
158 Offensive Arts (3)

The needle pulsed with momentum, shooting through the air to pierce the ironwood target right in the middle. It went straight through the target, creating a finger-sized hole in the ironwood.

Xiaolin swallowed her breath. That's a sixteen-split Qi needle. That was the number she had to reach to defeat Han Xiao. Well, her master said, sixteen is enough to defeat most iron rankers, even the elites. And Han Xiao didn't make the list in his opinion.

That was a great thing for her to hear, but the fact remained: she was still miles away from that number.

"Do you want me to show this a few more times?" Gale asked.

Xiaolin did her best impression of a woodpecker.

Gale obliged her by showing everything from start to finish a few times. He dissected the whole art into parts and spoon-fed everything to her. Even with that, many take months of practice to get a hold of the 2 splits.