
068 Ain't the One (2)

That's a bit cynical for a girl of her age, though he couldn't say it was a bad thing. Gale couldn't help but wonder what she had gone through to become this cynical.

Through the conversation, Gale invited her inside the house. Weirdly, she hadn't asked about all the wealth she probably had seen the last time she escaped from the house. Perhaps she deemed it inappropriate to ask about someone else's belongings.

Well, she hadn't taken anything. She was too proud to do something so low.

"Anyway, Mysterious Farmer Expert, or possibly his doppelgänger," Sumei addressed with a smile. "Do you have anything this unfortunate girl can accomplish?"

"So that you can pay back the debt?" Gale asked. He moved to clean the dishes and bowls on the kitchen. He asked her about tea or other beverages, which politely declined, as she would depart soon enough.
