

Title: What's the best way to help Johnny with his social anxiety and make him feel included in the group?

Johnny: Uh, wait a minute, are you talking about me? How did I end up in this Reddit thread? This is some meta-level stuff right here.

Adam Met: Hey Johnny, calm down, it's not a big deal. We're just trying to figure out how we can help you feel more comfortable around us.

Rhys Webster: Yeah, we're all friends here, Johnny. We want you to feel included in our group.

Jack Met: And we know you have ADD, Autism, and anxiety, but we don't want that to stop you from being a part of our fun times.

Kuroka: Perhaps we can try some icebreakers? Like asking each other silly questions or playing a group game?

Asia Argento: Or maybe we can invite Johnny to do things that he's interested in, like playing video games or watching anime.

Dylan Wood: Yeah, and we can also give him space when he needs it. Sometimes social situations can be overwhelming, and that's okay.

Le Fay Pendragon: It might also help if we talk to Johnny one-on-one and ask him how he's feeling. That way, he can open up to us without feeling like he's being put on the spot.

Ni: And we can also be patient with him. Making friends can be tough for anyone, but it can be especially challenging when you have anxiety.

Lilith: Exactly, and we want to make sure Johnny knows that we're here for him and that we care about him.

Johnny: Thanks guys, I really appreciate all of this. It means a lot to me that you all care.

Ava: Yeah, we all love you Johnny!

Serena: We're here to help and support you, so don't be afraid to tell us what you need.

Wolfychu: And we can also do things that aren't as overwhelming, like watching movies or taking walks.

Melwin: We'll find ways to have fun and include you, Johnny, no matter what.

Johnny: Wow, I didn't expect this. You guys are the best!