked

It only took a look for Lilith and Anne to notice that two of Miri's locks have been unlocked. She didn't know how but she could only guess Kim had somehow messed up and even worse, Lilith was here, the worst possible person that could have set her eyes on Miri was Lilith.

"Lady Anne". All the witches immediately recognized their leader and bowed, including Kim.

"Mom!" Miri called out.

"My Love" Anne replied as she held Miri and began to examine her, as if she hadn't gotten all the information she needed.

"Ohhh, so this is the child that all members of the council want to bite each others neck for, I can understand why that is now, just two of her locks were unlocked and she's giving off an insanely powerful magic. It like nothing I've ever seen. If she was to fully be free of her shackles, then she'll be...."

"I don't know what happened here but I bet you'll have some explaining to do Anne, I and the council will await your explanation" Lilith said as she immediately began to disappear.

Tsk, Anne knew exactly what Lilith meant, The demon queen was never a huge fan of the council for obvious reasons, she was using that Same council she was always at odds with to threaten Lucianne. This meant Lilith had her own plans on using Miri. Something Lucianne was never going to let happen.

Lucianne looked and Kim and only spoke one word.
