
215 Left Hand of Calamity (1)

The red demon-masked assassin was full of killing intent, blatantly showing that he was after Gale's blood.

Gale dodged the assassin's attacks and kept his distance while his three companions regrouped. With this, Gale's requirements were met, as he proceeded to unleash the storm. He knew he could only do this one last time and was determined to make the most of it when all those who came for him regrouped.

As the storm intensified, Gale did not need to reach for the sky to tap into its power. He flew from one tree to another, his arms wide, emitting most of his Qi, trying to connect with the natural disaster.

He released the power of Stormsong completely, utilising the common ground of power to draw on its energy to intensify the storm.

The assassin noticed the changes in the air around him and pursued Gale, relentlessly, showering him with arrows and violent abilities. Suddenly, the red demon appeared from nowhere and faced Gale from the opposite direction.