
157 Offensive Arts (2)

"Even though most of them don't involve Qi, it is the initial training splitting your mind to multitask stuff."

Xiaolin blinked. Even though she knew it was for her own good, she felt cheated somehow.

For about a whole week, Gale had made her do irrelevant errands, solving all sorts of puzzles and maths. She thought most of them to amuse themselves. Gale finally gave her the green light to practise Qi through physical arts after her injury, but he would always put her through all sorts of problems when she was cycling Qi at her normal speed.

"Of course, you're barely a beginner in this," Gale reminded her. "So, now I'll teach you how to do it through visualising Qi. . ."

The theory behind it was simple. Visualise the first image in your head and concentrate on it completely. Get used to it for a few minutes, not hurry. Impatience is the first enemy of spirit arts. Just keep at it until you're at peace with it.