
Ain Soph Aur: The Holy Maiden's wish (DxD X Fate Fic)

Everyone is aware of the three-way war between angels, devils, and fallen angels but what sparked such bloodbath that leads devils’ annihilation. Read the story of a mysterious boy and his journey with Jeanne d’Arc, the holy maiden whose selfish wish became a disaster for the supernatural of the DxD world. ---- Now then here is my other work. I will try to write and make this story as much good as my previous one so please remain positive. I have no idea if I could even add a harem of DxD standard but I will try. Please note that most of the story will follow a timeline before 500 years old war. MC will be weak but soon become incredibly strong so don’t even try to complain about it. --- English is not my first language. Nothing in the story belongs to me. Even I don’t belong to society. Important!: Various mythologies will be discussed that include some religious figures so if you find anything inappropriate or offending, please let me know. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan Discord: https://discord.gg/vfWgNbskJt

J_Titan · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Chapter 22: First Kill!

(Mael's POV)

I knew that there was something wrong with the supernatural world when Eliza refused to talk about it. Devils indeed exist as it was not hard for me to recognize them since two were right in front of me.

They looked more or less the same as humans but they had bat wings and a domineering aura around them. Just by looking at their appearance, I could tell that they were stronger than me.

Plus, they were the same people I had seen in the village when I was a child. Does that mean that they were searching for something even before Jeanne became a saint?


I widened my eyes and I instantly summarize the incoming danger: Jeanne was in danger!

"Alright, I will not delay any more. I am Dick Chuken." The tallest one introduced himself as Dick. If not for my injury, I would have burst into laughter but I had to think of a way out.

"And I am Pike Sullen." It was the short one and man I didn't know how the hell I even stopped myself to laugh at their funny name.

The hell? Dick and Pike!? What the hell their parents were thinking when they named them?!

"And here is the game. We will give you 10 seconds to run from us before we will begin our hunt. How does that sound?"


I was in terrible pain as my hand was swollen from the previous attack and it even stopped working.

They wanted to hunt me like an animal!

I had the urge to attack them or buy some time to investigate their aim but neither I had time nor strength for it. My main objective was to find Jeanne and make an escape but before that, I had to get rid of those two bats.

I reluctantly nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go!" Dick chuckled and shook his hand.

Without even waiting, I gathered all my energy and made a run.

They think they are superior but I will show them how wrong they are for underestimating me. I will take revenge for Robbie.


(3rd Person's POV)

"Man, this human is really weak." Dick smiled and shook his head before unsheathing his sword.

"Boss, is that okay to give him time?" Pike asked in worry. If he was able to get away before them, it was their number next to be slain by their superiors.

"Relax, how far can he even run? He is already weak after losing his arm. Anyway, I will be on my way." Dick was about to run after Mael but Pike stopped him.

"Not fair boss! You are always the one to take the first bite."

"Why you!?"

"How about we decide the turn with the flip of a coin? I will lend you my sister to enjoy when we return." Pike blinked his eye. He will be going to be promoted so he wouldn't need his family and easily could enjoy the freedom of life. After all, devil flesh was more befitting to lust than weak humans.

"I also want your little brother too. Deal!" Dick nodded and then took out a coin.

(AN: Rock, paper, scissors had not been invented at that time, I think.)

He tossed the coin but unfortunately lost.

"Yes! Boss, then I am off!" Pike left waving his hand.

"Fucking prick." Dick shook his head as he knew Pike was just acting cute but was one scheming devil.

On the other side of the thick forest, Mael was panting heavily with dark bags under his eyes. Even though he somehow managed to stop the bleeding, he had already lost too much blood. He wouldn't be surprised if those scums can find him in no time by tailing the traces of his drops of blood.

However, he refused to give devils an easy time.

"Huff* Jeanne, Eliza… Please be safe." He prayed for his loved ones one last time before formulating the plan as his eyes fell on a Poison Dart Frog.

He took out an arrow and crushing the frog with the arrow tip.

Poison Dart Frogs were not hard to distinguish as one could identify by their brightly colored bodies.

However, small they seem, they were one of the most poisonous amphibians in the world where a person could die by just touching these creatures.

Even though he was not facing humans, he didn't want to give up on the chance.

"You freaking demons! I will show you the consequence of messing with my life!! Well, either of us will not come out alive to tell the tails."

Mael smirked and decided to run a little more. He picked his bow and pulled the arrow using his mouth and activated Emperor's Eyes.

"Sigh* Looks like this game will end soon. I wonder if Dick knows about my affair with his mother though." Pike was walking idly as he was just following the traces of blood.

According to info, although the human named Mael was an exceptionally good archer, he is not strong as his peers in terms of strength and also has one major weakness which is losing stamina after a certain period.

He had already screwed up when he visited the village along with Dick to investigate the oracle where Mael and Jeanne slipped right before their eyes. This time he will make up with his boss, Francois Marbas, by hunting down Mael and killing him when he will be the lowest depth of despair.

Such distorted and corrupted soul would surely please Demon Kings!

"Whaaat? Give up so easily…?" Pike frowned when he saw a hand glove lying before a bush with blood rushing out from the body.

He knew that the human will not last long but didn't expect him to die this early. But the game is not ended yet as he could sense Mael's body heat as well his struggle from shivering of the bushes.

"Hello human, are you alive? Because I still would like to torture you and taste your soul~" Pike idly walked towards Mael to kill him and absorb the soul but-

'What the?!'

It was not human but a deer struggling to escape from the trap and the hand was actually just a glove!

"Hello, demon scum. Sucks for you I am alive and kicking."

Just as he heard those words, Pike immediately took the guard before turning his head and look at Mael, however-


An arrow penetrated right into his eye.

"Aarg..!" He screamed in pain as the arrow pierced through his skull. Although it avoided direct contact with the brain, he will surely die if he didn't get treatment.

It seemed like that human knew when and where Pike will turn around. Does that mean, the human named Mael could see the future? Sacred Gear?

And what's more, his body had been paralyzed! How? What kind of poison is that?!!

"Must have lots of questions like how could this weak human could trick and trap a devil, right?" From a distance, Mael slowly emerged dragging a sword with his left hand.

A sneer could also be seen on his face as he walked towards the soon-to-be-dead devil.

Although he knew that devils are stronger than an average human, they have a stupid tendency to look down on every race. These creatures are arrogant with huge pride and that's why sometimes even humans can kill them.

It was something Eliza had taught Mael when he pestered study devil's general perspective.

In short, they are cocky idiots.

Even though he had been seen using his right hand only, Mael was, in fact, ambidextrous.

(AN: Means, he can work with both hands simultaneously.)


Pike fell on his knees helplessly after spending all of his energy to move or scream for help. Mortally wounded and poisoned, he can only ask the human for mercy.

"Mercy you say?" Mael stopped in front of Pike and raised his sword.

"Too bad, I am not in a mood to explain my plans to the enemy. I aint a beta male of cliché fanfic."



With a clear swing, Pike's head slipped his neck before silently falling to the ground.

What kind of power Mael has? Why they weren't aware of it? Who is he?

With these questions in mind, Pike could only see the last sight of this human

However, one thing is for sure, the human named Mael is not normal.

(AN: No sh*t Sherlock!)

"Sigh* Freaky Devil Genotype." Mael sighed before he resumed his run towards the outpost to pick more weapons.

Pike had underestimated Mael and that's the main reason Mael was able to kill Pike easily. However, he can't be sure if he can trick Dick too.

But even so, Mael will not stop until he killed the last one before making his way towards where Jeanne was.


Just throw all the stones on my face and help me write exciting content.

Lets set a goal: 1k for the end of this week.



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