

Once upon a time, there was a person who always seemed to be caught in the middle of everything. Their friends would call them depressing for questioning the purpose of life, while others thought they were too happy because they still celebrated life's little moments. They were accused of being a sellout for having a job, but their work colleagues thought they were a hippie.

Despite all the criticism, this person kept on living life the way they wanted. They enjoyed getting high every now and then, but they weren't a full-blown hippie. They had pretty friends who called them ugly, and ugly friends who called them vain. But their smart friends always reminded them that they were special in their own way.

This person's life had become a constant struggle between who they were and who everyone else wanted them to be. They had to be somebody, but they didn't want to leave behind the life they had built for themselves.

They realized that the last time they had any fun was when they weren't anyone. Back when they didn't have to worry about other people's opinions or fitting in. They had just been themselves.

So, they decided to say goodbye to all the ordinaryish people in their life. They had had quite the run together, but it was time to move on. This person knew they had to be somebody sometime, but they didn't want to pack up and leave behind everything they had built.

They knew that when they were nobody, nobody minds. But they also knew that being nobody wasn't an option anymore. They had to be somebody, and they were going to do it their way. No more trying to please everyone or fit into some predetermined box.

With their head held high, they marched forward, ready to embrace their true self and everything that came with it. They were determined to be somebody, but they were also determined to do it on their own terms.