
Status: Calm

"Okay, so let me get this right. You've been making the technology that can 'be the dawning of a new era', like a nerd, and you haven't told me shit?" Mal breaks the silence that came over him and Luke while Luke was driving them to the testing compound.

"Hey, this *nerd* got you a job, be happy. Also, yeah. Four years is a long time man. Especially with the government giving you a ton of funding to pursue your dream." Luke laughs, remembering the look on Mal's face as he described what the "job" entailed.

"Four years is not that long of a time when you're tinkering on the human body, man. I mean, I hardly understand anything you told me back in the apartment. What about the neurons you're tapping into? Are you going to be frying my CNS for your fun science project backed by daddy Government?"

Luke laughs, "Your central nervous system will be fine. Your peripherals though… ehhh. Minor problems for the progression of miracles."

"What?! I thought you said it was safe! The nodes have safety mechanisms don't they?!"

Luke's laugh is loud now, barely giving him time to breathe and respond, "It is safe! Really! We just haven't been able to test it before the paperwork went through, so you'll be the first to go through the full human trial. Look, do you want me to go through the procedure again? You got far enough in college, you should be able to judge how bad it will be."

"Gah, fine. Let me go through this trauma again. What's happening to me in like a week?"

"Alright, so first, the name: Neural Interface and Modification System. Government called it Operation Biological Dawn, but that's ridiculous. Also, the only reason you know that is because your security clearance got renewed and bumped up. You'll have to sign the paperwork and take the oath later on."

"Oh for the love of… I have to take that oath now? You know that means I'll never be able to find a girlfriend, right?" Mal snickers at the mention of another oath. The last one he took led him to four years of boredom and slight misery. The not paying for college part was worth it though.

"Hah! Like you could find one anyways, you fucking nerd. But, seriously, you have to take the oath to participate, and if you don't, we'll have to hold you until we can release the research to the public. Government rules, not mine. Anyways, I'll only tell you what we tell the prospects, so I don't get in trouble when you start blabbing. The gist of this project is that we're developing a way for us to interact with the human body using the neurons present in the neck, with some backups along the rest of the body. Mainly, this means we need to intercept the transmission of signals from the brain through the cervical spine, which could cause irreparable damage if not done carefully or the site is agitated. Don't pick at the device when it's implanted, we made sure it had a sensor that would shock the shit out of you if you try."

"That's… dude. Why?! What if it's not me?!"

"You'll still get shocked so you back away from whatever it is that's threatening the device. You'll get used to it. Anyways, the program we've got for you is basically a video game. We'll put you under, implant the device and the peripherals, suspend you in a goop chamber, then, you'll go in, play around a bit, finish the game, and bam! Done with the trial."

"How long will this take?"

"Dunno. A month, maybe two?"

"Dude, what?! I'll die by then!"

"Nah. We're keeping your vitals stable and ensuring your body gets everything it needs. You'll be hooked up to a ton of catheters, so if you do wake up, don't panic. Everything you do will be monitored, so try not to go too crazy. We've also seen some shit, so don't worry about us judging you. Maybe me, but that's not new."

"Yeah, you're kind of an ass."

"Makes two of us! Oh hey, there's the gate. We'll get you in, get your temps, and then we'll get underway. Just don't say anything stupid and you'll get in." Luke digs a card out of his pocket that seems more thick than normal badges and presents it to the guard at the gate. "Hey Irvin! Get any sleep this morning?"