
110 Split (4)

"If only I had motivated her to keep on seeking the martial path back then when she came to me, all those years ago," Grandma lamented.

Xiaolin bit her lips after hearing everything that happened in sequential order. Apparently, Gu Dong, Wang Li's spouse, had been constantly frustrated, not getting what he wanted in life. He came from a humble family and had almost nothing to show for his background.

However, he was particularly talented and headstrong about spirit arts from a young age. He came from a neighbouring village, hearing Grandma Wang give lessons to a young practitioner free of cost.

Gu Dong cashed in well there, standing out from all the pupils and even achieving iron rank in a few years, though most of it had to do with him getting on the good side of Wang Li when they were still both young. That eventually led to the proposal of marriage.