
Interlude (3)

Wang Qi wasn't really feeling it today to answer the longread from her family. She had been meditating the Ice Mantra of her sect with a few of her fellow sect sisters when the call came.

Obviously, if she chided the junior sister that she didn't want to answer today and was busy practising, she would carry the message over the longread to her family. Wang Qi couldn't do that.

That would make her an unfilial daughter after everything her parents endured to get her here. So she decided she would listen to them again about whatever proposal they had. And she would deliberately delay whatever proposal they would come up with again.

In a way that would make her unfilial too, as she was doing it deliberately over months, but as far as her current circumstances allowed her, she could only do that.

With a heavy heart, she stood up and proceeded to rush towards the communication chambers.