

Dylan had always been a bit of a wild card. He was the type of guy who liked to live life on the edge, taking risks and pushing boundaries. He was also fiercely loyal to his friends, always willing to go the extra mile to make sure they were happy and taken care of.

On a warm summer evening, Dylan was hanging out with his friends at a local bar. Johnny, Rhys, Philip, Adam Met, Jack Met, Ryan Met, Koneko Toujou, Asia Argento, and Kunou were all there, laughing and joking around, enjoying each other's company.

Dylan had brought along a large bottle of Nurofen®, which he kept popping throughout the night. His friends didn't think much of it, assuming he had a headache or some other minor ailment.

As the night wore on, Dylan became increasingly agitated and restless. He started pacing back and forth, muttering to himself and twitching nervously. His friends tried to calm him down, but he seemed to be spiraling out of control.

At one point, Johnny asked him if he was okay. Dylan shrugged and mumbled something about feeling sick. Johnny suggested that he should go home and get some rest, but Dylan refused. He was determined to keep partying, no matter what.

The rest of the night was a blur. Dylan kept taking more and more Nurofen®, despite the protests of his friends. They tried to get him to stop, but he was too far gone. His behavior became increasingly erratic and unpredictable.

Finally, just before dawn, Dylan collapsed on the floor. His friends rushed to his side, trying to revive him, but it was too late...