
190 Void-Lock (5)



"Quit acting like a virgin maiden," Saarya said impatiently, "I don't have all day."

I was completely out of my depth as I heard her. I thought about acting cool, but it was immensely hard to do that when you're red like a tomato. And worse of all, my manhood wasn't making it any easier.

Saarya narrowed her eyes at me as if assessing my body language.

"Don't tell me," she was stunned as a grin spread on her lips, "you're a virgin."

"No," I said almost immediately. I lost the battle there, not to mention the tone wasn't even enough to convince myself, much less someone else.

Saarya wasn't laughing at me for my blunder, but that grin stuck to her lips the whole time led me to groan out in frustration.

"Fine," I said, gritting my teeth. "I'm a virgin. What of it?"

"Nothing," Saarya said, still with that smile. "I just thought it was funny."

"What's funny about it?" I croaked, glowering at her. "I'm not that old, only eighteen. . ."