
AI Apocalypse

Velvatar, a very developed man-made island, life there is very peaceful and serene. Ai Robots and Humans are already familiar to the residents there. They have lived side by side like living with fellow human beings and some even got married. However, one day the Chinese state wanted to destroy the island. Taro and his wife Zoey know about it and they want to stop them. But they are facing the thing that is beyond their estimation, The virus that is corrupting the data of the AI main system then makes every single of the AI turn crazy and almost destroy that human's masterpiece. But then, Katajiro Zein. One of the mysterious people there is helping Both of that couple. Can they make it? {Just want to tell you guys, I have a main story called "The Amulet : Journey of Eternity". It will tell you guys who are the 11 people that are coming from nowhere in that place, so please support me by giving my stories vote, positive comments (well, I also respond to criticism that are not insulting) and also power stone to boost my story rank!! Sorry if I'm not able to continue this story properly... Warm Regards from me Bifrost Vengi a.k.a Zack Zein!}

BifrostVengi · แอคชั่น
8 Chs

Son of a Hero

Dad we're heading out! Said a teenager boy in a heavy and the voice of teenage boys in general. He straightened his golden gray alma mater and straightened his tie. And then the sound of a young girl running towards the oak door of the house was heard along with a squeaking sound from the opened door.

"Dian wait! Haa... Ha... Didn't I tell you that we should go together?"

"Ha... You know that you're always late don't you Freya?"

This is my younger sister, Freya. A girl in 156cm that works for an underground Idol, but her talent are almost the same as the high class Idol, She is always dying her hair. But now, she dyed it with pink and a little bit orange at the edge of her hair. Don't concluded that I was sufferer from a siscon, he was the one who always fussed with me about little details about himself. Of course, I also like a girl. She's in the same company as me, but let's get this topic out of the way for now. We then went outside from our house, the light of the sun that burned my skin immediately as if it said welcome to me and my sister, me and my sister then walked towards our first checkpoint place which is school. Waiting for my sister to filling up her presence list and then go to work. A hissing sound appeared in my left ear where a device was attached. A man's voice, which was a little stuttering, was then heard saying.

"I- W-We- We are running of ammo... those bastards- th-they AARRGGHH!!"

The sound of gunfire from an old model sub machine gun. I realized there was something odd here, I turned to my sister who was also listening to the same thing. We both nodded and then We ran into a rather large alley while taking a chip-like device and putting it on our shoulders. [System Synchronizing : Celestial Chipset type Z] I then click my middle finger into my palm and suddenly a man artificial voice could be heard said that.

"Dian : Exterminator is online."

"Freya : Starlight is online."

Freya then held my hand and we then entered a speed as fast as a comet, She saw a digital map that appeared on a virtual tablet which was initially shaped like a wooden twig. I see red and yellow dots on the map, You can see 4 yellow dots and 10 red dots surrounding the yellow dots. Freya then said.

"Bro, we need to hurry!"

"No need to be panick, we'll make it in no time!"

I took over from here, I carried Freya and then placed my feet on the wall of a building, then with all my strength I pushed my body using my feet. We then moved in a super high speed. The purple and blue dots seemed to move so fast on the map, those two dots were the two of us, about 300 meters closer to them. I then stopped at a building and turned my head slightly at the corner of the building which was in this narrow and dark alley. Seeing them laughing while raising their weapons to the sky, I saw from the gaps between their legs that 5 people looked lifeless and also 4 of the people who were still alive seemed hiding on a a large trash can covering the small hallway they could fit in. I nodded at my sister and then she touched my back.

{Gamma Wave Boost Activated}

This text appeared in my vision, my body felt very light. I walked a little to the middle without making any sound. Taking steps to run and. BAAM!!! The loud sound of my lightning kick hit the back of one of the criminals' head. Seeing their funny shocked faces, I then circled the body of this skinny man who almost fell and dropped a kick on the uncle with a body with excess fat. And then I I threw my two hands together and hit the head of the man on the left as hard as I could until he fell to the ground. When I almost reached the road a bullet flew towards my feet. Luckily my reflexes were good, I jumped and ran towards them and hit them one by one.

"Now there are only 4 people left huh..."

Two in the building were aiming at me using rail guns, one on the roof was preparing a grenade and the other was using a knife, ready to wait for the momentum. Obviously I'm not that stupid, I threw a portable grenade at the man in front of me and then I raised my hand and fired a plasma shot that aimed at the grenade. BOOM! At that time I then jumped over these two buildings in a zigzag manner and hit the rest of the criminals. I threw them out of these buildings and stacked them together and tied them with cables coming out of my forearm.

"Dian, you okay?"

"Who do you think I am, Freya?"

"D-Dian, is that you?"

"This voice... I knew it, it was you. Fiamma!"

The pub pleasantries started, I got some information about these mobs, They are members of a terrorist named Ziodacus. They want to rule the land of Velvatar for unknown reasons, my sister and I... maybe you have already guessed. Yes, that's right, we are secret agents lf the government. This place is now a country which also has its own continent, namely the Sundaland continent. So in short, progress in this place has come a long way compared to last year.

"Ohh yea, Fiamma. Any info about idol stage?"

"Ohh your sister's? Nah, I don't find any... But, I'll tell you when I have the info."

"Cool, we're going to our office! See ya around!!"

"See you around!"

And we went to our office which is where our parents used to work. Hotel of Xanadian this where we're working at now.

I wasn't planning to continue this story, but it seems there are some people who like it so I decided to continue it.

The children of Taro and Zoey are very strong and strong, especially their little sister who is a genius. Their biggest enemy in the world the entertainment industry is AI itself, they are the children of Auto intelligence (This is a term I created for the children of AI and also Humans, if that is possible.) They will have quite a hard time with alignment in their place, because in fact their mother Zoey was not designed to be an entertainment AI but rather a battlefield assistant. Just watch and I'll create a plot that you might have already guessed.

BifrostVengicreators' thoughts