
174 Saarya (5)

"What I'm going to teach you now is the fundamentals of everything you'll learn about spirit arts," Saarya said, moving around him. "Pay close attention to it, if you miss something ask me. Don't guess your way to an answer."

I listened to her carefully from my position on the ground. I was already hyped to get the restriction off my mind, but learning she was going to teach me something important, I exerted all my effort to learn that.

"Cycling the energy through your core is the first and most essential step of cultivating spirit arts," Saarya continued.

"So basically, it is the way to move the Qi?" I asked, unsure.

"And to accumulate more Qi," Saarya added as I swallowed my breath. "Now, there are countless ways to cycle, but the explanation behind them was just about the same. Drawing energy into your body and making them your own, through the process.