
Chapter 1: Introduction

In the sprawling metropolis of Paraiso, where skyscrapers pierced the heavens and neon lights danced through the night, Rai navigated the bustling streets with a sense of purpose. With each step, he felt the weight of responsibility resting upon his shoulders—a responsibility born from a power he had only recently discovered.

Rai was an Awakener—a term coined for those who had unlocked latent abilities beyond human comprehension. His job class, a closely guarded secret known only to a select few, was that of a Unique Enchanter. With the ability to imbue objects with autonomous attack or defense skills, Rai possessed a rare and formidable gift.

It all began with the emergence of the gates—interdimensional portals through which monstrous creatures poured forth into the world. Immune to conventional weapons, these creatures brought chaos and destruction in their wake, threatening the very fabric of society.

But where there is darkness, there is also light. As the gates continued to spawn horrors beyond imagination, humanity began to awaken to powers long dormant within them. Among them was Rai, who discovered his abilities in a moment of desperation—a moment when the fate of his loved ones hung in the balance.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Rai joined the ranks of the Awakeners, dedicating himself to the defense of Paraiso and the eradication of the otherworldly threats that loomed on the horizon. Alongside his fellow Awakeners, Rai ventured into the heart of danger, facing untold perils with courage and determination.

As the months passed and the battles raged on, Rai distinguished himself among his peers, rising through the ranks from a humble D-class Awakener to a formidable force to be reckoned with. Yet, even as he honed his abilities and earned the respect of his comrades, Rai harbored a secret—a secret that he dared not reveal for fear of drawing unwanted attention.

For Rai knew that his unique class, the Unique Enchanter, was a rare and coveted gift—one that could tip the scales of power in the ongoing struggle against the forces of darkness. And so, he kept his abilities hidden, biding his time until the moment was right to reveal himself to the world.

But as the gates continued to appear, their numbers multiplying with each passing day, Rai realized that the time for hiding in the shadows was drawing to a close. With each new threat that emerged from the depths of the gates, Rai felt a fire burning within him—a fire fueled by a determination to rise above his station, to become an S-class Awakener, and to forge his own path as the guildmaster of his own destiny. And as he gazed out at the city of Paraiso, a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness, Rai knew that his greatest adventure was yet to come.